Saturday, 9 February 2019

Orden des Phönix (fiktive Organisation)

Der Order of the Phoenix ist eine geheime Organisation in der von Harry Rowter veröffentlichten Reihe von von J. K. Rowling geschriebenen Spielbüchern. Gegründet von Albus Dumbledore, um Lord Voldemort und seine Anhänger, die Todesser, zu bekämpfen, verleiht der Orden dem fünften Buch der Serie, Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix seinen Namen.

Synopsis [ edit ]

Bevor die Harry Potter-Serie beginnt - als der Charakter Lord Voldemort der Zaubererwelt den Krieg erklärte - Albus Dumbledore, Schulleiter der Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Als aufrechter und mächtiger Bürger der Zaubererwelt versuchte er, die Situation unter Kontrolle zu bringen, indem er den Orden des Phönix gründete. Mehrere Charaktere traten der Organisation bei, um Voldemort daran zu hindern, die Zaubererwelt zu übernehmen und eine tyrannische neue Weltordnung zu schaffen. In dieser Zeit, vor den Ereignissen des Harry Potter und des Stein der Weisen erlitt der Orden schwere Verluste, einschließlich der Morde an kleineren Charakteren wie den Prewetts, den Bones und den McKinnons. Die Longbottoms wurden auch von Bellatrix Lestrange zum Wahnsinn gefoltert.

Voldemorts erste Schreckensherrschaft endete nach den Morden an James und Lily Potter und dem erfolglosen Versuch, ihren Sohn Harry Potter zu Beginn der Serie zu ermorden. Der Zauber sprang auf ihn zu und verringerte Voldemorts Kräfte stark. Der Orden wurde vorübergehend aufgelöst, da keine weitere Bedrohung mehr bestand.

Als Harry berichtete, dass Voldemort gegen Ende Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch zurückgekehrt war, reaktivierte Dumbledore den Orden. Viele der ursprünglichen Mitglieder kehrten zurück und wurden bald von Rekruten dazu gebracht, die diejenigen, die während des ersten Konflikts im Dienst gestorben waren, effektiv zu ersetzen. Der Orden gründete sein Hauptquartier in Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, dem Wohnsitz von Sirius Black, in der Zeit zwischen dem vierten und fünften Buch der Serie. Dumbledore war der Geheimhalter für den Orden, was bedeutet, dass nur er den Standort des Ordenshauptquartiers anderen zeigen konnte. Dumbledores Tod in Buch sechs machte den Ort verwundbar und wurde deshalb zugunsten von The Burrow aufgegeben.

Der Orden führte den Kampf gegen Voldemort in der fünften Tranche an, während der Zaubereiminister sich weigerte, die Rückkehr Voldemorts zu akzeptieren. In Harry Potter und dem Orden des Phönix stellen einige Mitglieder des Ordens abwechselnd die Prophezeiung von Sybill Trelawney ab, die sich auf Voldemorts Untergang und Harrys Rolle bei der Niederlage gegen ihn bezieht. Rubeus Hagrid, der Hogwarts Grounds Keeper und ursprüngliches Mitglied des Ordens, wurde von Olympe Maxime begleitet, um die Riesen für die Sache des Ordens zu gewinnen. Einige Mitglieder nahmen auch an einer Schlacht in der Abteilung für Mysterien gegen Ende des fünften Buches teil. Ordensmitglieder patrouillierten in Hogwarts, der Zaubererschule, in der Nacht von Dumbledores Tod Halbblutprinz und bekämpften die Todesser, die es gelang, das Schloss zu betreten.

Im Serienfinale wird die Aufmerksamkeit darauf gerichtet, das Hauptziel der Todesser, Harry Potter, von seinem Sommerhaus mit den Dursleys zum Weasleys 'Burrow zu führen. Später in dem Roman, nachdem Voldemorts Übernahme des Ministeriums erfolgreich war, veranstalteten einige Mitglieder des Ordens "Potterwatch" ein geheimes Piratenradioprogramm, das Nachrichten über die Zaubererwelt enthielt, die Voldemorts Regime nicht wissen lassen wollte . Während des Höhepunkts des Buches kämpften die meisten Mitglieder des Ordens, unterstützt von Dumbledores Armee, den Mitarbeitern von Hogwarts und den älteren Schülern, darunter auch Slytherins Hausmitglieder, [1] gegen die Todesser in der Schlacht von Hogwarts, in der mehrere Ordensmitglieder und andere Verbündete verloren ihr Leben.

