Saturday 9 February 2019

Zeichen von StarCraft - Wikipedia

Wichtige und wiederkehrende Charaktere aus der Serie der Science-Fiction-Militärs StarCraft sind unten aufgeführt und werden nach den jeweiligen Arten und am häufigsten zugehörigen Fraktionen innerhalb des fiktionalen Universums organisiert. Die Geschichte der Serie StarCraft dreht sich um interstellare Angelegenheiten in einem fernen Sektor der Galaxie, in der drei Arten um die Vorherrschaft kämpfen: die Terraner, eine stark fraktionierte zukünftige Version der Menschheit, der Protoss, eine theokratische Rasse von große psionische Fähigkeit; und die Zerg, eine insektoide Spezies, die von einer Hive-Mind-Person beherrscht wird. Die beiden letztgenannten Arten wurden von der Xel'Naga genetisch verändert, eine vierte Art, die man für ausgestorben hält. Die Serie wurde mit dem Videospiel von Blizzard Entertainment aus dem Jahr 1998 StarCraft begonnen und wurde um Fortsetzungen Insurrection Retribution Brood War erweitert. Ghost Wings of Liberty Herz des Schwarms und Erbe der Leere . Das Franchise wurde um eine Reihe von Romanen, Graphic Novels und anderen Werken erweitert.

Casting and Design [ edit ]

Für die Überlieferung der Serie wurde umfangreiche Konzeptkunst geschaffen.

Die Figuren und die Geschichte der StarCraft -Serie wurden von Chris Metzen [1] und James Phinney [1] erstellt. Da Phinney jedoch nicht an StarCraft: Brood War beteiligt war, wird Chris Metzen allein die Entwicklung der Verschwörung zugeschrieben. 19659008] Trotz des weltweiten Serienerfolgs, insbesondere in Südkorea, hat Blizzard Entertainment keine wesentlichen Kommentare zur Entwicklung der Charaktere und zur Geschichte der StarCraft-Serie gemacht.

Interviews mit den beiden Sprechern haben jedoch einen Einblick in kleine Teile des Entwicklungsprozesses gegeben. Ein Interview mit Robert Clotworthy, der Stimme von Jim Raynor in allen bisher veröffentlichten StarCraft-Spielen von StarCraft hat ergeben, dass die Stimmen für die Charaktere meist nur wenige Tage in bis zu vier Sitzungen durchgeführt wurden Stunden [3] eine Tatsache, die sich in einem ähnlichen Interview mit Sarah Kerrigans Schauspielerin Glynnis Talken Campbell widerspiegelte. [4] Clotworthy erklärte auch, wie das Konzept für das Spiel, das normalerweise für die visuelle Entwicklung von Charakteren und Schauplätzen in Spielen verwendet wird, von ihm verwendet wurde um die Persönlichkeit seines Charakters zu entwickeln [3]

Visuell wurden die meisten Charaktere und Einheiten in den Spielen von Metzen und Samwise Didier entworfen, obwohl mindestens zwei andere Künstler - Glenn Rane und Peter Lee - haben Konzeptkunst für Starcraft II entwickelt. Einige Autoren der Romane implizieren auch, dass die Entwicklung der Figuren in ihren Büchern sowohl von Metzen [5][6] als auch von Andy Chambers und Evelyn Fredericksen beeinflusst wurde. [7] Dies ist besonders bemerkenswert für später in der Spiele wie Valerian Mengsk.

Hauptfiguren [ edit ]

Jim Raynor [ edit ]

Jim Raynor ist der wichtigste Protagonist der Terraner. StarCraft Franchise. Raynor ist der allgegenwärtige Charakter der Serie, der an allen kritischen Plotpunkten und militärischen Konflikten in diesem Sektor teilgenommen hat, mit einer Ausnahme. Er ist auch der einzige Charakter, der das Bündnis zwischen den Arten etabliert hat.

Raynor, ehemaliger kolonialer Marschall auf dem Rückwasserplaneten von Mar Sara, tritt den Revolutionären von Arcturus Mengsk im Kampf gegen die tyrannische und korrupte Konföderation des Menschen bei, wo er eine Beziehung zu Sarah Kerrigan, dem zweiten Kommandeur von Mengsk, entwickelt. Er merkt jedoch schnell, dass Mengsk weit davon entfernt ist, sich für immer zu entscheiden, als er Kerrigan und die gesamte Bevölkerung eines Planeten aufgibt, um an der Hand der Zerg zu sterben, um seinen eigenen Durst nach Macht zu stillen. Desillusioniert und verbittert verlässt Raynor Mengsk und wird zu einer persona non grata im neuen Terraner-Dominion. Die Situation wird nicht besser, wenn Kerrigan, der von den Zerg gefangen genommen wurde, in den Schwarm aufgenommen wird und zu einem ihrer mächtigsten Vermögenswerte wird. Nach der Desertion beteiligen sich Raynor und seine Truppen an wichtigen Kampfeinsätzen im gesamten Sektor: Er kämpft neben dem Protoss-Templar in der Schlacht, die zum Sturz des Zerg-Herrschers, des Overminds führt und die Zerg in mehrere Fraktionen spaltet. Als die Expeditionsstreitkräfte des United Earth Directorate (UED) in den Sektor kommen, um ihn zu unterwerfen, kombinieren Raynor, Mengsk und Kerrigan (jetzt Königin der Klingen genannt) ihre Terraner, Zerg und Protoss-Alliierten, um die Invasion abzuwehren. Kaum als sie fallen, zerbricht das Bündnis.

Vier Jahre später wird Raynors Rebellenbewegung von einer Gruppe namens Moebius Foundation beauftragt, Teile eines Xel'Naga-Artefakts zurückzugewinnen, das letztendlich auf Char von einer kombinierten Streitmacht von Raynor's Raiders und der Terran Dominion Expeditionsflotte eingesetzt wird, um die Königin zu deinfest zu machen of Blades, Sarah Kerrigans Menschlichkeit wiederhergestellt. [8] Nach ihrer Deinfestation wird Kerrigan von Arcturus Mengsk unerbittlich verfolgt; Während eines solchen Überfalls erbeutet Arcturus 'Dominion-Truppen [9] den Rebellenkommandanten und soll ihn angeblich exekutiv ausführen. [10] Später wird bekannt, dass Raynor nicht hingerichtet wurde, sondern als Geisel gefangen gehalten wurde, um Kerrigan in einer Reihe zu halten. [11] Nachdem er aus seinem Gefängnis befreit wurde, hilft Raynor Kerrigan, als er die Dominion-Hauptstadt von Augustgrad auf dem Planeten Korhal stürmt [12][13] Nach einem Showdown mit Arcturus Mengsk in seinem Palast gelingt es Kerrigan mit James Raynor, die Oberhand zu gewinnen Überladen seines Körpers mit psychischer Energie, wodurch er spektakulär explodiert. [14] In Vermächtnis der Leere sind Raynor und seine Räuber Teil des Dominion-Militärs unter dem neuen Imperator Valerian und (mit der Hilfe) von Artanis und seinen Protossentruppen) verteidigen Korhal vor einem Angriff von Amon. Später schließt sich Raynor mit Artanis und Kerrigan zusammen, während Kerrigan zu einem Xel'naga aufsteigt und Amon ein für alle Mal zerstört; zwei Jahre später besucht Kerrigan - in menschlicher Form - Raynor in der Bar von Mar Sara, wo er Wings of Liberty (19459006) begann, und er geht mit ihr. Er wird nicht wieder gesehen oder gehört.

StarCraft Schöpfer Chris Metzen entwarf Raynor als rauher lebenden und gefährlichen Mann; Clotworthy beschreibt Raynor als einen Mann, mit dem sich andere Charaktere "nicht anfreunden". [15] Dennoch soll seine Darstellung die eines gewöhnlichen Mannes sein. [16] Kritiker verbanden Sympathie mit Raynors Mühen, [17][18] und GameSpot Er ist einer der besten Helden des Videospielens. [19]

Raynor erscheint auch als spielbare Figur in Heroes of the Storm .

Sarah Kerrigan [ edit ]

Sarah Kerrigan ist die primäre Zerg-Protagonistin und Spielerfigur in der StarCraft-Franchise. Kerrigan ist der Hauptgegner aller außer dem ersten und den letzten beiden Spielen. Als "Die Urkönigin der Klingen" ist Kerrigan der de facto Anführer des Zerg-Schwarms und Mentors der Brutmutter Zagara.

Ursprünglich ein Terraner-Geist-Agent für Arcturus Mengsk, wird sie verraten und den Zerg verlassen, die sie in einen Terran / Zerg-Hybriden mit riesigen psionischen Kräften unter der Kontrolle des damals unbekannten Amon verwandeln. Nach dem Tod des Overminds macht Kerrigan ihre Unabhängigkeit geltend und schlägt diejenigen nieder, die sie verraten haben und sie eindämmen wollen, und übernimmt schließlich die Kontrolle über den gesamten Zerg-Schwarm. Vier Jahre später dringt Kerrigan auf der Suche nach einer Reihe von Xel'Naga-Artefakten in das Dominion ein. Diese Artefakte werden stattdessen von Raynor im Auftrag der Moebius Foundation abgerufen, die sie zu einem Gerät zusammenfügt, das Kerrigan zu einem Menschen macht und Amons Griff auf sie freigibt. Nach ihrer Entfestung wird Kerrigan gnadenlos von Arcturus Mengsk verfolgt, doch sie kann Arcturus 'Herrschaftstruppen erfolgreich entkommen. Nachdem sie sich freiwillig bei Zerus wieder festgenommen hat, wird Kerrigan als Primal Queen of Blades wiedergeboren, woraufhin sie erfolgreich den Zerg-Schwarm wiedervereinigt und die Dominion-Hauptstadt von Augustgrad auf dem Planeten Korhal [12] mit Hilfe von Raynor's Raiders stürmt [13] Nach einem Showdown mit Arcturus Mengsk in seinem Palast kann Kerrigan mit Hilfe von James Raynor die Oberhand gewinnen und Acturus töten, indem er seinen Körper mit psychischer Energie überlastet und ihn spektakulär explodiert. Nach ihrem Sieg sammelt Kerrigan den Schwarm und macht sich auf die Suche nach Amon. [14]

Laut Zeratul trägt Kerrigan prominent in eine Xel'Nagan-Prophezeiung [21] bezüglich der Zerg ein. die Protoss und die Hybriden. [22] Heart of the Swarm offenbart, dass Kerrigan der einzige ist, der mächtig genug ist, um die gefallenen Xel'naga Amon aufzuhalten, obwohl genau dies nicht offenbart wird. [23][24][25] Obwohl ursprünglich als Wegwerffigur gedacht, Kerrigan wuchs auf den Entwicklern, die ihr eine größere Rolle in der Serie gaben. [26] Talken Campbell beschrieb Kerrigans Transformation als "Übergang vom guten Mädchen zum bösen Mädchen". [27] Viele Aspekte von Kerrigans belastetem Charakterdesign werden von inspiriert die griechische Gorgon Medusa. [28] IGN bewertete Kerrigan als den fünft denkwürdigsten Videospielschurken, [29] während Leser von GameSpot Kerrigan als den bösesten Videospielschurken bezeichneten. [30]

While die Ereignisse von Erbe der Leere Kerrigan schließt sich mit Artanis zusammen und untersucht die Xel'Naga-Heimatwelt Ulnar. Einige Zeit nach Artanis 'Wiedergewinnung der Protoss-Heimatwelt von Aiur schickt Kerrigan einen psionischen Anruf an Raynor und Artanis, um Hilfe bei der dauerhaften Tötung von Amon im Leere zu erhalten. Während des gemeinsamen Angriffs der Terraner Dominion / Zerg / Protoss auf die Leere wird der vollständige Zusammenhang von Zeratuls Prophezeiung über Kerrigan deutlich: Nur ein anderer Xel'Naga kann Amon töten, und nur Kerrigan kann aufsteigen. Mit dem Rest der gemeinsamen Armada ist es Kerrigan gelungen, Amon während ihres psychischen Rückschlags in der Leere zu töten. In der Folge kehrt Kerrigan in menschlicher Form zu Raynor zurück und verschwindet.

Kerrigan erscheint auch in Heroes of the Storm als spielbare Figur.

Hierarch Artanis [ edit ]

Artanis ist die Hauptfigur des Protoss-Protagonisten und -Spielers in der StarCraft -Franchise. Artanis ist ein hoher Templer [31] und ein Militärkommandant, der im Jahre 19459005 Brood War eingeführt wurde. Die Figur erscheint auch in den Romanen Queen of Blades und Twilight . Spätere Retcons haben Artanis zur Identität des namenlosen "Executor" für die Protoss-Kampagne in StarCraft gemacht.

Der ehrgeizige Anführer Artanis ist der jüngste Templer, der den Rang eines Prätorikers und Vollstreikers erreicht hat. [31] Artanis schätzt Tassadar und hält sich auch an das Khalai-System, obwohl er ein fester Anhänger des Khalai-Systems ist Nerazim und Tal'Darim. [31] Artanis ist neben Fenix ​​für die anfängliche Verteidigung von Aiur verantwortlich, bevor er von Aldaris zur Festnahme von Tassadar geschickt wurde. Artanis setzt sich jedoch für Tassadar ein und hilft ihm, den Overmind zu besiegen. Später organisiert Artanis die Evakuierung seiner inzwischen zerstörten Heimatwelt von Aiur und unternimmt mit Zeratul Maßnahmen, um die Präsenz der Zerg auf Shakuras durch die Verwendung eines Xel'Naga-Tempels zu säubern. [32] Als Sarah Kerrigans Handlungen zum Tod von Aldaris führen, Fenix ​​und Raszagal, Artanis befiehlt einer Flotte, Kerrigan Char zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen, und obwohl er sich sowohl mit dem Dominion als auch mit den UED-Überresten verbündet hat, werden seine Kräfte von ihrem Zerg besiegt. [33] Artanis kehrt nach Shakuras zurück, um die Protoss-Zivilisation wieder aufzubauen; Nachdem Zeratul verschwunden war, wurde Artanis zum Hierarchie des vereinigten Protossat-Protektorats Daelaam. Er kämpft jedoch mit der Wiedereingliederung der beiden entfremdeten Zweige seines Volkes. Viele der Überlebenden aus Aiur wollen ihre Heimatwelt zurückerobern. In Wings of Liberty macht er einen kurzen Auftritt in der Vision der letzten Haltung der Protoss gegen die Hybriden und ihren Zerg-Schwarm.

Artanis ist der zentrale Charakter von Legacy of Void dem dritten und letzten Teil von StarCraft II . Er führt die Protoss an, in Aiur einzudringen, aber während die Invasion weiterging, fielen viele Protoss unter Amons Kontrolle. Amon hat die Khala ergriffen und kontrolliert die Protoss über ihre Nervenstränge. Artanis geriet anfangs unter ihre Kontrolle, aber Zeratul durchtrennte seine Nervenschnur und starb dabei. Kurz darauf lässt Artanis Aiur auf dem Schiff Spear of Adun zurück und beginnt, Amon zu vernichten.

Artanis erscheint auch in Heroes of the Storm als spielbare Figur.

Terranische Figuren [ edit ]

Die Terraner sind eine junge Art mit psionischem Potenzial. Die Terraner des Koprulu-Sektors stammen von den Überlebenden einer verheerenden Kolonialisierungsmission des 23. Jahrhunderts von der Erde ab. Verglichen mit Protoss und Zerg sind die Terraner technologisch minderwertig, sie haben keine genetische Vielfalt und sind stark fraktioniert. Die sieben dominanten Regierungsfraktionen sind die Moebius Foundation, das Kel-Morian-Kombinat, die Tarsonis-Republik, die Mar-Sara-Republik, das Terraner-Dominion, das Protektorat Umojan und das United Earth Directorate. Terraner befinden sich in einem ständigen Konfliktzustand: Wann immer sie nicht in die Auseinandersetzung mit zwei Fronten und interstellaren Konflikten ihrer außerirdischen Nachbarn geraten, erleiden sie häufig Ermordungen, Bürgerkriege und Revolutionen untereinander. Terraner Einfallsreichtum und unnachgiebige Sturheit haben sie jedoch vor dem Aussterben bewahrt. Sie stehen als eine der drei dominanten Arten der Galaxie.

Raynor's Raiders [ bearbeiten ]

Matt Horner [ bearbeiten ]

Matt Horner ist der Kapitän des Flaggenschiffes der Raiders . Hyperion und Raynors Stellvertreter. Brian Bloom liefert Horners Stimme. Horner, der als "jung und idealistisch" beschrieben wird und von starken moralischen Prinzipien geleitet wird, ist ursprünglich ein Unterstützer von Mengsk, wird jedoch von Mengsks absichtlichen Angriffen auf zivile Ziele der Konföderation angewidert. [34] Nachdem er Raynors Mut und Loyalität bewundert hat, folgt Horner Raynor, wann Er gibt Mengsks Sache auf und will das moralisch bankrotte Terranische Dominion angreifen. Horner ist nur ein durchschnittlicher Kämpfer im persönlichen Kampf, aber ansonsten ein ausgezeichneter Pilot und Taktiker. [34] Erste Einführung in den Roman Königin der Klingen befiehlt Horner den Hyperion wie er kommt unter Angriff von Zerg in der Umlaufbahn des Planeten Char und muss sich aus dem System zurückziehen, wodurch Raynor und eine kleine Gruppe von Raiders an der Oberfläche gestrandet bleiben; Horner kann erst einige Monate später zurückkehren, um die Überlebenden zu evakuieren. [35] Horner bleibt in Wings of Liberty in einer ähnlichen Rolle tätig, [36] fungiert als Gewissen von Raynor und versucht, seinen Kommandanten im Fokus zu halten. 19659073] Nach der Gefangennahme von James Raynor durch die Herrschaftskräfte von Arcturus in Heart of the Swarm [10] übernimmt Matt Horner das vorläufige Kommando von Raynor's Raiders und führt die Rebellenbewegung bis zu Raynors Rückkehr an Hyperion nach dem Überfall auf das Gefängnisschiff Moros . [11] Während der Ereignisse von Legacy of Void ist Horner jetzt ein Admiral, der die Dominion-Flotte befehligt. Beitritt zur gemeinsamen Dominion / Protoss-Verteidigung gegen Amon und seine Truppen des Moebius Corps. Nach dem Fall von Amon ist Horner der militärische Oberbefehlshaber der Dominion. Er und Kaiser Valerian verpflichten sich, Frieden und Wohlstand für die Dominion aufrechtzuerhalten.

Rory Swann [ edit ]

Rory Swann ist der Chefingenieur der Hyperion. Swann stammte aus einer Familie technisch versierter Bergleute, die auf Meinhoff einen erfolgreichen privaten Bergbaubetrieb eröffneten. Ihr Betrieb wurde jedoch durch ständig steigende Steuern niedergeschlagen. Swann reichte eine Beschwerde bei den Kel-Morian-Kombinaten ein und stellte fest, dass Tavish Kerr, der im Bergbau nicht mit Steuern belastet wurde, die Bestechungsgelder bestach, um rivalisierende Forderungen durch zu hohe Steuern aus dem Geschäft zu ziehen. Swann begann eine Revolte eines Bergmanns und forderte die Unabhängigkeit vom Kel-Morian-Kombinat. Die Mähdrescher kamen jedoch und drückten die Revolte gnadenlos nieder. Swann selbst verlor zusammen mit vielen Freunden einen Arm und wurde nur gerettet, weil Raynor's Raiders auf ihr Notsignal reagierten. Swann hatte nichts mehr, also schloss er sich den Raiders an. Swann wird von Fred Tatasciore in allen drei Teilen von StarCraft II geäußert.

Egon Stetmann [ edit ]

Egon Stetmann ist ein ehemaliger Wissenschaftler im Terran Dominion-Wissenschaftsprojekt in Tyrador III, bei dem ein Cyborg-Programm verwendet wurde, bei dem New Folsom Prison Insassen als experimentelle Laborratten verwendet wurden. Er versuchte, gegen die Experimente zu protestieren, aber seine ehemaligen Kollegen brachten ihn zum Schweigen. Er nutzt einen Virus, um der Einrichtung zu entkommen, und versteckt sich am Hafen von Deadman. Raynor rettete ihn vor Angreifern und wurde der Ingenieur / Wissenschaftler und Forscher von Hyperion. Stetman wird von Scott Menville in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty geäußert.

Tychus Findlay [ edit ]

Tychus J. Findlay ist ein Marine- und ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von Raynor, der sich den Raiders anschließt. Er erscheint in dem Roman Heaven's Devil und in Wings of Liberty als eine der Hauptfiguren. Findlay ist bekannt für seine Ausstrahlung und Härte und durch seine Freundschaft mit James Raynor. Er wird von Neil Kaplan geäußert. Findlay wird im Kinotrailer für StarCraft II vorgestellt, in dem er gezeigt wird, wie er in eine angetriebene Kampfrüstung eingeschlossen wird. Laut Nick Carpenter von Blizzard hatte das Boot im Trailer keine Identität, entwickelte sich jedoch zu Findlay und ermöglichte es dem Filmteam, den Trailer mit der Persönlichkeit des Charakters zu verfeinern. [38] Findlay ist von Gerüchten über seinen Ruf umgeben; Einerseits gilt er als treuer Soldat, der sein Leben riskiert, um seine Kameraden zu retten, und andererseits wird er als amoralischer Schurke betrachtet. Findlay und Raynor kämpften mehrere Jahre vor den Ereignissen von StarCraft zusammen für die Konföderation. Findlay wurde schließlich gefangen genommen und eingesperrt. [39] Bis Wings of Liberty, Findlay flieht aus dem Gefängnis, verfolgt Raynor und rekrutiert ihn, für die geheimnisvolle Moebius-Stiftung zu arbeiten, wo Findlay laut Metzen fungiert der metaphorische Teufel auf Raynors Schulter.

Nach den Ereignissen der Kampagne wurde bekannt, dass Tychus erst Arcturus Mengsk aus seinem Gefängnis entlassen wurde, unter den Bedingungen, die er Sarah Kerrigan ermorden musste: wenn sie stirbt, Tychus würde frei gehen; Andernfalls würde seine Kampfrüstung ihn töten. Nachdem Kerrigan vom Energieimpuls des Xel'naga-Artefakts befallen ist, als Tychus Raynor dies offenbarte, blockierte Raynor Tychus 'Schuss, der für Kerrigan bestimmt war, und erschoss seinen Freund.

Tychus erscheint auch als spielbare Figur in Helden des Sturms .

Gabriel Tosh [ edit ]

Gabriel Tosh ist ein mysteriöser Waffenhändler und ein "Gespenst" - ein Elite-Geister-Agent, der durch die Verwendung von Terrazine, einem potenten psionischen Reagens, verstärkt wird. Ursprünglich für Ghost erstellt, wird Tosh im Roman Specters und Wings of Liberty vorgestellt, wo er von Dave Fennoy geäußert wird. Metzen beschreibt Tosh als "Boba Fett-Charakter" [41] während Andy Chambers der Meinung ist, dass Tosh "quasi-rastafarisch" ist. [42] Tosh besitzt eine nihilistische Persönlichkeit und glaubt, dass er immer auf sich aufpassen muss, um zu überleben. [43] Als solcher fungiert er als Folie für den idealistischen und ehrenvollen Charakter von Matt Horner. [43] Tosh repräsentiert einen amoralischen Einfluss auf Raynor und die Versuchung, Ecken zu schneiden und sich wie ein Pirat zu verhalten, obwohl er es ist nicht von Natur aus böse

Der Spieler kann ihm helfen, seine ehemaligen Freunde aus dem New Folsom Prison zu brechen, oder er kann einen Dominion-Agenten verwenden, um das Projekt zu beenden.

Ariel Hanson [ edit ]

Dr. Ariel Hanson ist ein Wissenschaftler, der mit Raynor's Raiders in Verbindung gebracht wird, nachdem ihre Heimatkolonie auf dem Planeten Agria von Zerg in 19459005 Wings of Liberty angegriffen wurde, wo sie von Ali Hillis geäußert wird. Als selbstlose und altruistische Persönlichkeit wünscht sie sich vor allem, dass sich das Leben wieder normalisiert. Sie gilt als das moralische Gegenteil von Tychus Findlay, der als metaphorischer Engel auf Raynors Schulter [40] fungiert, und repräsentiert einen positiven moralischen Einfluss auf Raynor. Ursprünglich als männliche Figur entworfen, wurde Hanson in der Entwicklung zu einer weiblichen Persönlichkeit, die als Liebesinteresse für Raynor fungierte, obwohl er durch den Status von Raynor als Söldner und Flüchtling eingeschränkt wurde und darüber hinaus die Tatsache, mit der sich Raynor immer noch in Beziehung setzt Sarah Kerrigan. [41]

Die Spielerin kann ihrer Kolonie helfen, indem sie das Mutterschiff der Protoss eliminiert, das die Kolonie reinigt, was dazu führt, dass sie hinter ihrer Kolonie bleibt, um ein Heilmittel für den Zerg-Befall zu suchen. Wenn der Spieler sich entscheidet, die Kolonie selbst zu reinigen, wird er verseucht, während er verzweifelt nach einem Heilmittel sucht und Raynor zwingt, sie zu töten.
Terraner Dominion / Terran Confederacy [ edit ]

Arcturus Mengsk [ edit ]

Arcturus Mengsk war der Kaiser der Terraner. die den Großteil der Terraner im Koprulu-Sektor präsidierten. Der Hauptgegner der Serie, wird von James Harper geäußert und ist das Hauptthema des Romans I, Mengsk . Mengsk ist extrem intelligent und kann sowohl als Stratege als auch als Taktiker eingesetzt werden. Während Mengsk sich nicht gut mit Menschen einfühlen kann, ist er sehr gut in Redekunst und Propaganda und besitzt eine bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, andere Menschen zu manipulieren.

Mengsk wurde auf Korhal IV., Dem Spross einer mächtigen Gründerfamilie der terranischen Konföderation, geboren. Er war Oberst des Konföderierten Marine Corps und Veteran der Guild Wars, der nach Kriegsende ein erfolgreicher Prospektor wurde. Obwohl Mengsk versuchte, sich von den Aktionen seines Vaters, eines prominenten Korhal-Senators und vokalem Dissidenten gegen die Konföderation, zu distanzieren, wurde er selbst zum Revolutionär, als sein Vater, seine Mutter und seine jüngere Schwester von konföderierten Mördern ermordet wurden. Seine Aktivitäten trieben die Konföderation bald dazu an, einen Nuklearangriff auf Korhal zu starten und die Bevölkerung zu vernichten. Mengsk schwor Rache und bildete eine revolutionäre Gruppe, die er die Söhne von Korhal nannte. Jahre offener Konflikte schwächten erfolgreich die Kontrolle der Konföderierten Staaten über die Randwelten, in denen er Anhänger wie Sarah Kerrigan, Jim Raynor und Edmund Duke rekrutierte. Raynor und Kerrigan wurden unruhig mit Mengsks immer extremeren Methoden, nämlich Zerg dazu zu bringen, Ziele der Konföderation anzugreifen, was dazu führte, dass Mengsk Kerrigan von der Konföderationshauptstadt Tarsonis auf Zerg verließ (ein anderer Grund war der Attentäter, der seinen Vater ermordete). . Mit der Zerstörung von Tarsonis durch die Zerg krönte Mengsk sich selbst zum Kaiser und gestaltete sich selbst zum wohlwollenden Diktator.

In Brood War wird das Dominion von der United Earth Directorate überfallen und Mengsk entkommt mit der zögerlichen Hilfe von Raynor knapp der Gefangennahme. Angesichts der Hinrichtung und der Zerstörung des Dominion als Alternative, verbündeten sich Mengsk mit Kerrigan und Raynor, um die UED zu besiegen, aber Kerrigan verrät schließlich ihr Bündnis und bringt Mengsks Truppen einen schwerwiegenden Schlag. Trotzdem baut Mengsk wieder auf und das Dominion bleibt die dominierende Terraner-Macht. In Frontline malen viele der Geschichten in der Anthologie Mengsk und das Dominion insgesamt als tyrannisch und korrupt aus, nicht anders als in der Konföderation.

In Wings of Liberty stellen Mengsk und sein Sohn Valerian fest, dass das Dominion von mehreren Rebellen- und Paramilitärgruppen, darunter auch Raynors Treue, bekämpft wird. Arcturus erleidet während des Spiels Rückschläge, zunächst aufgrund der massiven Invasion des Dominion-Weltraums durch Zerg-Truppen [44] die das Dominion-Militär und Mengsk unvorbereitet treffen, [45] und später von Raynor's Raiders, die Beweise für Mengsk-Kriegsverbrechen während des Spiels festhalten Die Ereignisse von StarCraft . [46][47] Trotz dieser Rückschläge gelingt es Arcturus, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden, indem er seine Position als Kaiser des Dominion für den Rest des Spiels beibehält. Während der Ereignisse von Heart of the Swarm versucht Mengsk, Kerrigan mehrmals umbringen zu lassen, unter anderem durch die Herausgabe eines Nachrufs über Raynor. Kerrigan führt jedoch erfolgreich den Zerg-Schwarm wieder zusammen und stürmt mit Hilfe von Raynor's Raiders die Dominion-Hauptstadt von Augustgrad auf dem Planeten Korhal [12] . [13] Nach einem Showdown mit Acturus Mengsk in seinem Palast schafft Kerrigan mit Hilfe die Oberhand von James Raynor und tötet Acturus, indem er seinen Körper mit psychischer Energie überlastet und so spektakulär explodiert. [14] Nach seinem Tod steigt Valerian auf den von Arcturus freigelassenen Thron auf.

GameSpy zitiert Mengsk als ein klassisches Beispiel für The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again". "Der neue Boss wird wie der alte Boss getroffen." [42] Mengsk war für die Freilassung von Tychus Findlay aus dem Gefängnis verantwortlich. mit dem besonderen Zweck, Jim Raynor zu verfolgen und Kerrigan zu töten; Raynor vereitelt diesen Plan, indem er Tychus tötet.

Edmund Duke [ edit ]

Edmund Duke ist Offizier in der Konföderation und später im Dominion. In den Spielen von Jack Ritschel wird Duke auch in mehreren Romanen erwähnt, darunter Liberty Crusade Shadow of the Xel'Naga und Queen of Blades . Ein Spross einer der einflussreichen Alten Familien der Konföderation mit einer langen Karriere im Militär, [48] Duke ist ein methodischer und erfahrener Taktiker [49] aber auch als egoistischer und fremdenfeindlicher Mann. [50] Als Oberst befiehlt Duke das Alpha-Geschwader der konföderierten Sicherheitskräfte, und ist das Gesicht der Konföderation für den Spieler in den frühen StarCraft . Herzog führt zunächst die Verteidigung der konföderierten Kolonien Chau Sara und Mar Sara von der Zerg und der von Tassadar befehligten Flotte Protoss an, für die er zum General befördert wird. [51]

Herzog wird später angeklagt Rebellion in der konföderierten Welt von Antiga Prime, wird jedoch von Mengsks Truppen besiegt. Als Dukes Flaggschiff Norad II während der Schlacht von den Zerg abgeschossen wird, wird Duke auf Befehl von Mengsk von Raynor als Gegenleistung für den Abzug des Generals und seines Geschwaders [52] gerettet, und Herzogs Wissen ist von entscheidender Bedeutung Mengsks Angriff auf Tarsonis. Mengsk, der immer noch skeptisch gegenüber Herzogs Treue ist, [53] entsendet später Herzog auf Expeditionen, um die Zerg auf Char und ein Xel'Naga-Artefakt auf Bhekar Ro im Shadow of Xel'Naga zu untersuchen, Verlobungen, die das Alpha-Squadron dezimieren [54] In Brood War organisiert Duke die Flottenverteidigung des Dominion gegen das United Earth Directorate [55] und folgt Mengsk später in einer Allianz mit Kerrigan und ihrer Zerg. Als Teil eines chirurgischen Streiks gegen die militärischen Fähigkeiten der Dominion hat Kerrigan das Flaggschiff des Herzogs zerstört und den General getötet. [56]

Valerian Mengsk [ edit

Valerian Mengsk ist der Sohn von Arcturus Mengsk und sein Nachfolger als Kaiser der Terraner. Baldrian wird erstmals in The Dark Templar Saga von Romanen vorgestellt, während seine Hintergrundgeschichte in I, Mengsk weiterentwickelt wird. Valerian wurde gegründet, als Metzen das Gefühl hatte, dass Arcturus 'Geschichte in StarCraft und Brood War effektiv erzählt worden war. [57] Während Blizzard Valerians körperliche Beschreibung vorschrieb, The Dark Templar Saga Die Autorin Christie Golden erhielt die Freiheit, die Figur nach ihren Wünschen zu entwickeln. [58] Als Jünger japanischer Kampfkunst und leidenschaftlicher Archäologe wird er als "brillant ... und wahrscheinlich ein bisschen arrogant für das Wissen" bezeichnet. [59] Valerian interessiert sich besonders für Xel'Naga-Artefakte, für die er Söldner und führende Archäologen einsucht und studiert. Während einer Kampagne seines Vaters gegen die Konföderation wurde Valerian auf einer Reihe von Welten im Koprulu-Sektor geheim gehalten. [60] Während Valerian die Leidenschaft von Arcturus für Liköre und alte Waffen teilt, ist seine Beziehung zu seinem Vater wegen der Verachtung von Arcturus ein Widerspruch sowohl er als auch seine Mutter in seiner Kindheit.

Valerian gab sein Spieldebüt in Wings of Liberty gesprochen von Josh Keaton. Er wird von Jim Raynor konfrontiert, der ihn an Bord des Dominion Battlecruiser Bucephalus für seinen Vater Arcturus hält. Valerian offenbart, dass er der Eigentümer der Moebius Foundation ist, der Denkfabrik, für die Raynor die Teile eines Xel'Naga-Artefakts gesammelt hatte, und behauptete, dass seine Mission die gleiche sei wie die von Raynor - Kerrigan zu retten. [61] Take more Als die Hälfte der Dominion-Flotte schließt sich Valerian mit Raynors Raiders an und belagert die Zerg-Festung Char, um dem Dominion (und seinem Vater) zu beweisen, dass er würdig ist, die Kaiserkrone nach Arcturus zu erringen [62] Letztendlich gelingt es der Mission, Kerrigan zu befallen, aber in der Folge der Schlacht entbrennt ein Streit zwischen Arcturus und Valerian über Sara Kerrigans Schicksal einen bewaffneten Bürgerkrieg zwischen dem Kaiser und dem Fürsten, der Valerian und eine Fraktion der Dominion's armed forces loyal to him to seek shelter with Raynor's Raiders.[63]

In Heart of the SwarmValerian helps Raynor and his Raiders escape into the Umojan Protect orate, where Kerrigan undergoes extensive testing in a research lab.[64] The lab is discovered and attacked by a Dominion task force, and Valerian and Kerrigan escape on board the Hyperionthe Raiders' flagship. Valerian is nearly psionically strangled by Kerrigan for leaving Raynor behind on the base. Valerian knew that his father would be willing to sacrifice him to destroy Kerrigan, even in spite of Hyperion captain Matt Horner warning the Dominion fleet that he was on board, and so he aided Kerrigan and the Raiders in searching for him.[65] During the final assault against Korhal, Valerian recognized that Arcturus was beyond redemption, and asked only that Kerrigan minimize civilian casualties; Kerrigan thus elected to attend his request, recognizing him as a different man from his father.[66] Kerrigan killed Arcturus shortly thereafter.[14] Following the death of his father and the departure of the Zerg, Valerian assumed the throne and became the new Emperor of the Dominion. He immediately went to work rebuilding the Dominion, and enacted new laws to eliminate the corruption and abuse of power that had occurred during his father's reign. These reforms included abolishing forced military conscription and slave labor. He also reorganized a number of his father's secret projects, such as Project Blackstone.

In Legacy of the Voidnot long after his ascension to the throne, Korhal and the rest of the Dominion are assaulted by Moebius Foundation under control of the fallen Xel'Naga, Amon. Alongside Raynor, he does everything in his power to save his people. When Artanis arrives, he aids Raynor and Valerian to repel the Moebius Foundation on Korhal. After Amon has been banished into the Void, Valerian allows Raynor to take the Dominion Fleet to Ulnar in order to help Kerrigan and Artanis to defeat Amon once for all. After Amon's defeat, Valerian has turned the Terran Dominion into a government of peace and prosperity.

In Nova Covert OpsValerian has been under pressure from the Defenders of Man, who oppose his rule. Valerian questions Nova when she returned to the Dominion after being missing for some time. Valerian believes her claim, that she didn't betray the Dominion and grants her her own covert ops team to discover what the Defenders of Man are up to. After Nova learns, that the Defenders are using psi emitters to lure zerg to Dominion Worlds to discredit him, and learning the identity of their leader, General Davis, Valerian contacts her and announces his wish to step down as the Emperor of the Dominion.