Mitglieder des Ordens [ edit ]

Original [ edit ]

Die folgenden Zeichen waren Mitglieder des Ordens des Phoenix während Lord Voldemorts anfänglicher Aufstieg an die Macht und einige Jahre vor den Hauptereignissen der Serie Harry Potter (19459006). Viele dieser Charaktere dienten später als Mitglieder des wiederbelebten Ordens.

Leistungen und Operationen
Sirius Black
Er wurde für Pettigrews Verrat an James und Lily Potters Verbleib an Lord Voldemort und Mord an zwölf Muggeln bezeugt, die ihre Konfrontation auf der Straße bezeugten, und landete so bis zu seiner Flucht in Azkaban, bis er zwölf Jahre später flüchtete enthüllt Pettigrews Verrat seinem Patensohn Harry Potter. Er diente im neu belebten Orden und half, zwei Todesser im Kampf zu besiegen. Getötet von seiner Cousine Bellatrix Lestrange in einer Schlacht innerhalb der Mysteriumsabteilung.
Edgar Bones
Im ersten Zaubererkrieg zusammen mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern von Todessern ermordet. Edgar Bones war der Bruder der Leiterin der Abteilung für magische Strafverfolgung, Amelia Bones. Seine Nichte, Susan Bones, ist eine Schülerin von Hufflepuff in Harrys Jahr in Hogwarts und Mitglied der Dumbledore-Armee.
Caradoc Dearborn
Vermisst während des Ersten Zauberkrieges; vermutlich von Todessern getötet.
Dedalus Diggle
Harry mehrere Male getroffen, bevor bekannt wurde, dass er Mitglied des Ordens des Phönix war. Diggle war Teil der Advance Guard, die Harry im fünften Buch half, aus dem Haus der Dursleys zu fliehen. In der letzten Folge der Serie half er, die Dursleys in ein Schutzgebiet zu bringen. Die Todesser verbrannten später sein Haus bei einem Überfall, aber Diggle blieb unverletzt. Diggle wurde von David Brett in der Verfilmung von Philosopher's Stone dargestellt.
Elphias Doge
Dumbledores Schulkamerad. Er schrieb einen Nachruf auf Dumbledore für The Daily Prophet und verteidigte offen Dumbledores Integrität während der letzten Folge der Serie. Er war auch Teil der Advance Guard im fünften Buch. In Orden des Phönix wird Doge von Peter Cartwright gespielt, er wurde jedoch von David Ryall in Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes ersetzt.
Aberforth Dumbledore
Bruder von Albus Dumbledore. Barkeeper von The Hog's Head in Hogsmeade und Mitglied des wiederbelebten Ordens. Kann aufgrund seines Postens nützliche Informationen für den Auftrag einholen. Harry half Harry dabei, Todesser zu vermeiden, indem er ihn, Ron Weasley und Hermine Granger in seine Bar nahm und in Hogwarts Deathly Hallows eintrat. Er schickte Dobby, um Harry, Ron, Hermine und andere Gefangene aus dem Keller des Malfoy Manor zu retten. Er half auch die Schule während der Schlacht von Hogwarts zu verteidigen und besiegte Augustus Rookwood.
Albus Dumbledore
Der Gründer des ursprünglichen Ordens wurde nach der Rückkehr von Voldemort an die Macht wiederbelebt. Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten Schulleiter von Hogwarts. Als der größte Zauberer seiner Zeit angesehen, und als den einzigen Zauberer, den Voldemort jemals fürchtete. Besitzer des Elder Wand. Getötet von Snape auf Dumbledores Bitte.
Benjy Fenwick
Von Todessern in Stücke gesprengt. Nur "Stücke von ihm" wurden geborgen.
Arabella Figg
Eine ältere weibliche Squib, die von Dumbledore beauftragt wurde, Harry während seiner Kindheit von zu Hause aus in seiner Nachbarschaft zu überwachen. In der wiederbelebten Ordnung gedient.
Mundungus Fletcher
Dieb und Trottel, dem Dumbledore einst "aus einem engen Fleck" geholfen hat, und hielt Dumbledore im Gegenzug auf dem Laufenden, was er von dem kriminellen Element der Zauberwelt hören würde. Er war ein widerstrebendes Mitglied der Gruppe, die Harry Deathly Hallows abrufen sollte, und geriet in Panik, als Voldemort ihn verfolgte. Er verschwand an einem unbekannten Ort und ließ Alastor Moody von Voldemort getötet werden.
Rubeus Hagrid