Horace Warfield[edit]

General Horace Warfield is put in command of the Dominion forces to fight the second Zerg invasion, in Wings of Liberty. He served in the Confederate military under Arcturus Mengsk, and held a higher place among Mengsk's advisors than Edmund Duke, who also abandoned the confederacy. His entire family was killed during the Zerg assault on Tarsonis due to the use of the psi-emitters, about which Warfield is rumoured to have provided extremely valuable intelligence.[67] In Heart of the SwarmWarfield is defeated by Kerrigan and tells her to let the transports full of wounded troops leave the planet alive, calling her a traitor to humanity and stating that Raynor would be ashamed of her. Kerrigan, furious at the general's comments, executes him but allows the transports to escape.[68]

Covert Ops Crew[edit]

November Annabella "Nova" Terra[edit]

November Annabella Terra,[69]call sign "Nova", a.k.a. "Agent X41822N", is a ghost agent and the protagonist of the StarCraft: Ghost sub-series. Grey DeLisle provides the voice for Nova. Despite the indefinite postponement of the Ghost video game, she appears in Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm as well as a series of novels, including StarCraft Ghost: Nova and StarCraft Ghost: Spectres. Nova is the subject of her own RTS campaign, Nova Covert Opswhich was released on March 29, 2016.[70]

Nova is the daughter of one of the highly influential Confederate Old Families; despite having unusually high psionic potential her father prevents her from being taken into the Confederate Ghost Program.[71] However, after her family is murdered by an anti-Confederate resistance movement, Nova flees to the undercity of Tarsonis, where she is forced to work as an organized crime enforcer.[72] Nova is rescued during the Zerg invasion of Tarsonis, and ends up in the possession of the newly formed Terran Dominion, who train her as a ghost. At her request, her past memories are erased.[73]

Nova also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm. There is a Nova skin for the Overwatch character Widowmaker.

United Earth Directorate[edit]

Gerard DuGalle[edit]

Gerard DuGalle is the commanding admiral of the United Earth Directorate's expeditionary force to the Koprulu Sector. DuGalle only appears in Brood War and is voiced by Jack Ritschel. Considered the UED's most capable military leader, DuGalle, a Frenchman, is a staunch believer in the UED's mission to pacify the sector and carries out his orders with precision.[74] In Brood WarDuGalle leads the UED as it conquers the Terran Dominion; however, despite his experience, DuGalle believes misinformation planted by former Confederate soldier Samir Duran regarding a psi disruptor, a device that disrupts Zerg communications, on Tarsonis.[75] When DuGalle's lifelong friend Alexei Stukov abandons the fleet, DuGalle allows Duran to assassinate Stukov as a traitor, only realizing his mistake too late. Nevertheless, DuGalle acts to prevent Duran destroying the psi disruptor and uses it to capture the Zerg Overmind on Char. However, as a result of demoralization, limited manpower and an alliance of enemies led by Kerrigan, the fleet is eventually pushed back and when a final attempt to recapture Char fails, DuGalle orders the retreat.[76] Shortly before the UED fleet is overtaken by Zerg and destroyed, DuGalle composes a letter to his wife in which he admits responsibility for his closest friend's death and commits suicide by a gunshot to the head.[77]

Alexei Stukov[edit]

Alexei Stukov was the vice admiral and second-in-command of the United Earth Directorate's expeditionary force. He later reappears as one of Kerrigan's lieutenants in the Zerg Swarm in Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Voidvoiced by Victor Brandt. A man of Russian descent, his military career primarily revolves around secret research, though he is also noted as an excellent tactician.[74] A close friend of DuGalle, Stukov will debate situations with the admiral but will subordinate himself to his friend's higher rank.[74] Stukov becomes suspicious of the motives of Samir Duran after the latter convinces DuGalle to destroy the psi disruptor.[75] Believing the device to be the UED's best hope to conquer the Zerg, Stukov instead takes the psi disruptor to Braxis but is tracked down and shot dead by Duran. With his dying breaths, Stukov convinces DuGalle that Duran is a traitor and to keep the psi disruptor running for the UED's assault on the Zerg homeworld of Char.[78] Stukov's body is given a full funeral and UED propaganda portrays Stukov as a hero, claiming he died in combat on Char.[79]

Stukov is later mysteriously revived by a Zerg cerebrate to make use of him for its own deeds.[80] He is first observed, apparently infested, by pirates raiding a secret science facility in the bonus mission "Deception", a facility that Stukov subsequently destroys. Stukov later appears in another bonus map, "Mercenaries II", in which he hires several mercenary groups to destroy some of his adversaries. In the StarCraft 64 secret mission "Resurrection", Artanis sends a task force headed by Raynor to inject Stukov with an experimental serum; the serum reverses the infestation effects and leaves Stukov healthy, albeit embittered.[81] However, the Protoss cure would prove only temporary, and once Stukov was turned over to the Moebious Foundation for research purposes, the scientists re-infested him in an attempt to replicate the cure, without success. Creative director Andy Chambers regards the resurrection as an experiment by the Zerg,[57] while Metzen notes that Stukov's resurrection had "really interesting hooks".[82] Blizzard's former producer Bill Roper hoped that Stukov's storyline will be developed further,[83] noting that the character would only be reintroduced if Blizzard can "figure out the right way to do it".[82]

Stukov joins in the battle against a resurrected Duran, revealed to be a Xel'Naga, in the Epilogue of Legacy of the Void. In an act of just vengeance, Stukov delivers the killing blow to Duran.

Stukov also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.

Umojan Protectorate[edit]

Michael Daniel Liberty[edit]

Michael Daniel Liberty is a terran news reporter whose affiliations have varied over time. He hates it when people such as his former editor-in-chief Handy Anderson calls him "Mickey". Liberty is described as being "of normal height and proportions, if a little lanky." He has dirty blond hair that is spattered with lighter striations of gray which is swept back in a ponytail to cover a bald spot. He has a liking for cigarettes, but keeps trying to quit. A few years after going freelance, Liberty remained the same in physical appearance, apart from an abundance of facial hair

Protoss characters[edit]

The Daelaam are the unified protoss protectorate organization representing all known protoss kindred, races, castes, and factions. Before the Brood Wars, Protoss society was divided—the Khalai of the Protoss Empire, the exiled Nerazim, the heretic Tal'Darim, and the hibernating Purifiers. Because of the Great War and subsequent Brood War, the former body collapsed and all branches of protoss were forced to band together in sharing knowledge, integrating technology, and for mutual survival.


The Khala, or "The Path of Ascension", was the religious law of the protoss, established after an era known as the "Aeon of Strife" that followed the departure of the Xel'Naga. There are four distinct castes: The Khalai, or "The Enlightened Ones", consisted a caste of artists, engineers, and scientists which constituted the majority of protoss society; the Templar, consisted a caste of militarism, industrialism, and law enforcement charged with exploration and the defense of protoss interests; the Preservers, consisted a caste of historians, educators, and archivists charged with maintaining the telepathic network that unified protoss society into the Khalai; and the Judicators, consisted a caste of theologians, politicians, and judiciaries which formed the Conclave ruling class over protoss society.


Tassadar is a high templar who holds the rank of executor in the Khalai military. He appears in StarCraft and in several novels, most notably Queen of Blades. Tassadar is voiced by Michael Gough in StarCraftwith Michael Dorn playing the part in later appearances. Described as being fascinated with, if somewhat wary of, the dark templar,[84] Tassadar is the commander of the fleet that made first contact with the Terrans by destroying their colony of Chau Sara to contain Zerg infestation. However, Tassadar eventually disregards his orders to continue destroying worlds with no concern for the Terrans, and instead engages the Zerg by conventional means. After tracking the Zerg to their homeworld of Char, he encounters the dark templar Zeratul and Jim Raynor, forging a friendship with the two and learning how to use his psionic powers in conjunction with the powers of the dark templar.

The Khalai government sees Tassadar's consortion with the dark templar as heretical and as a bigger threat to their society than the Zerg invasion of the Protoss homeworld Aiur, sending Aldaris and Artanis to arrest him. Artanis however, along with Fenix, sides with Tassadar, sparking a civil war between Tassadar's followers and the government.[85] The conflict is only ended when Tassadar demonstrates the effectiveness of the dark templar against the Zerg. With Raynor, Zeratul and Fenix, Tassadar breaks through the Zerg defences on Aiur to the Zerg Overmind; Tassadar channels both his own psionic energies and those of the dark templar through the hull of his flagship and crashes it into the Overmind.[86] The resulting discharge of energy destroys the Overmind and transcends Tassadar to a new level of spiritual existence; Metzen refers to this transformation as becoming a "twilight messiah".[57]

By the events of StarCraft II: Wings of LibertyTassadar is believed dead by the Protoss, though he has become a legendary figure among them. However, when Zeratul visits the remains of the Overmind in his investigations into the Koprulu Sector's future, Tassadar appears in spirit form and shows him a vision that the Overmind had originally shown him when he destroyed it. This vision foretold the fall of the galaxy to the Zerg Swarm led by the Xel'naga Amon and his Protoss-Zerg hybrids. This Tassadar turns out to be a projection of the Xel'Naga Ouros and not the real Tassadar.

Tassadar also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.


Fenix is a praetor within the military of the Khalai. Bill Roper voices Fenix in both StarCraft and Brood War. A templar and an old friend of Tassadar's, Fenix is a powerful and cunning leader, but remains distrustful towards the motives of the ruling judicator caste.[49] Under the command of Aldaris, Fenix helps defend Aiur from the Zerg invasion, but eventually falls in the battle of Antioch when his position is overwhelmed by Zerg and his psi-blades lose power. Nevertheless, Fenix is retrieved and integrated into a dragoon, a mechanical fire support unit designed to allow incapacitated warriors to continue military service.[87] Fenix allies his templar forces with Tassadar's upon the schism between Tassadar and the Protoss government, later leading a task force against the Overmind's outer defenses, facilitating Zeratul's assassination of a number of cerebrates and ultimately the death of the Overmind itself.[88] Over this time, Fenix develops a strong friendship with Tassadar's Terran companion Jim Raynor.

In Brood WarFenix and Raynor remain behind as a rear guard when the Protoss evacuate the now Zerg-overrun Aiur through a warp gate.[89] They hold it until attacked by United Earth Directorate forces pursuing Arcturus Mengsk, upon which they escape through the gate, disabling it as they depart. With Raynor and Mengsk, Fenix enters into an alliance with Sarah Kerrigan against the UED, even leading the Zerg forces on a raiding mission for resources on Moria.[90] However, after the UED is routed from their position on the Dominion capital world of Korhal, Kerrigan turns on her allies. Though unfazed by Kerrigan's betrayal, Fenix is slain when Kerrigan's Zerg launch a surprise attack against his base camp on Korhal.[91] In StarCraft II: Heart of the SwarmRaynor shows that he still harbors a grudge against Kerrigan for Fenix's death after seeing her willingly become infested again after all his hard work in returning her to human form.

In Legacy of the Voidit is revealed that before Fenix's defeat at Antioch in StarCrafthis personality was cloned and inserted into an experimental mechanical body of ancient Purifiers. This body was locked inside a stasis vault on planet Glacius. Artanis obtained Fenix and with his help he was able to gain the Purifiers as allies against Amon. During the campaign he concludes that despite having Fenix's memories, he was a different being. Because of this he changed his name to Talandar.


Rohana was one of three grand preservers who helped create the arkships. When the Spear of Adun was reactivated, she served as a councilor to Hierarch Artanis.

Before her stasis aboard the Spear of Adun, Rohana was a driven protoss who was not afraid to seek out tasks others thought impossible. She displayed strict adherence to tradition, yet was creative when faced with the issues. After she was awakened, Rohana held on to the old ways of the Protoss Empire, openly speaking out against her Nerazim crew, Artanis' Terran allies, and the reawakening of the Purifiers. She served as a reminder of the past, clinging to old traditions and ways, and refusing to cut her connection from the Khala even as Amon continued to possess her, stating knowledge and history was the only thing that brought unity to the protoss. Though Artanis valued her memories and her ability to see into Amon's thoughts, he began to grow weary of her adherence to the old ways and her objections to his choices, becoming more of a critic than a councilor. Eventually, she came to terms with the Daelaam, and cut herself from the Khala, stating that perhaps history did not need to be recorded with perfect clarity.


Selendis is the executor of the Protoss military following the reunification of the race. The character is introduced in the novel Twilight and in the Wings of Liberty campaign, where she is played by Cree Summer. Selendis is fiercely loyal to her race's ideals and completely dedicated to her responsibilities. A protégée of Artanis,[92] she considers the dark templar to be a threat to her heritage but is willing to work beside them. Selendis is particularly eager to reclaim Aiur from the Zerg.[92] Shortly after Artanis cleanses Shakuras of Zerg, Selendis takes part in an expedition to rescue three stranded heroes from Aiur; however, the mission was sabotaged by Ulrezaj, who kills two of the trapped warriors. During this time, Selendis became aware of other Protoss survivors stranded on Aiur, but as it was not believed possible to save them, their existence is kept secret. Later, Selendis commands the defenses of the dark templar archives on Ehlna against attack by Zerg and Ulrezaj, resulting in Ulrezaj's defeat.

In Wings of Liberty Selendis leads a force to the planet Haven, where refugees of Meinhoff and Agria have settled after the fall of their old homeworlds, to purge it with fire in order to eradicate a zerg virus which has infested several refugees. Raynor's Raiders appear and are formally greeted by Selendis as past allies, Selendis explains her actions and intentions which leaves the player with one out of two options.

Either the player purges Haven in the Protoss' place while trying to save as many uninfested refugees as possible, this option will have Selendis praise Raynor and calling him a "true friend of the Protoss", but she will not appear afterwards.

In the other option Raynor sides with Ariel Hanson of Agria, who is the unofficial leader of the refugees, and her ideals of being able to create a cure for the Zerg Infestation. Selendis will lead her forces and attempt to burn the settlements with a Mothership while Raynor will attempt to destroy said ship and Protoss outposts which reinforces the Mothership's shields.
When successful Selendis and her remaining forces will retreat and comment on Raynor's leading abilities as well as hope that his trust in the refugees is not unfounded.

In the last mission of the Protoss mini-campaign Selendis appears as one of the heroes which makes their last stand against the Zerg and Hybrids and eventually perishes, her last words are an apology to Tassadar for not being strong enough. Her unit is a Carrier.

In Legacy of the Void, she serves as the Executor in the invasion of Aiur but falls under Amon's control, like many other Protoss. She leads the golden armada against Artanis's forces, who holds them out long enough for the Keystone to break them free from Amon's control. Under Artanis's urging, Selendis severs her nerve cord and urges her fellow templar to sever their cords as well, permanently freeing them from Amon's grasp.


Aldaris is a member of the ruling judicator caste of Protoss society; in StarCraft he acts as liaison between the player character and the Protoss government. He is voiced by Paul Eiding in both StarCraft and Brood War. Aldaris is a fanatical believer in the Khala and does not hesitate to judge others through a strict interpretation of its tenets.[49] As a result, he is outraged by Tassadar's association with the dark templar, and following the outbreak of war between the judicator caste and the templar caste, commands the government forces against Tassadar. Aldaris captures Tassadar and puts him on trial for crimes of blasphemy and treason,[93] though Tassadar is freed by Fenix, Raynor, and Zeratul. Aldaris later witnesses the rebels successfully penetrate the Zerg's core defenses, and wishes them luck in their final battle against the Overmind.[94] In Brood WarAldaris reluctantly allies with the dark templar when the Protoss flee Aiur for Shakuras. However, when Sarah Kerrigan is accepted as an ally by dark templar matriarch Raszagal, Aldaris is furious. While Artanis and Zeratul are absent, he discovers Raszagal is being mentally controlled by Kerrigan and instigates a rebellion amongst the Khalai refugees. When his insurrection is thwarted, the judicator tries to explain his actions to Artanis and Zeratul, but is murdered by Kerrigan before he can reveal her involvement.[95]


Ancient Protoss, a protoss dragoon, holding the rank of praetor. He was introduced in the StarCraft 64 map, Resurrection IV. Along with Jim Raynor took part in the mission on Braxis to de-infest Alexei Stukov. To date, it is his only appearance.


Karax is a Khalai phasesmith. An expert in weapons, armor and ships. Karax is one of the most precise of protoss engineers. Over the course of the war against Amon, he was able to rise above his worker origins, serving as an important part of the war effort. Karax is shorter and stockier than most protoss. The armor he wears also differs in that it is more functional than ceremonial. Karax was among the Golden Armada when it assaulted Aiur.[1][3] After Amon forced the protoss into retreat, he guided Hierarch Artanis through the Spear of Adun, explaining its systems, and how he had given orders for the Templar in stasis to have their nerve cords removed, as per Amon's corruption of the Khala. He had already been forced to sever his own nerve cords, but had attached cybernetic tentacles to the tips, effectively giving him extra means of physical manipulation


Urun is the leader of the Auriga Tribe and a member of the Hierarchy. He wished to retake Aiur for the glory of the protoss.

Urun appears in " Wings of Liberty " leading the remnants of the Protoss air force in battle during the end of the Protoss mini-campaign, fighting against the hybrids and the enslaved Zerg Swarm.


Adun was a protoss warrior and strategist who led the Templar shortly before the exile of the Nerazim. All protoss revered him as a hero. Adun's legacy achieved exalted status, and was woven into protoss lore, language, and culture. En Taro Adun! ("In honor of Adun!") became both a salutation and a battle cry used by the Kahlai; Adun Toridas ("May Adun give you sanctuary") became a standard Nerazim expression. Both the Citadel of Adun and the Spear of Adun were named after him. The zerg, having gained knowledge of Aduns' significance to the protoss, referred to their enemies as "The Children of Adun."


Lasarra was a female protoss scientist stationed on Kaldir when it was attacked by zerg led by Sarah Kerrigan. The protoss were defeated; Lasarra was captured during the attack on Kaldir at the request of Abathur, who wanted to experiment on her even though it was known that the protoss could not be infested. Kerrigan agreed to spare Lasarra's life until she found a use for her. During her time onboard Kerrigan's leviathan, Lasarra interacted with Kerrigan a number of times. Kerrigan tried to justify her actions on Kaldir, saying that if the protoss could contact Shakuras, Kerrigan would not have been able to survive. However, Lasarra is unconvinced, saying that self-preservation is no justification for killing so many innocents. Eventually, Kerrigan admitted she could not and would not justify her actions, stating that both the zerg and protoss were killers. Eventually, as one of the protoss ships was able to break through the zerg blockade, Lasarra was implanted with a special larva and allowed to warp in to that ship. The larva devoured her and then other lifeforms being stored on the ship, evading detection. It eventually transformed into a broodmother, Niadra, which bred a new brood that infested the ship, killing every protoss on board. Kerrigan later showed some regret over Lasarra's death, as she told Izsha that she did not enjoy having to kill her.


Kaldalis is a protoss zealot and a close friend of Hierarch Artanis. Kaldalis takes pride in the history of the protoss and the Khala, though does not express prejudice towards the Nerazim, and believes that driving them away was a sin. A scar runs down his left eye. Kaldalis survived the zerg conquest of Aiur during the Great War. Afterwards, he joined the Protoss Protectorate led by Hierarch Artanis. Kaldalis was impressed by Artanis' vision of a unified protoss society, the Daelaam: incorporating the cultures of Khalai, Nerazim, Tal'Darim and Purifiers.

After the Second Great War, the Protectorate launched its campaign to reclaim Aiur. As a zealot, Kaldalis volunteered to be part of the Akhundelarthe "Tip of the Spear"; the Akhundelar are the pre-invasion vanguard spec-ops troops expected to suffer heavy casualties. On the eve of battle, Kaldalis met privately with Artanis on Saalok. Artanis doubted that the reclamation was worth the casualties and was surprised to learn Kaldalis had volunteered to join the Akhundelar. Kaldalis declared the hierarch's vision of protoss unity gave him hope, and that it was a future he was willing to die for. Kaldalis deployed to the surface of Aiur with two other zealots, and two high templar. Their task was to defend a probe warping in a pylon, thereby establish a foothold. The group was attacked by zerg from atop a hill, and from burrows around them. Eventually, only Kaldalis remained to face the enemy. However, enough time had been bought for the pylon to materialize, and Kaldalis was reinforced by zealots warping in.


Praetor Karass was a protoss high templar. His mastery of psionic powers was considered legendary. On the eve of the Second Great War, Karass and his troops journeyed to Ulaan in pursuit of Infested Kerrigan. There he met the Prelate Zeratul; the dark templar was seeking information on the hybrids. The praetor put himself at Zeratul's disposal and the pair broke through zerg patrols and found the prophecy Zeratul and Kerrigan sought. Kerrigan attacked the outnumbered protoss shortly afterward. Karass instructed Zeratul to escape with the information; the praetor and his troops proceeded to buy Zeratul time with their lives. The dark templar reluctantly withdrew aboard Void Seeker, and swore Karass' sacrifice would not be in vain.


Talis was a protoss Praetor. She was seen in the prologue of the Legacy of the Void, when Zeratul helped her defeat Amon's forces. She defends the Xel'Naga temple from both Hybrid and Tal'Darim attacks, allowing Zeratul to escape, before dying from countless void shades and Hybrid attacking her.


The Nerazim, or "The Dark Ones", were exiled from Aiur for refusing to submit to the communal will of the Khala. They are warriors who strike from the shadows, and remain dedicated defenders of their people despite their banishment. After the devastation of Aiur in StarCraftthe Nerazim took in their Khalai brethren on their shadowy homeworld of Shakuras, where both sides work to rebuild Protoss society.


Voiced in the games by Jack Ritschel

Zeratul is a Nerazim prelate and one of the main Protoss protagonists. The character is voiced by Jack Ritschel in StarCraft and Brood Warand by Fred Tatasciore in all three parts of StarCraft II. A renowned psionic warrior and assassin, Zeratul is somewhat secretive and calculating, but is nevertheless honorable and loyal to his species. He teaches Tassadar how to use dark templar energies and facilitates the final attack on the Overmind by slaying several cerebrates. Following the death of the Overmind, Zeratul tries to put in motion the reunification of the Khalai survivors with the wayward dark templar and unmask the secrets of Samir Duran's experiments. After Duran revealed he had been breeding Protoss-Zerg hybrids for a greater master, Zeratul set out to find Duran's master and his plan, which encompasses all of his activities in the three installments of StarCraft II. In Wings of Liberty, he gives Jim Raynor a crystal with his memories to emphasize the importance of the latter's mission to de-infest Kerrigan. In Heart of the Swarm, he guides Kerrigan to Zerus, the original home of the Zerg, and encourages her to re-infest herself so she can stop Amon, a fallen Xel'naga who is revealed to be the master of Duran and seeks to destroy all life in the Korpulu Sector and remold it in his image. Zeratul will also feature in the events of Legacy of the Void (originally believed to be the central character, the actual protagonist of the story is Artanis). He appears early on but is killed as he severs Artanis's nerve cords to cut him off from Amon's control. He is described by GameSpot as a "dark warrior who champions the light" and a "willing scapegoat" for his people and ranked in their top ten heroes chart.[96]

The character of Zeratul was created by Blizzard Entertainment's Chris Metzen, with concept art produced by other Blizzard artists such as Samwise Didier.[97] Chris Metzen mentioned that Ritschel died some time during the development of the game, and thus Fred Tatasciore has taken over as the new voice actor.[98][99] Tatasciore described Zeratul as an incredible character, a "Darth Vader" who invests so much in the survival of things, and one of the best characters he has ever played.[99]GameSpot described all the characters in StarCraft as "three-dimensional, full of personality and complexity", and then continued to comment: "Yet even among this star-studded cast, it is Zeratul who stands out as the most noble of heroes, although he is shrouded in a cloak of mystery and aloofness".[98]

Zeratul also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.


Raszagal was the matriarch of the Nerazim on Shakuras, and mother to Vorazun. The character appears in Brood Warwhere she is voiced by Debra DeLiso, and in the novel Shadow Hunters. Described as one of the oldest living Protoss and imbued with tremendous psychic powers,[31] she is one of the few to clearly remember the Protoss homeworld from before the exile of the Nerazim. During her youth, Raszagal was important in ensuring the dark templar were only exiled, rather than exterminated. In Brood WarRaszagal directs Zeratul and Artanis to cleanse the Zerg from Shakuras and welcomes Sarah Kerrigan as an ally in their mission. This spurs Aldaris to rebellion; Raszagal consequently orders his death.[100] Kerrigan and Samir Duran later kidnap Raszagal from Shakuras, using her to blackmail Zeratul into killing the second Overmind. It quickly becomes apparent that Kerrigan has mentally subverted Raszagal and has been using her to manipulate events from the beginning.[101] Zeratul captures Raszagal, but is unable to hold off the Zerg forces long enough to escape. Realizing that the matriarch is beyond redemption from Kerrigan's influence, Zeratul kills Raszagal. Raszagal's mind is freed by the lethal blow, and she dies thanking Zeratul for releasing her, naming him as her successor as leader of the dark templar.[102]


Vorazun is a Nerazim matriarch, daughter to Raszagal, second-in-command to Artanis, and the leader of the surviving Nerazim on Shakuras. She is a skilled warrior, and dedicated to her people. Vorazun is deeply committed to the individuality and culture of her people. While she originally feared the cultural change the Daelaam was bringing to her people, she nonetheless remained committed to its ideals in a unified protoss nation.

Vorazun had a complicated relationship with Artanis, even before her ascension to Matriarch. Artanis originally believed she was against his vision on unification. Despite Vorazun's many objections, she nominated Artanis for the role of Hierarch of the Daelaam. By the End War, Vorazun gained a greater deal of respect for Artanis. After the destruction of Shakuras and witnessing him survive against countless foes alone, she claimed Artanis had partaken and completed the "Shadow Walk", becoming Dark Templar. She also comforted Artanis after he killed Zeratul while under Amon's control.

Vorazun had accused Zeratul of treasion against the Nerazim for his role in the death of her mother. Despite Artanis' protests regarding Raszagal's corruption by Kerrigan, she stated she would always hold Zeratul in contempt. It wasn't until following Zeratul's prophecy's that lead to Ulnar, she admitted that he was closer to the truth than anyone and after finally realizing that Zeratul's dedication to the Xel'naga prophecy's gave the protoss hope, she vowed to honor him with Artanis.


Mohandar is a prelate within the Nerazim, the elderly leader of the Nerazim and member of the Hierarchy. He believes that Zeratul should return to Shakuras.

In 2503, Mohandar attended a meeting of the Hierarchy to discuss Zamara, a missing preserver. There were none on Shakuras. A terran female, Rosemary Dahl, attended the meeting, along with Vartanil (a survivor from Aiur) and Executor Selendis; she was subject to protoss anti-female bias (due to their experiences with Sarah Kerrigan). Among the topics of conversation covered were Ulrezaj, a powerful dark archon and old enemy of the Khalai. During the meeting, Mohandar deferred to the judgment of Hierarch Artanis.
Artanis decided to launch an expedition to rescue the preserver, but didn't know where to start. Mohandar, however, believed he knew where Zamara was going – Ehlna, a Nerazim sanctuary moon. There, the Nerazim, who had no preservers, used modified khaydarin crystals to store memories.

Mohandar tried to insist on only sending Nerazim to the sanctuary, but Selendis talked him into allowing a small number of templar warriors to accompany the expedition. He agreed, but only if there was no disrespect. Vartanil went along with them, and (much to Mohandar's annoyance) so did Dahl. Mohandar pointed out the protoss were still evaluating her, a terran female.

He took part in the mission to Ehlna. Once at the Alys'aril (the center where Nerazim memories were preserved) he met Jake Ramsey (the terran carrying Zamara's essence) and Zeratul. The latter made ready to leave. Mohandar told him his place was on Shakuras within the Hierarchy. Zeratul promised to return to Shakuras soon.

Mohandar appears once in Zeratul's apocalyptic vision at the end of the Protoss mini-campaign in Wings of Liberty. By this time, it is implied that he is the most senior member of the Dark Templar remaining aside from Zeratul.

Mohandar appears in the StarCraft II short story Children of the Void, set before Legacy of the Void. He was killed while quelling a Nerazim uprising in the capital city of Talematros with Matriarch Vorazun.[103]


Ulrezaj is a Nerazim rebel who believes that the Khalai Protoss should either be removed from Shakuras or exterminated. He is introduced in the downloadable Brood War campaign "Enslavers: Dark Vengeance", and later appears as the antagonist of the novels Shadow Hunters and Twilight. Brought up as a scholar on the moon of Ehlna, Ulrezaj begins to abuse his position by learning from prohibited sources of information. Resenting the exile of the dark templar from Aiur, he abandons his career and takes up arms against the Khalai Protoss as they establish themselves on Shakuras.[104] He later uses the knowledge learned from his early days to become a dark archon; an immensely powerful psionic being created by several Protoss merging. Allying with a Terran smuggler, Alan Schezar, Ulrezaj moves an orbital base over Shakuras; Ulrezaj uses Schezar's resources to mutate Zerg to attack the Khalai Protoss, while an EMP device disables Shakuras' power grid. Though defeated by Zeratul's forces, Ulrezaj escapes.[105]

Ulrezaj reappears several years later, residing on Aiur where he is manipulating a faction of Protoss survivors who were not evacuated. Ulrezaj uses these Protoss to attempt to capture a Terran archaeologist, Jacob Ramsey, who has the powerful mind of a Protoss archivist, Zamara, residing in his own mind; their failure to do so leads to Ulrezaj personally trying to take Ramsey, but the archaeologist escapes through a warp gate while both Zerg and Valerian Mengsk's forces also attempt to capture him. Ulrezaj traces Ramsey to Ehlna, breaking through the defenses of both the Protoss and the Dominion. However, Zamara uses her last energy to lock Ulrezaj's mind into a storage crystal, sacrificing herself to keep Ulrezaj trapped.


The Tal'Darim, or "The Forged Ones" are a fanatical sect of Protoss cut off from the Khala, who actively worship the Xel'Naga as gods. They are one of the antagonists in every game, and serve Amon, to rebuild the universe in his name. However, they become allies with Artanis after Alarak defeats Ma'Lash in the rite of Rak'Shir and becomes leader, vowing to bring down Amon.


Alarak (voiced by John de Lancie) is a central figure of the Tal'Darim in the service of Amon. He was first described in the short story Ascensionone of the lead-up short stories before the release of Legacy of the Void. In the story, he holds the title of Fourth Ascendant, a minor leader in the Tal'Darim hierarchy, known as the "Chain of Ascension"; one can only advance in rank through Rak'Shir, a ritual trial by combat of their immediate superior. When the First Ascendant, Nuroka, challenges Highlord Ma'lash for leadership of the Tal'Darim, Alarak remains neutral, until Ma'lash seemed on the brink of defeat; he then declared for him, offering his psionic strength, allowing Ma'lash to defeat Nuroka. With the First, Second, and Third Ascendants claimed in the battle, Alarak is named First Ascendant; however, Ma'lash is wary, and threatens a slow and painful death if Alarak betrays him.

Throughout the ritual, Alarak is filled with doubts as to Amon's goals, which becomes a betrayal as Amon begins to phase out the Tal'Darim and other "mortal" forces, relying more and more on his hybrid. Alarak thus forms an alliance with Artanis, who pledges to aid in bringing down Ma'lash and removing the Tal'Darim from Amon's service. With the aid of Artanis' forces, Alarak challenges Ma'lash to Rak'Shir and defeats him, becoming the new Highlord of the Tal'Darim. Declaring that Amon had lied to them, Alarak promises revenge against Amon, and joins force with Artanis. After Amon is destroyed, Alarak decides to find a new homeworld for the Tal'Darim rather than join the remaining protoss on Aiur, though he allows any of his people who wish it one chance to remain with Artanis.

Alarak, in Legacy of the Voidpossess immense psionic powers and is always rude and arrogant, exhibiting a sadistic and totalitarian personality. He renounces the concept of freedom and holds zero respect for anything other than the ability to slaughter.

Alarak appears in Nova Covert Opsand is a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.


Ma'Lash was the Highlord of the Tal'Darim. He is featured in Legacy of the Void and in the short story Ascension. Ma'Lash used brute force to become the Highlord. He enjoys killing his challengers slowly, barely keeping them alive while at the verge of being extinguished. In Legacy of the VoidAlarak invokes the rite of Rak'Shir; Ma'Lash loses and dies.


Ji'nara is the current first ascendant of the Tal'darim. She was previously the fifth ascendant and is Highlord Alarak's direct subordinate.


Nyon is a Tal'Darim executor who Raynor's Raiders fight in Wings of Liberty for pieces of Xel'Naga artifacts. He is killed later in the game, when the Raiders destroy his mothership.


He was the leader of the Tal'darim who knew the truth behind the organization.


The purifiers are a synthetic race conceived as an "ultimate fighting force" at a time when protoss scientists and engineers were making technological advancements in intelligent and sentient robotics.


In Legacy of the VoidDaelaam' forces uncover a Purifier robot whose personality and memories was cloned from Fenix. This Purifier thinks he is Fenix in a dragoon shell. Artanis is overjoyed to meet this manifestation of his old comrade and is in no rush to tell him the truth, allowing him to discover it at a pace he is comfortable with, by studying the combat logs. Eventually, upon learning more about Fenix, he decides to have his name changed to 'Talandar'. He becomes the ambassador between the Daelaam and the Purifiers, convincing them to join force. He follows Artanis in battle to reclaim their homeworld.


Clolarion was a legendary protoss executor, whose deeds were taught to Templar warriors long after his death. Because of his status, Clolarion was chosen to take part in the purifier program. His mind was scanned into a robotic shell, in an attempt to recreate and preserve the greatest warriors of the Templar. The Clolarion purifier was sealed in Cybros along with the rest of the purifiers after their rebellion against the Conclave.

In 2506, during the End War, the Daelaam under the command of Hierarch Artanis came to Cybros to reactivate the purifiers. Clolarion acted as their spokesman and leader during the mission, and ordered the Purifiers to engage the zerg on the station, and then purified the surface of Endion, the forest moon Cybros orbited. With the battle over, Artanis asked the purifiers to join the Daelaam in the war against Amon. Clolarion questioned his sincerity and only accepted an alliance on the condition of Talandar being their ambassador.

Zerg characters[edit]

The Zerg Swarm is an evolving swarm intelligence: a ruthless amalgamation of biologically advanced, parasitoid-arthropodal species, directed by an instinctive "adapt or die"-mentality. The volcanic world of Char serves as The Swarm's "primary hive cluster" in the Koprulu sector. Dedicated to the pursuit of "genetic perfection", the zerg devour and assimilate advanced species across the galaxy, incorporating useful genetic code. They are a virus; they rapidly consume, mutate, adapt, and propagate in minutes. They thrive in the most inhospitable environments, creating superior strains in the process. They are named "The Swarm" per their hive-mindedness, seemingly endless force deployments and relentless assaults they employ to overwhelm their foes: for The Swarm, sacrificing thousands to destroy or assimilate each one of their enemy's soldiers is a trivial matter.

Queen of Blade's Zerg Swarm[edit]

The Swarm was reunited under Kerrigan at the end of the Brood War.[106] The cerebrates were eliminated from the Swarm[107] but broods such as the Char Brood remained.[108]


Between the end of the Brood War and Kerrigan's defeat on Char, Kerrigan created numerous broodmothers, powerful queens, each of which would lead a brood. The queens were ordered to evolve and only submit to the will of the strongest leader, which became a problem upon Kerrigan's defeat. The brood mothers scattered their broods. Kerrigan was forced to follow and attempt to subdue them.[109] Following the eradication of the last cerebrates in Brood WarKerrigan creates powerful and intelligent broodmothers to fulfill their role in the Swarm. Kerrigan commanded the broodmothers "to fight, to conquer, to be strong and to lead by force of will". Through decentralizing command hierarchy, Kerrigan ensured the Zerg Swarm could function without leadership. The strongest of these zerg broods, The Zagara Brood, was led by Zagara. Following Kerrigan's defeat and de-infestation on Char, the Zagara brood remained there, seeking large egg piles in an acid marsh. Despite General Horace Warfield's extermination campaign against the zerg remaining on the planet, the brood thrived while all others perished. Its prosperity was interrupted however, when Kerrigan returned to Char and subjugated Zagara, thereby putting the brood under Kerrigan's control.


Zagara is a zerg broodmother, Kerrigan's second-in-command, and the leader of the Zagara Brood. In the absence of the Queen of Blades, Zagara sought to reunite the Swarm under her own leadership. She rallied the feral zerg of Char to her side, and managed to hold out against the genocidal forces of General Horace Warfield. However, her brute tactics prevented her from achieving victory. When Kerrigan returned to Char, Zagara challenged her authority due to her regained humanity, thus deeming her unworthy to lead the Swarm. Once defeated by Kerrigan, the broodmother was forgiven and rejoined Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm forces. Her renewed loyalty is not left unrewarded though, as once Kerrigan ascends to become a Xel'naga, she relinquishes all command over the Zerg Swarm to Zagara, making her the new "Queen of Blades",but after being evolved by Abathur and subjected to Kerrigan's teaching her some lessons. She is seen in the Epilogue, establishing a foothold over dozens of systems to grant a safe haven for the Zerg Swarm as it rebuilds from the long conflict against the Terrans, the Protoss and Amon's Hybrids forces.

Zagara also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.


Niadra is a zerg broodmother and leader of the Niadra Brood. She was created by Sarah Kerrigan when she battled the protoss on Kaldir. Although she succeeded in preventing them from contacting the Golden Armada, one of the protoss ships attempted to flee from the planet and travel to Shakuras. To prevent them from surviving, Kerrigan placed a parasitic larva within the captured protoss colonist Lasarra and dropped the psionic veil that prevented her from being warped back to her people. After being teleported to the ship, the protoss attempted to warn the Templar but died as the parasitic larva spawned from her body. Shortly afterwards, it began infesting the local animals kept onboard by the protoss and hid within the ventilation shafts where it found a safe location to mature into a queen. Kerrigan gave her the name Niadra and tasked her with eliminating all the protoss on board the ship, a task she accomplished with assistance from her zerg offspring. After damaging the vessel's warp drive, Niadra and her brood became the only occupants of the craft, but they had traveled beyond the reach of Kerrigan's ability to communicate. With few other options, Niadra decided to continue the Queen of Blades' last directives: to survive, grow her brood, and destroy the protoss.


Rokarr is a zerg broodmother and leader of the Rokarr Brood. Her brood attacked Terran Dominion fortification at the Sigma Centari platform, but the assault stalemated. Rokarr ordered the destruction of local feral brood lords, whose essence was then used to create more of them. The brood lords easily destroyed the Dominion fortification.


Naktul is a zerg broodmother, and leader of the Naktul Brood. Naktul and her brood were based on Phaeton following the fragmentation of the Swarm during the Second Great War. The Terran Dominion deployed a Drakken pulse cannon on the surface to interdict the orbital rendezvous location for ships of Raynor's Raiders and their allies fleeing a Dominion attack on XT39323. When Sarah Kerrigan—deinfested since the Battle of Char—arrived to destroy the cannon, Naktul still regarded Kerrigan as "The Queen of Blades" and zerg leader and offered her immediate support. Kerrigan was uncomfortable with this acclamation, but nonetheless accepted the brood's assistance to destroy the cannon. In spite of her early support, Naktul was amongst the last broodmother to rejoin the Swarm when Kerrigan's attack on Korhal drew close. Naktul contacted the Swarm as a representative of the remaining renegade broodmothers, and conveyed their wishes to rejoin the Swarm. Kerrigan sent them to destroy enemy strongholds across the Sector to test them.


Kilysa is a zerg broodmother, and leader of the Kilysa Brood. When Kilysa asked to rejoin the Swarm, Sarah Kerrigan ordered her to destroy Mistaff IV to as a test. During the invasion of Korhal, Kilysa had her leviathans formed a blockade and suppressed Dominion fleets reinforcement into the Korhal system.


Nafash was a zerg broodmother, and leader of the Nafash Brood. Hoping to make the Swarm stronger by evolving a way to deal with extreme cold, Sarah Kerrigan sent Nafash and her brood to infest Kaldir. After Kerrigan's deinfestation, Nafash sought to create her own Swarm. Shortly after setting up a hive, Nafash moved off into the ice valleys. When the protoss struck, Nafash fell back to prepared positions. The protoss hunted her down and killed her.


Ryloth is a zerg broodmother, and leader of the Ryloth Brood. During the Second Great War she kept her large brood out of harm's way until Sarah Kerrigan returned from Zerus. When she asked to rejoin the Swarm, Kerrigan ordered her to destroy Jontur II, a Dominion shipbuilding world. Her brood on Marek V was almost exterminated by Prometheus Company, but was saved by Kerrigan's brood.


Izsha is a zerg advisor in service to Sarah Kerrigan. She is a unique type of zerg; one of a kind. Izsha exemplifies a midpoint for Kerrigan, standing between Kerrigan's cold rationality and the feral nature of the Swarm. She harkens back to the ideology of the Overmind, but is still a rational individual. In earlier times, Kerrigan used her to store her thoughts and plans. On at least one occasion she entrusted Izsha with a plan to infest a planet using the hyper-evolutionary virus through its water supply. Izsha reunited with Kerrigan following the latter's de-infestation and subsequent return to the Swarm. She served as an advisor, recalling memories from Kerrigan's time as the Queen of Blades, and helping her to reclaim the Swarm while remaining attached to her queen's leviathan.

While Abathur was designed to be "evil," the concept of Izsha was to strike a balance between human and monster. Unlike Abathur, Izsha was to have a face that the player could talk and relate to, one that Kerrigan could have more of an emotional connection with.[110]


Abathur is a unique super intelligent zerg-biologist creature, created from numerous zerg species. He is the swarm zerg's evolutionary master craftsman and archivist of the entire Swarm's DNA library. Arrogant and impatient, Abathur loves biodiversity, despises extinction, and instinctively wants to "eat" anything strange or different so that he can absorb, catalogue and understand it. Abathur is well mannered and is constantly connecting DNA, experimenting on strains and studying the Swarm's enemies. He does this by "consuming" creatures and gaining access to their genetic code. Abathur perceives other beings in terms of their raw genetic material, not as sentient beings.

The quest for 'purity' was retained in the zerg psyche, becoming a pseudo-religious concept to them. Through the quest for 'perfection' the zerg were set on a steady state of evolution and conflict. The core idea of this 'religion' was that there was a state that the zerg could reach where they no longer needed to evolve, that their evolutionary form would never have to change again because they could already adapt to any situation. Abathur accepts that the Overmind's instinctive desire for "true perfection" is impossible for the zerg swarm to achieve, yet reasoned that "...chasing perfection was tactically sound regardless." Instead, Abathur believed it is "purpose" which makes the zerg strong. Abathur states that without an overriding will, "feral zerg" are lesser than beasts, much like he was after the death of the Overmind. Abathur is personally responsible for the continuation of the zerg-species. He undertakes each experiment as though the survival of the species depends on it alone, and tolerates no genetic regression or evolutionary backstep. It is revealed in Heart of the Swarm that he was the one who designed the Queen of Blades.

Abathur also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.

Infested Stukov[edit]

The infested incarnation of Alexei Stukov makes an appearance in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarmvoiced by Victor Brandt. Following Sarah Kerrigan's transformation on Zerus, Stukov contacted her and told her about the experiments being performed on Skygeirr Platform. After defeating the shapeshifter, "Emil Narud", and his hybrids, Stukov joined the Swarm. Alexei Stukov was granted control of the Stukov Brood; a brood consisting strains of infestors, infested terrans and aberrations. During the Battle of Korhal, Stukov's brood attacked Dominion entrenchments.

According to Stukov, he escaped his Moebius captors after being re-infested and learned that the foundation is secretly breeding Protoss-Zerg hybrids at the request of Arcturus Mengsk. Although not a hybrid himself, Stukov oddly seems to possess an amalgamation of Protoss and Zerg abilities and characteristics, though this likely resulted from his exposure to the Protoss anti-infestation cure. Once the lab breeding the hybrid is destroyed, he realizes that he has no purpose and cannot return to Earth or any Terran faction as an infested human. Kerrigan offers him a position in the Swarm as a brood leader until he makes up his mind, and Stukov ultimately decides to stay with the Swarm until the end.

Stukov returns in StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void during the invasion of the Void. During the invasion, Stukov helps kill the Shapeshifter, reversing the position of how Stukov met his demise during Brood War (where he was killed by the Shapeshifter, disguised as a former Confederate ally.)


Dehaka is a primal zerg pack leader from Zerus who is fixated on adaptation and collecting raw genetic material, which he refers to as "essence"; for Dehaka, "essence" is survival against extinction. Dehaka lost his large right arm prior to the Swarm's return to Zerus; it was later to be found in the same area where Sarah Kerrigan defeated the other primal pack leaders. When the Zerg Swarm returned to Zerus, Dehaka initially opted to simply observe the Swarm and Kerrigan. He witnessed the newcomers awaken Zurvan and the primal-infestation of Kerrigan. Dehaka perceived Kerrigan as the strongest of the zerg pack leaders. He and his pack welcomed the new power by allying with the Swarm, believing Kerrigan would lead them to new "essence". Dehaka correctly predicted that the other zerg pack leaders would refuse to submit and "adapt"; the other pack leaders were destroyed by Kerrigan, including Zurvan. Kerrigan confronted Dehaka afterwards, confirming that Dehaka had known that Zurvan would turn on her. Dehaka did not deny this, responding with "one zerg would grow strong, the other would fall". Dehaka remained with the Zerg Swarm.

Dehaka also appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.

Overmind's Zerg Swarm[edit]

The first broods were formed by the Overmind, with the direction of each brood being delegated to a cerebrate. A brood was engineered for a specific function, which impacted its numerical strength and the diversity of its strains. The Terrans gave the Great War broods reporting names based on beasts found in Earth mythology.[111] The Command Wing broods were responsible for defending the Overmind and searching for new species for assimilation. These broods did not engage in front-line combat unless necessary. The Command Wing included the Tiamat Brood, Baelrog Brood, and Fenris Brood. The Attack Wing broods were the Swarm's front-line forces, meant to conquer and occupy worlds. The wing's primary broods were amongst the largest in the Swarm. The Attack Wing included the Garm Brood, Jormungand Brood, and Surtur Brood.

The Overmind[edit]

Voiced in the games by Jack Ritschel

The Overmind is the center of the Zerg Swarm's hive mind society, created by the Xel'Naga as a single consciousness for their experiments on the Zerg. It is the antagonist of StarCraftwhere it is voiced by Jack Ritschel; Paul Eiding voices the character in Wings of Liberty. At some point during its creation, it was secretly enslaved by the fallen Xel'Naga Amon, who implanted it with a directive to destroy the Protoss and bound the Zerg to a hive mind. The Overmind becomes aware of Xel'Naga, attacking and assimilating its masters.[112] Through this, the Overmind learns of the existence of the Protoss and is determined to assimilate the fellow Xel'Naga-empowered species, believing this will result in perfection.[84] To provide the necessary force to overcome the Protoss, the Overmind targets the psionic potential of the Terrans for assimilation.[113] He also assimilated Sarah Kerrigan so as to create a weapon to free the Zerg from the control of his Dark Master. The Zerg and Protoss clash on various Terran worlds, eventually leading to Zeratul assassinating the cerebrate Zasz. Zasz's death momentarily links the minds of the Overmind and Zeratul, allowing Overmind to learn the location of the Protoss homeworld Aiur. The Overmind quickly launches an invasion of Aiur and manifests itself on the planet's surface. Following a lengthy and costly campaign on Aiur, Tassadar harnesses the energies of the dark templar to strike at the Overmind directly, disintegrating it.

Although no longer a major character in the story, the remains of the original Overmind appear again in StarCraft II. Following the interpretation of the prophetic fragments recovered by Zeratul on Ulaan by the Preservers of Zhakul, Zeratul deduces that the "Great Hungerer" referenced by the prophecy refers to the Zerg Overmind, and travels to Aiur to recover whatever memories lingered within the remains of the Overmind's husk.[114] In the course of his investigation Zeratul encounters the spirit of Tassadar, who passes on vital information he obtained from the Overmind concerning the Queen of Blades, the Hybrid, and the Overmind's vision of one possible future brought about due to the death of Kerrigan.[115] Alongside Kerrigan, the Overmind was rated the eighth most diabolical video game villain by GamePro.[116]


Cerebrates are secondary agents in the Zerg Swarm, each of which commands an individual brood of Zerg that possesses a distinct tactical role within the hierarchy.[117] Alongside the Overmind, the cerebrates are the only Zerg with full sapience, each with its own personality and methods, although they are genetically incapable of disobeying the Overmind.[117] Cerebrates can be reincarnated by the Overmind upon death, though dark templar energies are capable of preventing this.[118] The death of a cerebrate causes the Overmind to lose control of its respective brood, which will then run amok.


Daggoth was the commander-in-chief of the entire zerg swarm war-machine. As the highest ranking cerebrate, Daggoth was a tactical genius in command of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood in the Zerg Swarm. Voiced by Micky Neilson, Daggoth is the most strong-willed and ferocious of the cerebrates.[84] It trains the player character in the Zerg campaign of StarCraft and dispenses forces to protect Kerrigan following her transformation. Daggoth was charged with protecting the Overmind itself.[119] In the wake of the Overmind's death, Daggoth immediately takes command of the fractured Zerg broods, annihilated several renegade zerg broods, and ordered several cerebrates to merge to form a new Overmind.[120]


The second most prominent cerebrate is Zasz, who commands the first strike Garm Brood. A clever but somewhat questioning leader,[84] Zasz is voiced by Bill Roper in StarCraft. Kerrigan often argues with Zasz over her impulsive and seemingly rebellious actions; despite the Overmind's assurance that Kerrigan is loyal, Zasz remains untrusting. However, while Tassadar distracts the attention of Kerrigan's forces, Zasz is assassinated by Zeratul. Its death gives the Overmind and Zeratul a temporary mental link, allowing the Overmind to find Aiur and Zeratul to learn the origins of the Zerg.[121] Zasz's final words to Kerrigan proclaim her to be "the doom of us all"; following Kerrigan's rise to power at the culmination of Brood WarZasz is seemingly proven correct.[122] Ironically, Zeratul's connection with the Overmind following Zasz's death reveals Kerrigan to be the only hope of resisting the eradication of all life by the Xel'naga Amon.

Other cerebrates[edit]

Insurrection features two further cerebrates, Nargil and Auza. Commander of the Fenris Brood and with the directive of search and destroy,[119] Nargil itself is capable of intercepting enemy transmissions and provides tactical support for the player in Insurrection's Zerg campaign. Auza, who commands the Incubus Brood and is responsible for reconnaissance, attempts to personally assimilate a rebel Terran psychic, but is overwhelmed as the psychic's mind overcomes its own. As a result, the Overmind is forced to kill Auza. Retribution introduces Zargil of the Sennith Brood, who relays the Overmind's directives to the player. Various other cerebrates are also featured throughout the series, though following the death of the second Overmind, Metzen explained that all remaining extant cerebrates died, as they were not designed to live without their creator or killed by Kerrigan herself and absorbing their warriors to her side.[92]

Enslaved, Feral, and Renegade Zerg[edit]

A brood depended on a nexus creature to direct it. In the pre-conflict Swarm, this position was filled by cerebrates. However, supplanting the cerebrate with another entity could allow broods, or other large groups of zerg, to be controlled by non-Swarm agents.

During the Brood War, the United Earth Directorate Expeditionary Fleet took control of the zerg unaligned with Sarah Kerrigan by controlling the second Overmind. The enslaved broods played a critical role in ensuring the UED's temporary dominance of the sector.[123]

Alan Schezar used a khaydarin crystal to control a cerebrate and its brood.[124]Ulrezaj also used khaydarin crystals to achieve similar results.[125]

"Independent" broods appeared after the turmoil resulting from the Overmind's death. Some were employed as mercenaries.[126][127]

Feral zerg are zerg not under the control of any higher entity. These zerg will simply devolve into predatory behavior: acting on the lowest intellectual level, consuming other animals for nourishment, attack everything around them. Control can be re-asserted over feral zerg by a Broodmother or other command strains however.

Second Overmind[edit]

A second Overmind is created in Brood Warformed from the merging of several cerebrates. This second Overmind never reaches full maturity, and thus lacks the power and intelligence of the original and is much weaker; attacks that were superficial to the first Overmind send the second into remission, although dark templar energies are still needed to kill it. The second Overmind is captured and drugged by the United Earth Directorate, who use its control of the Swarm to bolster its own forces in the Koprulu Sector, but it is ultimately slain by Zeratul.

Primal Zerg[edit]

The primal zerg are a zerg subspecies from the zerg homeworld, Zerus. They retain the physical and psychological traits of the original "primal zerg"-strains. Their unique genetic-adaptations made assimilation into The Swarm difficult, as they were shown as able to absorb "swarm-essence" to mutate counter-measures. Their highly individualistic nature avoided incorporation into the Zerg Swarm's swarm intelligence.


Zurvan, the Ancient One, was a primal zerg of Zerus who had lived for millions of years. Zurvan embodied the "survival of the fittest" ideals the primal zerg pack leaders operated on. Zurvan was wary of the Overmind and the hive-minded zerg swarm, believing that losing ones individuality to a single indomitable will is a terrible evolutionary fate for a strong zerg. He was spawned before the Overmind, and lived to see the return of the Zerg Swarm to Zerus during the Second Great War. It shepherded a deinfested Sarah Kerrigan's rebirth into the Swarm, before challenging her and subsequently being killed and having its essence absorbed by her. Zurvan was younger than the power found in the first spawning pool but older than the first Overmind. It escaped being incorporated into the Swarm hive mind by Amon and remained on Zerus when the Swarm left the planet. In time, it became a pack leader and became immense both in power and physique. By the time the Swarm and a deinfested Sarah Kerrigan returned to Zerus, it had been millennia since Zurvan's last evolution


Brakk was a primal zerg pack leader on Zerus. When Sarah Kerrigan arrived on Zerus, Brakk declared that her zerg intruded on his territory. Wishing to stop her from waking Zurvan, he sent his pack to destroy the quillgor meat that her drones were harvesting. When this was unsuccessful, he personally led an attack on her hive cluster and was killed. The remnants of Brakk's pack were destroyed shortly afterwards by Yagdra's pack.


Kraith was a primal zerg pack leader on Zerus and leader of Kraith's Pack. According to Zurvan, Kraith was "immense and consumed by hatred". Kraith was defeated by the new, primal reinfested Sarah Kerrigan, who consumed his essence. He was shown charging at a herd of Primal Zerglings, eliminating them.


Slivan, the Eternal Mother was one of the primal zerg pack leaders of Zerus. She was described as "hollow and destructive" by Zurvan. Slivan was defeated by the new, primal Queen of Blades, and her essence absorbed. She can spawn countless locusts.


Yagdra was one of the primal zerg pack leaders of Zerus. Yagdra closely resembled an ash worm in appearance, and it was considerably larger in stature than most other primal zerg. It could spit gobs of destructive acid that burnt like fire.

When Yagdra learned that Sarah Kerrigan was transforming in a chrysalis, it attempted to halt the process permanently by sending its pack at Kerrigan's brood. In the process, Yagdra also eradicated the last remnants of Brakk's now-leaderless pack, however, it was not successful in killing the Queen of Blades before she hatched from her chrysalis. The opportunity came soon enough, however, when Kerrigan, now the Primal Queen of Blades, set out to challenge the pack leaders for control of Zerus. She came for Yagdra first. Aided by Dehaka's Pack, Kerrigan fought her way through Yagdra's minions and confronted the pack leader himself. Yagdra told her that her transformation meant nothing. The two fought, and Kerrigan emerged victorious. After slaying Yagdra, she absorbed his essence.

Xel'Naga characters[edit]

Amon's Dark Forces[edit]

Amon is the primary antagonist of the StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void expansion and ultimately the main villain of the franchise as a whole. He is described as a malevolent Xel'naga and is the mastermind behind the Protoss-Zerg hybrids. His ultimate goal is to remake creation in his image (the hybrids).


Amon is first alluded to in a discussion between Duran and Zeratul in the Brood War mission Dark Origin, in which he is described as "...a far greater power, a power that has slept for countless ages and is reflected in the creature within that cell."[128] In Wings of Liberty Zeratul's investigation into the Hybrids reveals that Amon's coming has been foretold; initially, he is described as "one who shall break the cycle of the gods." On Zhakul, Amon's role in the Ulan prophecy is further elaborated on, and it is here that he is first referred to as the "fallen one."[21] After arriving on Aiur to retrieve the surviving memories from the remains of the Overmind, Zeratul encounters the spirit of Tassadar;[22] from both beings Zeratul gains a glimpse into one possible future in which the Overmind foresaw Amon successfully employ his hybrids and the Zerg to annihilate the Protoss before turning on and wiping out the Zerg.[129] In this future, Amon taunted the Protoss by revealing Kerrigan to be the only one in a position to oppose him.[23][130]

During Heart of the Swarm events

In Heart of the Swarm Amon's identity and initial background are revealed. Amon came to Zerus after the other Xel'naga molded the Zerg. Desiring the Zerg's power to absorb the essence of their prey for his own goals, he connected many Zerg to a hivemind and later forced an overriding directive on the Overmind: the destruction of the Protoss.[22] Millennia before the start of the series, Amon died after a war with the other Xel'Naga who had discovered his work with the Zerg,[128] but work on the hybrids continued under the direction of the shape shifter Emil Narud. Sarah Kerrigan learned about Amon when she traveled to Zerus,[25] and came to realize his lingering influence over the Zerg swarm was a major reason behind her crimes as the Queen of Blades. Kerrigan later learned about Narud's attempts to restore Amon to life,[131] and attacked the shape-shifter's lab in order to stop him.[132] Although Kerrigan defeated Narud, the shape-shifter used his dying words to reveal that he had already accomplished his goal: Amon had returned.[133] Reflecting on her fight with Narud, Stukov speculated that the Xel'naga device used to de-infest Kerrigan may have actually had a hand in somehow reviving Amon. He noted that the original Queen of Blades had tremendous power, and that the device couldn't just simply erase it, surmising that it had to "go somewhere."[134][135] After exacting her revenge on Arcturus Mengsk, Kerrigan took the Zerg swarm to hunt down Amon to try to keep him from enslaving the Zerg again.

During Whispers of Oblivion events

In the Whispers of Oblivion campaign released by Blizzard ahead of the upcoming Legacy of the VoidAmon is revealed to have been resurrected in the Sigma Quadrant's Atrias System. Since his resurrection he has been under the protection of the Tal'Darim, a fanatical Protoss branch devoted to Amon.[136][137]

In addition to the above-mentioned names, Amon is also referenced as "a malevolent presence within the void" by Zeratul in Wings of Liberty,[24] the "Dark Voice" in the game captions,[citation needed] and "the dark god" in the prequel Whispers of Oblivion campaign.[136] During his auditory taunts in the Wings of Liberty mission In Utter Darknessa pair of glowing red eyes can be seen, but there is little else visually distinguishable about the character in the mission despite the fact that raw data exists for Amon in the map editor.[138]

During Legacy of the Void events

Amon was the main villain in Legacy of the Voidthough he did not appear in his true form until the epilogue campaign "Into the Void". He seizes control of the Khala, controlling most of the Protoss as they attempted to retake Aiur. Zeratul and other protoss who had their nerve cords cut were immune to that control. In his last act before being killed by the possessed Artanis, Zeratul severed the Hierarch's nerve cords, cutting him off from the Khala. Artanis rallies what few managed to avoid corruption and flees Aiur on the Spear of Adunrallying an army to fight Amon's forces and destroy his power base, before returning to Aiur with the Keystone (the Xel'Naga artifact used to purge Kerrigan of her own corruption). Convincing the possessed Khalai to sever their cords and break away from the Khala, their action sends Amon's essence into the artifact, which then implodes, banishing his essence into the Void.

As the protoss celebrate their victory, however, Artanis and Jim Raynor are summoned by Kerrigan to Ulnar, the former Xel'Naga homeworld, which contains a gateway into the Void; Kerrigan seeks their help in going through and ending Amon once and for all. Fighting through Amon's minions, led by a reincarnated Duran/Narud, the trio release an imprisoned Xel'Naga named Ouros, who had appeared to both Zeratul and Artanis in the form of their deceased friend Tassadar to guide them towards his intended aim: For Kerrigan to ascend to become Xel'Naga herself, and use her powers to kill Amon, as only a Xel'Naga could defeat him for good. With the aid of Artanis and Raynor's armies, Kerrigan undergoes the ascension, and destroys Amon forever with a final blast of energy.


The xel'naga regularly conducted experiments on other species as part of their "natural life cycle". Two species, one with the "purity of form" and another with the "purity of essence", would merge naturally to create a new iteration of Xel'naga. This process had occurred numerous times. To this purpose, the last incarnation of the xel'naga uplifted the protoss and zerg, intending for them to lead to the culmination of another iteration of the cycle. Contrary to the xel'naga's intent, the hybrids were the result of a perversion of the process. Amon's servants created hybrids to aid his plan to dominate creation. Overt knowledge of the hybrids began spreading among the terrans, protoss, and zerg, after the Brood War, and most who knew understood the dire threat the hybrids posed to the status quo.


Maar was the first hybrid to be awakened. Maar took over the forbidden protoss archive world of Zhakul. It subverted some of the Zhakul Guardians and imprisoned the three preservers, draining them to survive. Maar was defeated and killed only after Zeratul freed the preservers.


The shapeshifter was an enigmatic and mysterious character in the StarCraft Universe. Very little is known about this creature, beyond the fact that the shapeshifter was in fact a Xel'Naga, and was by its own admission several thousand years old. In each case that the shapeshifter has appeared in a meaningful role the creature has assumed the form of a Terran Male. The Shapeshifter's allegiance was to the fallen Xel'Naga Amon, and accordingly its actions were to further Amon's own goals.

After Blizzard confirmed Duran's return in Heart of the Swarm,[139] and tacitly implied that he may have appeared in Wings of Liberty,[140] many assumed that the character was reincarnated as Emil Narud. To support this position fans point to the fact that Narud was revealed in Heart of the Swarm to be an ancient shapeshifter serving Amon (fitting his description of himself in Brood War as "a servant of a far greater power"), and moreover, "Narud" is "Duran" spelled backwards. Although this was observed and commented/discussed by fans in the series, Blizzard made no definitive effort to merge the two characters until the release of Whispers of Obliviona three part prequel campaign to Legacy of the Void. In Whispers of OblivionZeratul confirmed that Samir Duran and Emil Narud were indeed the same individual.[136][141]

Alias as Samir Duran

Voiced in the games by Cástulo Guerra[142]

The shapeshifter makes its initial appearance as Samir Duranan enigmatic ex-Confederate Ghost operative introduced in Brood Warwhere he was voiced by Paul Ainsley. Duran was highly intelligent and manipulative, as well as knowledgeable about both the Protoss and Zerg. A former lieutenant in Alpha Squadron, Duran formed a small commando unit after the fall of the Confederacy to fight Mengsk's Dominion.[143]

Duran quickly allied with the United Earth Directorate's expeditionary force,[144] and used UED resources to mount an assassination attempt on Mengsk and provided vital intelligence and strategic advice on the Dominion to DuGalle. Duran convinced DuGalle to destroy the psi disruptor, to Stukov's chagrin, and as the UED closed in on Mengsk and his allies, Duran sabotaged a key operation, allowing the emperor to escape. When Stukov reconstructed the psi disruptor, Duran killed him and revealed his allegiance was actually to Sarah Kerrigan.[145]

With Duran as her advisor, Kerrigan successfully established command over the entirety of the Zerg Swarm. However, Duran vanished shortly afterwards. In a secret mission, he was discovered by Zeratul engineering a Protoss/Zerg hybrid. Duran ominously explained he "had many names throughout the millennia", that his work has little to do with Kerrigan and that he served "a far greater power".[128]

Alias of Dr. Emil Narud

Four years after the events of Brood Warthe shapeshifter reemerged in the Korpulu Sector, now going by the persona Dr. Emil Narud – an enigmatic scientist first introduced in Wings of Liberty and later appearing in Heart of the Swarmvoiced by Armin Shimerman. Narud was the head of the Moebius Foundation and was viewed as a genius on Zerg biology and an expert on Protoss and Xel'Naga technology.

In Wings of LibertyNarud and the Moebius Foundation backed Tychus Findlay's contact with James Raynor as a way to get around an imperial decree from Arcturus Mengsk which made it illegal to traffic in alien goods.[146][147] Narud would later appear by proxy as the Moebius Foundation's representative during a mission briefing on Tyrador, wherein Narud lent James Raynor his medical transport ships to help Raynor destroy the foundation's data cores in order to prevent the Queen of Blades from gaining access to them.[148] On the eve of the invasion of Char, Raynor learned from Valerian that Narud had been working with the Dominion's Crown Prince for the entire duration of the game.[149] In the aftermath of the successful de-infestation of the Queen of Blades, a civil war erupts between Arcturus and Valerian; in an attempt to find a safe haven, Valerian and Raynor seek shelter with the Moebius Foundation. Initially, Narud greeted and temporarily sheltered the group, but after examining the Xel'Naga artifact and thoroughly questioning Raynor about Kerrigan, Narud revealed his allegiance to Arcturus and sold out the group to an incoming Dominion fleet, but the fleet's attempt to kill Kerrigan fails.[63]

Narud later reappeared in Heart of the Swarm after former UED Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov contacted Kerrigan with a message to seek out the Skygeirr Station research facility orbiting Ketill IV. Upon her arrival at the facility, Stukov explained to Kerrigan that Skygeirr housed the Dominion's primary Hybrid research and development laboratory, and that "Emil Narud" was actually an ancient shapeshifter in the employment of a fallen Xel'Naga named Amon. After the Zerg swarm breached the interior of the facility and began attacking the Hybrids within, Narud made his initial appearance, broadcasting a message throughout the facility to inform Kerrigan that she was not welcome in the station.[132] After the Swarm breached the lowest level, Narud personally moved to kill Kerrigan by driving a null zone towards the Queen of Blades.[150] When the null zone attack failed, Narud retreated inside a Xel'Naga temple dedicated to Amon. In a showdown with Kerrigan, Narud taunted the Queen of Blades by using his shapeshifting abilities – first morphing into Jim Raynor, and then into Kerrigan's own human form, in which he wounded Kerrigan with a psi blade similar to that wielded by the Protoss. Kerrigan gained the upper hand in the end, impaling Narud with her wing-spikes. With his dying breath, Narud proclaimed that Amon had been resurrected and that she would see him soon.[133]

During the epilogue campaign, the combined forces of Kerrigan, Raynor and Artanis ventured into the void in order to rescue "Tassadar" (really Ouros) and encountered Narud, who was Ouros's jailer. After a difficult battle Narud's forces were overpowered and Narud was cornered by not only Artanis Kerrigan and Raynor, but Alexei Stukov, who called him "Duran." He asked Duran if he remembered what he had done to him, and Narud assumed Stukov was simply there to gloat. Stukov said "No, I'm here to say good night you son of a bitch." (an echo of the words Duran had said right before shooting him). He then shot Narud with a psychic blast, finishing him for good.


Ouros was one of the xel'naga who helped construct the material universe and seed it with life to perpetuate the Infinite Cycle. At some point, he was captured by Amon while the rest of his race was extinguished. He was chained in the Void, which was twisted to the will of Amon. However, he could still subtly influence the material universe, leaving clues to help guide his creations to rescue him by using Tassadar's form (Zeratul and Artanis) and voices (Kerrigan)


The first series of the collectable statues.

The characters of StarCraft have been popular enough to inspire the creation of several collectable statues and toys. The first series of statues was released by ToyCom in 2003, consisting of a firebat[151] with markings similar to some original StarCraft concept art for the firebat,[152] a hydralisk[153] and one of Tassadar[154] with a ceremonial sword, which is also seen in concept art for the original game.[155] A series of toys were also made available in 1998,[156] featuring two variations of the marine, another hydralisk and a Protoss zealot. In addition, 1/30 scale model kits for the marine[157] and hydralisk[158] were released in 1999 by Academy Hobby Model Kits.

A second series of collectable statues, which included infested Kerrigan,[159] Zeratul[160] and a Terran ghost,[161] was in development but appears to have been cancelled. However, upon announcement of StarCraft II in 2007, Blizzard released a new collectable statue depicting Wings of Libery mascot character Tychus Findlay.[162]

Critical reception[edit]

The characters and story of the StarCraft series have been received with praise and only minute criticism by many game reviewers. The GameSpot review of StarCraft described the voice acting as "great", stating that it brings the characters to life.[163] GameSpot goes further in the review for Brood Warcommenting that the story and dialogue is with only a few exceptions "brilliantly written" and "one of the year's best stories in any gaming genre".[164] The reviewer of StarCraft for IGN praises the melding of the story into the gameplay and implies that the development of the characters during the course of the story, particularly that of Kerrigan, is unforgettable.[165] In addition, the review of Brood War puts the storyline as "solid".[166]

Gaming Revolution echoed this praise, saying the plot is "fantastic", but the reviewer added that he felt it was "over too quickly".[167] At GamePro.comthe reviewer cited that he felt "the characters were talking to me" and even expressed a development of an emotional attachment to the character of Raynor.[168]Electric Playground put the story as the best part of the game, if a little derivative, but described the voice acting as "really quite excellent".[169]

See also[edit]

  1. ^ a b Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris; Vaughn, Jeffrey (1998). StarCraft (manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment.

  2. ^ Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris (1998). StarCraft: Brood War (manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment.

  3. ^ a b "Starcraft – Robert Clotworthy / Jim Raynor Interview". BlizzPlanet. Retrieved 2009-08-09.

  4. ^ "Interview with Glyniss Talken Campbell". BlizzPlanet. Archived from the original on 2009-01-18. Retrieved 2007-08-13.

  5. ^ Mesta, Gabriel (2001). "Acknowledgements". StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga. Simon & Schuster.

  6. ^ Rosenburg, Aaron (2006). "Acknowledgements". StarCraft: Queen of Blades. Simon & Schuster.

  7. ^ "Interview with Christie Golden". BlizzPlanet. Archived from the original on June 27, 2007. Retrieved 2007-08-13.

  8. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, All In (in English). 2010-07-27.

  9. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Back in the Saddle (in English). 2013-03-12.

  10. ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Transmission (in English). 2013-03-12.

  11. ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Conviction (in English). 2013-03-12.

  12. ^ a b c StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Planetfell (in English).

  13. ^ a b c StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, The Reckoning (in English).

  14. ^ a b c d StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Ascension (in English).

  15. ^ Staff (2007-06-06). "StarCraft – Robert Clotworthy (Jim Raynor) Interview". BlizzPlanet. Retrieved 2007-07-11.

  16. ^ Staff (2007-08-08). "StarCraft Panel Discussion: Lore". GameSpot. Retrieved 2008-10-05.

  17. ^ Staff (2007). "Character Profile: Jimmy Raynor". Gaming's Edge. Archived from the original on 2007-12-17. Retrieved 2007-07-11.

  18. ^ Olafson, Peter (2000-11-24). "StarCraft for PC review". GamePro. Archived from the original on June 18, 2008. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  19. ^ Cheung, James. "Number 10: Jim Raynor". TenSpot: Reader's Choice – Best Heroes. GameSpot. Archived from the original on 2000-03-08. Retrieved 2007-07-18.

  20. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, The Crucible (in English). 2014-11-03.

  21. ^ a b The Preservers of Zhakul: In the fullness of time, the cycle shall draw to its end. The Xel'naga, who forged the stars, will transcend their creation....Yet, the Fallen One shall remain, destined to cover the Void in shadow...Before the stars wake from their celestial courses, he shall break the cycle of the gods, devouring all light and hope. It begins with the Great Hungerer. It ends in utter darkness.

  22. ^ a b c Tassadar: Greetings, brother. I speak to you... from the Beyond. / Zeratul: Tassadar?! But... you died... slaying this cursed Overmind! /Tassadar I have never tasted death, Zeratul, nor shall I. But that is a tale for another time. I have come to tell you of this creature's... courage. / Zeratul: Courage?! It was an abomination! /Tassadar: Not always. The Zerg were...altered. A single overriding purpose was forced upon them: the destruction of our people. The Overmind was formed with thought and reason, but not free will. It screamed and raged in the prison of its own mind. / Zeratul: Who did this? Warum? / Tassadar I know not. But the Overmind found a way to resist its all consuming directive. It created a chance...a hope of salvation: the Queen of Blades. / Zeratul: Madness! / Tassadar: Only she can free the Zerg from slavery, and in so doing, save all that is from the flame. / Zeratul I do not understand, brother. / Tessadar: Forget what you know, Zeratul. The Overmind saw a vision, the end of all things. And now you must see it too. / Zeratul: No! This vision...I can not bear it! Halt! — StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, Echoes of the Future (in English).

  23. ^ a b Zeratul: James Raynor...I bring tidings of doom. I have pierced the veil of the future and beheld only...oblivion. Yet one spark of hope remains. You will hold her life in your hands...And though justice demands that she die for her crimes, only she can save us. / Raynor: Wait a're talking about Kerrigan! It's been four years, you show up out of nowhere and... / Zeratul: Time is short! You must understand! The answers you seek...lie within. Study it well. The fate of creation...hangs in the balance. / Raynor: Nice to see you too.

  24. ^ a b Zeratul: Friend Raynor, you now bear witness to the truth. There is a malevolent presence within the Void that seeks to destroy everything we hold dear. Could this... Fallen One be a Xel'Naga? After so long, could the gods themselves seek our destruction? And Kerrigan... I can hardly believe the wretched Queen of Blades will prevent the destruction of all that we know... Raynor, you may soon hold Kerrigan's fate in your hands. I know only that she must live. Be wary, old friend... the hounds of the Void... are on the hunt. — Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, In Utter Darkness (in English). 2010-07-27.

  25. ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Waking the Ancient (in English). 2013-03-12.

  26. ^ "Interview with Chris Metzen, Geoff Goodman, Andy Chambers and Tom Chilton". BlizzCast Episode 2. Blizzard Entertainment. 2008-02-28. Retrieved 2008-04-04.

  27. ^ Staff. "Glynnis Talken". Insomniac Mania. Archived from the original on October 30, 2006. Retrieved 2007-08-19.

  28. ^ English, Michael B. (2001-02-06). "Sarah Kerrigan". Archived from the original on 2007-10-15. Retrieved 2007-07-04.

  29. ^ Staff (2006-03-07). "Top 10 Tuesday: Most Memorable Villains". IGN. Retrieved 2009-08-07.

  30. ^ Staff. "Reader's Choice: Best Villains – Sarah Kerrigan". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  31. ^ a b c d Underwood, Brood Warp. 17

  32. ^ Raszagal: There lies a dormant power here that can help us to scour the Zerg from Shakuras forever. [...] We discovered [...] an ancient Xel'Naga temple, dedicated to the race that sired us all. The temple is situated above a nexus of powerful cosmic energies. If we were to access those energies... / Aldaris: Then we should strike now while the Zerg still muster their forces! / Raszagal: Alas, we cannot. In order to properly channel the energies of the temple, we will need the twin crystals, Uraj and Khalis, that legends say were separated many ages ago. [...] Only by using these two crystals in unison, can we hope to channel the potent energies of the temple. / Artanis: Then it is clear that we must retrieve these crystals wherever they may be!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Legacy of the Xel'Naga.

  33. ^ Artanis: Kerrigan, this is Artanis. My brethren and I have come to avenge the deaths of Fenix, the matriarch, and all of the other Protoss who fell before the Swarm! It is long past time you paid for your crimes against our people! [...] Savor this victory, Kerrigan! For the Protoss will never forget your treachery. We shall be watching you.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Omega.

  34. ^ a b "Hero: Matt Horner". Blizzard Entertainment. 2010-02-03. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  35. ^ Rosenburg, pp. 105–106

  36. ^ Pardo, Rob (3 August 2007). StarCraft II Under Construction (Development commentary). Blizzcon: GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-08-04.

  37. ^ Metzen, Chris; Chambers, Andy (2007-08-03). StarCraft lore panel (Panel discussion recording). Blizzcon: IncGamers. Archived from the original on 2007-08-19. Retrieved 2007-08-07.

  38. ^ Carpenter, Nick (2007-06-15). "Insider Interview: The Making of the StarCraft II Cinematic Teaser". Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  39. ^ "Hero:Tychus Findlay". Blizzard Entertainment. 2009-10-14. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  40. ^ a b "Starcraft II Story & Characters Interview". IGN. 2009-08-20. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  41. ^ a b Schramm, Mike (2008-10-12). "BlizzCon 2008: Starcraft II lore panel". Joystiq. Retrieved 2010-06-18.

  42. ^ a b c Rausch, Allen (2008-10-11). "Behind the Lore of StarCraft II". GameSpy. Retrieved 2010-06-18.

  43. ^ a b Staff (2009-08-22). "StarCraft II Lore Panel". BlizzPlanet. Retrieved 2010-06-18.

  44. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Escape from Mar Sara. (in English). 2010

  45. ^ Kate Lockwell: "Emperor, the threat of a new Zerg invasion is still very real – but instead of expanding our fleets, you've squandered trillions on hunting down has-been rebels like Jim Raynor!" – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, Liberation Day (in English). 2010-07-27.

  46. ^ TV News Stations:... these shocking revelations...//...a veritable firestorm of anti-Mengsk sentiment...//...the Emperor held a news conference earlier today. // Reporter: Emperor, how do you respond to these allegations of genocide! Of using aliens to- // Arcturus: I assure you, these slanderous attacks against the throne are baseless and irresponsible. // Kate Lockwell: Sir, do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion to the people is the basis of your rule? // Arcturus: Well, of course! I was called upon to serve the greater interest of humanity! Personal power was never my goal! // Kate Lockwell: Then how would you characterize these statements? [Lockwell plays an audio recording device] Arcturus (recording):... I will not be stopped! Not by you or the Confederates or the Protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me! ... // Arcturus: (angry) I... I won't stand for this! You jackals think you can come in here and question ME?! This interview is over! // Raynor: Y'know I love seeing him squirm, but the Dominion's just going to spin this like they do everything else. // Horner: Not this time. Mengsk used the media as a weapon for years, now we've turned it against him. One broadcast and it won us a bigger victory than a hundred battles. // Raynor: I guess you're right, well its what we started this revolution for in the first place... We've got a long way to go, but maybe we started something here. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Hearts and Minds. (in English). 2010.

  47. ^ Kate Lockwell: Kate Lockwell here, live from Korhal. There's rioting in the streets! Citizens are setting fire to government buildings to express their shock and anger at the startling revelations from earlier today! Donny, what's the situation where you are? // Donny Vermillion: I had a brother on Tarsonis. I had a brother there! Um. I... um... // Kate Lockwell: R-Right. Thanks for that, Donny. Okay, Emperor Mengsk broadcast a statement earlier today. Unfortunately, UNN's satellites were on lockdown at the time. Let's replay a bit of that. // Arcturus Mengsk: This evidence has been falsified! The enemies of the Dominion will go to any length to soil my good reputation! These ruthless, slanderous attacks cannot- // Kate Lockwell: At that point the Emperor was shouted down. He's since retreated to his palace and refuses to speak to anyone. In this reporter's opinion, Emperor Mengsk has been revealed as a- [Signal abruptly cuts out] – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mengsk Scandal: UNN newscast after "Media Blitz." (in English). 2010.

  48. ^ Grubb, p. 24

  49. ^ a b c Underwood, StarCraftp. 92

  50. ^ Mesta, pp. 302–303

  51. ^ Grubb, p. 108

  52. ^ Mengsk: I'm giving you a choice. You can return to the Confederacy and lose, or you can join us and help save our entire race from being overrun by the Zerg. I don't think it's a difficult decision. / Duke: Join forces? With you? I'm a general, for God's sake! / Mengsk: A general without an army. I'm offering you a position in my cabinet, not just some backwater post. Don't test my patience, Edmund. / Duke: All right, Mengsk. You've got a deal.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Norad II.

  53. ^ Mesta, p. 260

  54. ^ Mesta, p. 404

  55. ^ Duke: Well, now. I don't know which militia you all are from, but I advise ya' to back down... now! I'm General Edmund Duke of the Dominion Armada. And in the name of Emperor Mengsk, I order you to surrender your forces immediately and unconditionally. / Stukov: Ah, General Duke. I expected your forces to arrive sooner. You should know that we represent not one of your rag-tag peasant militias, but the combined might of the United Earth Directorate. / Duke: Earth Directorate? You mean to tell me you've come all the way out here from Earth? / Stukov: That is correct, general. We're here to take control over this sector and its occupants for the betterment of mankind. / Duke: Over my dead body. I don't care where yer' from, son. No one pushes around the Terran Dominion on my watch! All units, fire at will!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: First Strike.

  56. ^ Duke: Well, well, well. If it isn't little Kerrigan. I had a feelin' we'd be meetin' each other again. You've got a lot to answer for, little girl. / Kerrigan: General Duke. You know I always wanted to have you killed. This is kind of exciting for me! / Duke: Do your worst then, girl. You ain't takin' Edmund Duke without a fight.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: True Colors.

  57. ^ a b c Staff (2009-04-03). "BlizzCon 2007 StarCraft Lore Panel". StarCraft Legacy. Archived from the original on 2010-05-04. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  58. ^ "Starcraft: The Dark Templar Trilogy: Book Two: Shadow Hunters – Christie Golden Interview". BlizzPlanet. 2008-01-13. Archived from the original on May 10, 2009. Retrieved 2010-06-09.

  59. ^ Golden, Firstbornp. 16

  60. ^ Golden, Firstbornpp.22–23

  61. ^ Horner: Sir, we've reached the rendezvous coordinates. No contacts. Looks like the Moebius ship hasn't arrived yet. // Raynor: That's strange. It ain't like them to be late. // Horner: Sir! Dominion ships warping in! Mengsk's flagship is leading them! [...] Sir, their shields are still down. I don't like this. // Raynor: Matt, pull us alongside and prep docking tubes! // Horner: Commander, this is not a smart move. // [RaynorandTychusbreachthebridgedooraboardBucephalus] // Raynor: Turn around, Arcturus! I want you to see this coming. // Valerian Mengsk: You won't find my father here, Commander. I am Valerian Mengsk – and I own the Moebius Foundation... through them, I own you as well. // Raynor: Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now... // Valerian: Because I can offer you what you've always wanted – a chance to rescue Sarah Kerrigan. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Heir Apparent. (in English). 2010.

  62. ^ Horace Warfield: Char. If Hell ever existed – this is it. Oceans of fire, tectonic storms and an atmosphere that'll burn a man alive. But we've planned for all of that- // Raynor: You can't plan for the Zerg, general. They ain't goin' to fit in to your nice, clean time table. // Warfield: I've led five separate invasions against the swarm. I held the line while you and your terrorist friends hid under a rock. // Valerian: We're all aware of your victories, General. I've invited Commander Raynor here to assist us with any unforeseen contingencies. // Raynor: Well it sounds like you got it all figured out, junior. // Valerian: I have far too much invested in this undertaking to see it fail. Speaking of which, you might particularly enjoy this next step. // [Valerian activates a holo-communicator] Arcturus Mengsk: Valerian! I've just received a report you've taken half the fleet! Care to explain yourself, boy? // Valerian: Father, I am about to accomplish that which you never could. Today I will defeat the Queen of Blades and secure peace throughout the Dominion. By this act the people will finally know that I am a worthy successor to you. // Arcturus: I love your gumption, son, but you're in way over your head. What makes you think you have the experience to- // Raynor: He ain't alone, Arcturus! // Arcturus: (surprised) Raynor. I don't know what gutter my son fished you out of, but even you've got to realize that treacherous bitch cannot be saved... And neither can you. // Raynor: We'll see about that. And when this is over, you and me got a score to settle. [Raynor terminates the communication] // Valerian: Everything I could have hoped for... // Raynor: You're playing a dangerous game here, kid. // Warfield: Prince Valerian, we have Zerg attack waves incoming. // Valerian: Already!? // Warfield: Clear the bridge! I've got a battle to win. // Raynor: I'll see you boys on the ground. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Dangerous Game. (in English). 2010.

  63. ^ a b Golden, Christie (November 6, 2012). StarCraft II: Flashpoint. Simon & Schuster (Gallery Books). ISBN 978-1451-65962-7.

  64. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Lab Rat (in English).

  65. ^ Hyperion Radio:IFF says it's Raynor's dropship. // Sarah Kerrigan: Jim? Where's Jim? // Valerian: We couldn't get him out. // Kerrigan: (angrily) Valerian! You left him behind? [Kerrigan telepathically starts strangling Valerian] // Horner: Stand down! Let him go, Kerrigan! Valerian is helping us! // Kerrigan: There is no "us." [Hyperion alarms go off, bridge crew checks instruments] Crewman: IFF negative. Multiple hostiles, inside the perimeter! // Horner: Scramble tac response squads 3 through 9. [...] Defensive maneuver Delta-Four! Prep all stations for jump! // Kerrigan: [Releasing Valerian] No one is going anywhere until I see Jim. // Hyperion Crew: Shields at thirty! Failure imminent. // Horner: Dominion Fleet, this is Hyperion. Cease fire! Crown Prince Valerian is aboard! // Valerian: My father will sacrifice any piece on the chess board to take the queen. // Horner: We have to jump now. We'll lead them away and circle back for Jim. Sarah! We need to work together! Kerrigan: Do what you want. I'm going to find Jim. – StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm cinematic "Choices". Copyright: Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed: 2014-11-13

  66. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Conversations before Planetfall. (in English).

  67. ^ "Horace Warfield – StarCraft II".

  68. ^ Warfield: Lieutenant, get the wounded to those shuttles! / Dominion Lieutenant: We're almost there! Should I send a team to get you? / Warfield: I'm fine, Lieutenant. Just see to those wounded. I'll get out another way. / Dominion Lieutenant: General! There's too many zerg! We're not going to make it! / Warfield: Kerrigan! You listen to me. I have three shuttles packed with men too injured to ever be a threat to you. Husbands. Fathers. You let those shuttles go. You hear me?! / Dominion Lieutenant: General, we're surrounded! There's no way out! / Warfield: You bitch. You're not even human anymore! You betrayed us all! Für was? Petty revenge?! How many innocents have you killed? How many more have to die? What if Raynor could see you right now? / [Kerrigan's uses her psionic abilities to ram a large metal rod into Warfield, killing him, then telepathically commincates with the swarm before departing from Warfield's command center] / Dominion Lieutenant: General! The zerg pulled back! It's a miracle! We're going to make it! ...General! ...General? – StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Heart of the Swarm, Conscience (in English).

  69. ^ DeCandido, p. 17

  70. ^ Te, Zorin. StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void - Nova Covert Ops Announced. 6 November 2015.

  71. ^ DeCandido, p. 11

  72. ^ DeCandido, pp. 183–184

  73. ^ DeCandido, pp. 285–293

  74. ^ a b c Underwood, Brood Warp. 18

  75. ^ a b Duran: Admiral, during the Zerg invasion of these colonies, the Confederacy had manufactured a number of portable machines called "psi emitters" which had the uncanny ability to lure Zerg to their signals. It was rumored that they had created a specialized emitter that could disrupt the Zerg's communications, but Emperor Mengsk was never able to find it. It appears that this psi disruptor is the machine he was looking for. I must humbly suggest to you, Admiral, that the disruptor be destroyed as quickly as possible. If it should fall into the hands of the Dominion we could face some very serious problems. / DuGalle: Hmm. A prudent call, lieutenant. I am inclined to agree. / Stukov: But admiral, this device could insure our victory over the Zerg! It is foolhardy to discard such an advantage! / Duran: Surely, vice admiral, you don't doubt the tenacity of your own fleet? Your Directorate forces will devastate the Zerg without the need for such a device. / Stukov: Listen here, lieutenant, I've had just about enough of your– / DuGalle: This conversation is over, Alexei. Given the true nature of our mission to enslave the Overmind, we could hardly stand to have Mengsk control a device of this magnitude. This psi disruptor must be destroyed in order to safeguard our mission.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Ruins of Tarsonis.

  76. ^ DuGalle: Kerrigan, I am prepared to offer terms of surrender. It is my wish that you allow my men to live– / Kerrigan: You're not in a position to offer me anything, admiral. And I don't take prisoners. I'll tell you what: turn your remaining ships around and start heading back towards the Earth. I'll let you have a head start, before I send the Swarms after you. It'll be interesting sport to see how far you get before you die.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Omega.

  77. ^ DuGalle: Dearest Helena, by now the news of our defeat has reached the Earth. The creatures we were sent here to tame are untameable, and the colonies we were sent to reclaim have proven to be stronger than we anticipated. Whatever you may hear about what has happened out here, know this: Alexei did not die a hero. I killed him—my pride killed him. And now my pride has consumed me as well. You will never see me again, Helena. Tell our children that I love them, and that their father died in defense of their future. Au revoir.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Ascension.

  78. ^ Stukov: Gerard... old friend. You do indeed have a traitor in your midst... but it's not me. Duran. He has been playing us both from the start. He convinced you to destroy the psi disruptor, even though it was our best chance at defeating the Zerg. And then, on Aiur, he allowed the Zerg to overrun us even as we had the fugitives in our grasp. I came here to activate the one hope we have of defeating them. And you killed me for it. Duran is your enemy, Gerard. I suspect that he may even be infested as well. Use the disruptor, Gerard... finish our operation... let my death have at least some meaning!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Patriot's Blood.

  79. ^ Reporter: But all wars have casualties, and while Directorate losses were minimal, the fleet's Vice Admiral Stukov gave his life during the final valiant assault on Char. Memorial services were held aboard the Directorate flagship Aleksander. Vice Admiral Stukov truly knew the meaning of sacrifice.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: UED Victory Report.

  80. ^ Artanis: Our old nemesis, Admiral Stukov, has returned to finish his original plans. / Raynor: I've heard the rumors. / Artanis: As you are well aware, Admiral Stukov was infested by the Zerg cerebrate Kaloth. The cerebrate's cells regenerated Stukov's own, bringing him back to life. Now he lords over his own secret brood.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft 64. Level/area: Resurrection.

  81. ^ Stukov: Release me! You know nothing of what– / Medic: Injecting... Nanite cellular reconstruction initiated commander. / Stukov: No! You will not wrest me from the Swarm! I will... We will... Nooo! / Raynor: Take it easy admiral. Just let it all happen. / Stukov: Raynor! You... you poor simple child. You will never understand what I have lost. The clarity... gone...—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft 64. Level/area: Resurrection.

  82. ^ a b Staff (2009-07-20). "Metzen Interview". StarCraft Legacy. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  83. ^ Staff (2007-06-20). "SC2 – Magazine article". MYM. Archived from the original on 2011-03-24. Retrieved 2010-06-08.

  84. ^ a b c d Underwood, StarCraftp. 93

  85. ^ Aldaris: Executor, you and the traitor Tassadar are to cease your resistance and surrender yourselves to the judgment of the Conclave. We will take the outlaw, Zeratul, into custody and deal with him as is written by the Khala's law! / Tassadar: Flee back to your masters Aldaris, and huddle with them in darkness! For your actions shall set us all unto the Zerg!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Homeland.

  86. ^ Tassadar: I will steer the Gantrithor into a collision course with the Overmind. If I can channel enough of the dark templars' energy through the hull of the GantrithorI should be able to bring swift death to the accursed abomination. Remember us, executor. Remember what was done here today. May Adun watch over you.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Eye of the Storm.

  87. ^ Fenix: Greetings executor! And greetings to you, Tassadar. I am overjoyed to see you both return home in this dark hour. The Zerg have redoubled their efforts, and it seems– / Tassadar: Fenix? It can't be! The executor told me of how you fell before the Zerg. How is it that you live and breathe? / Fenix: Ha hah... Well, after my unfortunate defeat, my ruined body was recovered by our brethren. I now reside within the cold, robotic shell of a dragoon. / Tassadar: Old friend-would that this never came to pass... / Fenix: Nonsense! There is no shame in defeat so long as the spirit is unconquered, and I am still able to serve Aiur to a degree.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Homeland.

  88. ^ Fenix: Our forces shall engage the primary Zerg hive clusters in an attempt to weaken their defenses. Once their numbers have thinned out, Zeratul and his companions can infiltrate the clusters and assassinate the cerebrates. Adun willing, the cerebrates' deaths will distract the Overmind long enough for us to assault it directly.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Shadow Hunters.

  89. ^ Raynor: Executor, my crew and I will remain here on Aiur and shut the gate down on this side. It's the only way to make sure that the Zerg won't send more reinforcements to Shakuras. / Artanis: You will be hopelessly outnumbered, and once the gate is shut down there will be no one to save you should you be overrun. / Raynor: Yeah, well... I'm a man of action. Was kann ich sagen? / Fenix: I shall remain with Raynor as well, executor. My duty is to Aiur, after all. / Artanis: Farewell then, brave warriors. We will send through all the troops we can spare.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Dunes of Shakuras.

  90. ^ Kerrigan: I'm thinking that we should pay the Kel-Morian Combine a little visit. Moria is one of the largest resource nodes in the sector. If you can bypass their defenses, and steal enough resources from them, we'll be able to afford a full-scale assault on Korhal. / Raynor: It's risky, but I think we can handle it. Fenix, are you into this? / Fenix: If it betters our chances, I will lead the assault myself. / Raynor: Great. Let's get moving!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Kel-Morian Combine.

  91. ^ Fenix: This is a betrayal most foul, Kerrigan! We were fools to have gone along with this charade! / Kerrigan: You're right, Fenix. I used you to get the job done, and you played along just like I knew you would. You Protoss are all so headstrong and predictable, you are your own worst enemies. / Fenix: That's ironic. I can remember Tassadar teaching you a very similar lesson on Char. / Kerrigan: I took that lesson to heart, praetor. Now, are you ready to die a second time? / Fenix: The Khala awaits me, Kerrigan. And although I am prepared to face my destiny, you'll not find me easy prey! / Kerrigan: Then that shall be your epitaph.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: True Colors.

  92. ^ a b c Staff (2009-04-03). "StarCraft: Legacy Metzen Interview – Lore Exclusive". StarCraft Legacy. Retrieved 2010-06-16.

  93. ^ Aldaris: Tassadar of the templar, by your actions you have severed yourself from the mercy of your brethren. You refused to destroy the Terran worlds as was commanded. You have questioned time and time again, the sacred will of the Conclave. And you have abandoned your homeworld in its darkest hour. Most grievous of all is that you have allied yourself with the blasphemous dark ones, and learned to utilize their profane powers in tandem with our own! What say you, oh fallen templar?—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Homeland.

  94. ^ Aldaris: Executor. Tassadar. This comes too late to you, but the Conclave has witnessed your defeat of the cerebrates. They know now that they cannot deny the necessity or the valiancy of your actions. We sought to punish you, while it was we who were in error. You represent what is greatest in us all, and all our hopes go with you. En Taro Adun, brave sons of Aiur!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Eye of the Storm.

  95. ^ Zeratul: It is finished, judicator. Surrender your remaining forces, and join us in eradicating the Zerg. / Aldaris: I would sooner die, dark one, than tarnish the memory of Aiur by joining with you! Your fate was sealed the moment your matriarch allied herself with the Queen of Blades! Those of us still loyal to Aiur will never be slaves to Kerrigan and her broods. / Artanis: Aldaris, be reasonable! Kerrigan has changed, she no longer seeks to enslave anyone. Do not force us to destroy you. / Aldaris: You can no longer afford to be so naive, Artanis. While you were securing the crystals, I discovered that your Matriarch has been harboring a dark secret! She has been manipulated by de– / Kerrigan: We have no time for this! [kills Aldaris] / Zeratul: Kerrigan... What have you done? / Kerrigan: I just cleaned up your mess, Protoss. Don't be so squeamish. / Zeratul: Wretched creature! This was a Protoss matter; you had no right to interfere! Begone from this world!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Insurgent.

  96. ^ Staff. "Ten Best Heroes in Gaming–Zeratul". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  97. ^ Didier, Samwise (1999). ""Alternities" concept art". Sons of the Storm. Retrieved 2008-02-04.

  98. ^ a b "Ten Best Heroes in Gaming: Zeratul". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-10-07.

  99. ^ a b Youtube: BlizzCon 2009 - Starcraft 2 - Lore Panel - Part 4

  100. ^ Raszagal: Executor, as matriarch of the dark templar and custodian of this world, I hereby order you to terminate Judicator Aldaris and quell this untimely uprising without delay! There will be no dissent among us while the Zerg are poised to strike!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Insurgent.

  101. ^ Kerrigan: Raszagal, do you wish to return to your tribe? / Raszagal: No, my queen. I wish only to serve you and remain at your side. / Zeratul: What treachery is this, Kerrigan? This pathetic creature cannot possibly be Raszagal! / Kerrigan: Ha ha ha. I promised that I'd allow her to return to you, Zeratul. But it looks to me like she doesn't want to go. / Zeratul: You have corrupted her! Somehow you have poisoned her thoughts. Restore her to her rightful self, or you will pay dearly for this offense, Kerrigan! / Kerrigan: All right, Zeratul, you've got me. I made your matriarch my slave long before I joined you on Shakuras. She made the mistake of underestimating my power just like everyone else did. And now she's paid the price.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: To Slay the Beast.

  102. ^ Raszagal: Thank you, Zeratul... You have freed me from her vile control at last. You have always served me with honor... Thus I must ask you... to watch over my tribe... Into your hands I give the future. / Kerrigan: I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! / Zeratul: Better that I killed her than let her live as your slave, Kerrigan.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Reckoning.

  103. ^

  104. ^ Zeratul: Ulrezaj, you and your three cohorts have desecrated the holy stasis cells and murdered the fallen Protoss warriors which they housed. You have proven yourselves to be traitors against the Protoss race and you will be held accountable for your heinous crimes. / Ulrezaj: Crimes, Zeratul, are a matter of perspective. As far as we are concerned, killing high-born templar is an act of righteous justice! Let the rulers of Aiur feel what it's like to be hunted and driven from their homes! Let them suffer as we dark templar have suffered at their hands!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War – Enslavers: Dark Vengeance. Level/area: Hung Jury.

  105. ^ Zeratul: Ulrezaj and Schezar [...] have positioned an orbital space station over Shakuras that emanates powerful energy waves which are disrupting our communications and draining our planet's energy shields. / Ulrezaj: I hope that my EMP device is not causing you discomfort, oh mighty Zeratul. I harbor no ill will towards you, specifically. I wish only to drive the foul Protoss of Aiur from our world. Their presence has brought nothing but misery and suffering to the dark templar, and now we coddle them to our breast. For so long as I draw breath, I will insure that Shakuras will remain free from their corruption. / Zeratul: I too, once held the same hatreds, but I have fought alongside our brethren from Aiur, Ulrezaj. They are as noble in spirit as we are. Set aside your anger and prejudice and accept that our race is finally united in peace. / Ulrezaj: The wounds they have inflicted upon us are beyond forgiveness, Zeratul, and such scars never truly heal. These Protoss will finally pay for their crimes in full. / Zeratul: It seems that there shall be no compromises.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War – Enslavers: Dark Vengeance. Level/area: Showdown.

  106. ^ Samir Duran: "My Queen, with the Overmind and its cerebrates destroyed, all of the Zerg in this sector have reverted to your direct control." StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Level/area: The Reckoning (in English). 1998.

  107. ^ Metzen, Chris; Chambers, Andy; StarCraft Legacy staff. 2009-04-03. BlizzCon 2007 StarCraft Lore Panel Editorial Archived 2010-05-04 at the Wayback Machine. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2009-05-18.

  108. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard) (in English). July 27, 2010

  109. ^ StarCraft Legacy staff. 2011-05-30. May 2011 HoTS Gameplay Info Archived 2015-10-09 at the Wayback Machine. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2011-05-31.

  110. ^ 2011-06-01, Interview: StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm director Dustin Browder. Shack Newsaccessed on 2011-07-08

  111. ^ Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.

  112. ^ Underwood, StarCraftp. 53

  113. ^ Underwood, StarCraftp. 54

  114. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, Echoes of the Future (in English). 2010-07-27.

  115. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, In Utter Darkness (in English). 2010-07-27.

  116. ^ Staff (2008-04-02). "Die 47 teuflischsten Videospiel-Schurken aller Zeiten". GamePro. PC World. Retrieved 2010-06-16.

  117. ^ a b Underwood, StarCraftp. 52

  118. ^ Tassadar: Apparently, the energies which empower the dark templar also course through the Overmind and its cerebrates. / Aldaris: The same cerebrate which you told us to destroy! Your advice was useless, for the creature was reincarnated before our eyes! / Tassadar: Unfortunately, yes. Your attack on the cerebrate failed because the energies that you wield are useless when used directly against the Overmind and its cerebrates. Only the dark templars' power can truly harm the Zerg.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Choosing Sides.

  119. ^ a b Underwood, StarCraftp. 68

  120. ^ Kerrigan: Apparently, many of the renegade cerebrates, commanded by Daggoth, have merged into a new Overmind. Fortunately, the creature is still in its infant stages. It can't control the Swarm yet, but Daggoth and the others still have control over most of the broods.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: The Quest for Uraj.

  121. ^ Overmind: The cunning Protoss have dared strike down that which was immortal. For the Protoss who murdered Zasz are unlike anything we have faced before. These dark templar radiate energies that are much like my own, and it is by these energies that they have caused me harm. Yet shall their overweening pride be their downfall. For when the assassin Zeratul murdered Zasz, his mind touched with mine, and all his secrets were made known to me. I have taken from his mind the secret location of Aiur, the Protoss homeworld.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: Eye for an Eye.

  122. ^ Zasz: Kerrigan, I sense something strange about this templar. Perhaps you should reconsider your attack. / Kerrigan: For the last time Zasz, you question my motives and authority at your own peril! / Zasz: You dare threaten a cerebrate? You will be the doom of us all!—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft. Level/area: The Dark Templar.

  123. ^ Sarah Kerrigan: "When I contacted you both on Aiur, I told you about the new Overmind and about the UED that seeks to control it. Well, the UED has done it. They've tamed the Overmind and now control most of the Zerg broods in this sector." StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Level/area: Vile Disruption (in English). 1998.

  124. ^ StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Enslavers bonus campaign, mission 3B: "The Final Blow" (in English). 1998.

  125. ^ StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Enslavers: Dark Vengeance bonus campaign, episode V: "Dark Vengeance" (in English). 1999-06-25. StarCraft Map Archives Archived 2009-03-08 at the Wayback Machine

  126. ^ 1999-03-26. StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Mercenaries (in English). Map Archives: Mercenaries Archived 2009-03-14 at the Wayback Machine. StarCraft Compendium Map Archives.

  127. ^ 2001-01-31. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Mercenaries II (in English). Map Archives: Mercenaries II Archived 2007-09-03 at the Wayback Machine.

  128. ^ a b c Duran: I've had many names throughout the millennia, young prodigal. You would know me best as Samir Duran. / Zeratul: Kerrigan's consort! Is this part of her twisted schemes? / Duran: No. Young Kerrigan could not have engineered this grand experiment. Although her rebirth into the Zerg Swarm has sped up my progress, I can assure you that this endeavor is quite beyond her narrow understanding. / Zeratul: If you are not her pawn, then what are you? / Duran: I am a servant of a far greater power, a power that has slept for countless ages and is reflected in the creature within that cell. [...] This creature is the completion of a cycle. Its role in the cosmic order was preordained when the stars were young. Behold the culmination of your history.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: Dark Origin.

  129. ^ Overmind: On a distant, shadowed world, the Protoss will make their final stand. Their heroes will gather, their forces will be marshaled, and they will die bravely. But still, they will die. And my Zerg... will be slaves... to the hybrid. All will bow before the power... of the Fallen One. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, In Utter Darkness (in English). 2010-07-27.

  130. ^ Amon: Foolish, Prideful children. There was one among you who could have jeopardized my great plan, but in your recklessness you mistook her for the true threat! / Artanis: could we have known? – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, In Utter Darkness (in English). 2010-07-27.

  131. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Infested (in English). 2013-03-12.

  132. ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Hand of Darkness (in English). 2013-03-12.

  133. ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Shifting Perspectives, Heart of the Swarm (in English). 2013-03-12.

  134. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Alexei Stukov (in English). 2013-03-12.

  135. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Conversations after Hand of Darkness (in English). 2013-03-12.

  136. ^ a b c Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Whispers of Oblivion. PC. Mission: Dark Whispers. (Activision Blizzard). 2015-09-03.

  137. ^ Templar: We thank you brothers. The Tal'darim have been abducting templar, bringing them to Terran stations, turning us into...Hybrid. // Talis: The Tal'Darim? Those heretic have never ventured so close to our worlds! // Zeratul: This can only be the work of Amon! Templar, where were they holding you? // Templar: A Xel'Naga Temple unlike any I have seen. It was called Erris, but its location was kept secret from us. // Zeratul: Mobius and the Tal'darim both served under Narud's command. He would have known the location of this temple. [Zeratul activates a computer console] The Atrias system! This is where Amon was reborn, deep with the Sigma Quadrant and under Tal'darim guard. // Talis: You have aided me in my quest, Zeratul. I am honor bound to help you in yours. We shall help you claim this temple. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Whispers of Oblivion. PC. Mission: Dark Whispers. (Activision Blizzard). 2015-09-03.

  138. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II Map Editor. (Activision Blizzard) (in English). July 27, 2010

  139. ^ Brian Kindregan, Eldorian. 2010-10-28. Blizzcon: Interview with StarCraft 2 Lead Writer Brian Kindregan. Blizzplanet Archived 2012-09-10 at the Wayback Machine. Accessed 2010-10-31.

  140. ^ 2011-21-10,w with Interview: Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm - Campaign and Lore Facts You Need To Know. G4TV, accessed on 2011-21-10

  141. ^ Zeratul: As it was foretold, Amon, the Dark God, lives again. If any hope remains for our galaxy, it lies in the hands of the Xel'Naga. Only one piece of the prophecy remains unfulfilled: that on the world that Amon was reborn, the last light will be revealed. There is one being who new that location, a creature known as Samir Duran – or to the Terrans as Narud. In this system lies a long forgotten Moebius facility. I must hope his secrets still lie within its walls. – Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Whispers of Oblivion. PC. Mission: Dark Whispers. (Activision Blizzard). 2015-09-03.

  142. ^ Gurerra Email

  143. ^ Underwood, Brood Warp. 19

  144. ^ Duran: Captain, I am Lieutenant Samir Duran of the Confederate Resistance Forces. I've been monitoring your attack against the Dominion, and I'd like to offer you my services and skills in return for amnesty. / Stukov: Intriguing. Lieutenant, you have absolutely no idea as to who we are or what we have come here to do. Why do you wish to side with us? / Duran: Because my men and I have sworn to fight against the Dominion and its emperor. Seeing as how your forces have been laying into this Dominion base, I figured we were on the same side. / Stukov: I see. How exactly do you propose to be of service to us, lieutenant? / Duran: Well, I possess intimate knowledge of the surrounding area. I can show you an alternate route that leads to the rear of the main Dominion base. / Stukov: Very well, lieutenant. Consider yourself and your men the first colonial conscripts of the United Earth Directorate. Captain, see that the lieutenant is given our full cooperation. We shall see if he's worth the effort.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: First Strike.

  145. ^ Duran: Uh, excuse me, admiral. But I'd like to introduce someone to you... / DuGalle: Duran?! You son of a bitch, what's the meaning of this? / Kerrigan: Admiral DuGalle. I've heard a lot about you. [...] I am Kerrigan. The Zerg you've killed here and the Overmind which you've come to collect... are mine. As is our mutual friend Lieutenant Duran. You see, admiral... there are a number of groups in this sector who feel that your involvement here causes certain complications. My associates and I intend to make sure that your reign is short lived.—Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Level/area: To Chain the Beast.

  146. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Old Times (in English). 2013-03-12.

  147. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: The Outlaws (in English). 2013-03-12.

  148. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: The Mobius Factor (in English). 2013-03-12.

  149. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Heir Apparent (in English). 2013-03-12.

  150. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Phantoms of the Void (in English). 2013-03-12.

  151. ^ "Firebat figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  152. ^ Didier, Samwise (1997). "Concept art of a Terran firebat". Sons of the Storm. Archived from the original on 2007-10-06. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  153. ^ "Hydralisk figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  154. ^ "Tassadar figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  155. ^ Metzen, Chris (1997). "Concept art of Tassadar". Sons of the Storm. Retrieved 2007-07-08.[permanent dead link]

  156. ^ "Blizzard tackles toys". IGN. September 1998. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  157. ^ "1/30 scale Terran marine model by Academy". Hobby Outlet. Archived from the original on December 21, 2005. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  158. ^ "1/30 scale Zerg hydralisk model by Academy". Hobby Outlet. Archived from the original on December 21, 2005. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  159. ^ "Infested Kerrigan figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  160. ^ "Zeratul figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  161. ^ "Ghost figure". Atamaii. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  162. ^ "StarCraft II Tychus Findlay statue". Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved 2007-07-08.

  163. ^ Dulin, Ron (April 1998). "StarCraft for PC review". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  164. ^ Saggeran, Vik (December 1998). "StarCraft: Brood War for PC review". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  165. ^ Chick, Tom (June 2000). "StarCraft review". IGN. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  166. ^ Chen, Jeffrey (June 2002). "StarCraft: Brood War review". IGN. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  167. ^ "StarCraft review for the PC". Gaming Revolution. May 1998. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  168. ^ Olafson, Peter (November 2000). "StarCraft for PC review". Archived from the original on June 18, 2008. Retrieved 2007-08-06.

  169. ^ Shaw, John. "StarCraft review". Electric Playground. Archived from the original on 2007-06-29. Retrieved 2007-08-06.


  • DeCandido, Keith (2006-11-28). StarCraft Ghost: Nova. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Dietz, William (2010-04-06). StarCraft II: Heaven's Devils. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Golden, Christie (2007-05-22). StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga #1: Firstborn. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Golden, Christie (2007-11-27). StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga #2: Shadow Hunters. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Golden, Christie (2009-06-30). StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga #3: Twilight. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Grubb, Jeff (2001-03-01). StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade (The StarCraft Anthology ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • McNeill, Graham (2008-12-30). StarCraft: I, Mengsk. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Mesta, Gabriel (2001-07-01). StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga (The StarCraft Anthology ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Neilson, Micky (2000-12-18). StarCraft: Uprising (The StarCraft Anthology ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Rosenberg, Aaron (2006-06-01). StarCraft: Queen of Blades. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  • Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris; Vaughn, Jeffrey (1998-03-31). StarCraft (manual). Irvine, California: Blizzard Entertainment.

  • Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris (1998-11-30). StarCraft: Brood War (manual). Irvine, California: Blizzard Entertainment.

External links[edit]

  • Sons of the Storm, the official site of a number of Blizzard Entertainment concept artists.

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