Betreuung des Lehrers für magische Kreaturen in Hogwarts sowie Bewahrer von Schlüsseln und Gründen. Er wurde mit der Aufgabe beauftragt, Harry aus Halloween 1981 aus dem zerstörten Potter-Haus in Godric's Hollow zu retten und ihn mit Sirius 'fliegendem Motorrad zum Haus der Dursleys zu bringen. In der wiederbelebten Ordnung gedient. Während der Flucht vor den Dursleys wurden Harry und Hagrid bei dem Absturz des fliegenden Motorrads beinahe getötet.
Frank und Alice Longbottom
Neville Longbottoms Eltern. Sie waren auch prominente Auroren und hatten Voldemort bis 1981 "dreimal trotzig" gequält. Bis zum Wahnsinn mit dem Cruciatus Curse von einer Gruppe von Todessern gefoltert, die von Bellatrix Lestrange angeführt wurden, die nach Informationen über den Verbleib von Lord Voldemort suchten. Seitdem leben Frank und Alice in einer geschlossenen Abteilung des St. Mungo's Hospital für magische Krankheiten und Verletzungen. Neville wird von seiner väterlichen Großmutter und Franks Mutter Augusta Longbottom aufgezogen. James Payton porträtierte Frank Longbottom kurz in Order of the Phoenix .
Remus Lupin
Ein Werwolf und Mitglied des ersten Ordens diente auch im wiederbelebten Orden als integraler Bestandteil der zur Bewachung von Harry Potter ausgesandten Vorhut, da er jemand war, dem sich Harry bewusst war und sofort vertrauen würde. Später ging er in den Untergrund, um die Werwolfgemeinschaft zu infiltrieren, um zu sehen, auf wessen Seite sie den Krieg übernehmen würden. Von Antonin Dolohov in der Schlacht von Hogwarts getötet. [2]
Dorcas Meadowes
Das einzige bekannte Mitglied des Ordens neben den Potters, die Lord Voldemort im ersten Krieg persönlich getötet hatte.
Marlene McKinnon
Von Todessern (darunter Igor Travers, laut Igor Karkaroff) zusammen mit ihrer ganzen Familie getötet.
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
Ein Mitglied der ursprünglichen Ordnung während des ersten Zauberkrieges. Wurde von Albus Dumbledore aus dem Ruhestand geholt, aber von Bartemius Crouch Jr angegriffen, eingesperrt und verkörpert, als er während des Triwizard-Turniers den Posten Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste unterrichten sollte. Auch wieder in die wiederbelebte Ordnung zu dienen. Von Voldemort getötet, als er Mundungus Fletcher (verkleidet als Harry Potter) in ein Safehouse begleitete. Sein Auge wurde später von den Todessern ergriffen und von Harry geborgen.
Peter Pettigrew
Er ging zu den Todessern über und verriet James und Lily Potter, was zu deren Tod führte. Er diente Voldemort während seines Exils und half ihm, wieder körperlich zu werden, wofür Voldemort ihn mit einer magischen Hand belohnte. Von seiner eigenen magischen Hand getötet, nachdem Harry verkündet hat, dass Wurmschwanz ihn schuldet, dass er sein Leben gerettet hat. Dumbledore nennt es "Magie in ihrer tiefsten, undurchdringlichsten Form".
Sturgis Podmore
Ein Mitglied des Zaubereiministeriums, das die Prophezeiung bewacht hat, bis er von einem Wachmann des Ministeriums festgenommen wurde, weil er versucht hatte, in die Mysteriumsabteilung einzubrechen. Dafür wurde er für sechs Monate zu Askaban verurteilt. Harry, Ron und Hermine spekulierten, dass Lucius Malfoy ihn unter den Imperius-Fluch gestellt hatte. Er hat einmal einen von Moodys Unsichtbarkeitsmänteln geliehen und gab ihn nie zurück.
James und Lily Potter
Harry Potters Eltern, die sich zum ersten Mal in Hogwarts trafen. Sie wurden von Voldemort getötet, der versuchte, den fünfzehn Monate alten Harry zu töten.
Gideon und Fabian Prewett
Molly Weasleys Brüder, die im ersten Krieg getötet wurden. Fünf Todesser (darunter Antonin Dolohov) brauchten, um die beiden zu töten. Molly gab Harry zu seinem siebzehnten Geburtstag Fabians Uhr.
Severus Snape
Nachdem er erfahren hatte, dass Voldemort vorhatte, Lily Potter zu töten, um zu dem jungen Harry zu gelangen, wandte sich Snape gegen Dumbledore als Geheimagent gegen die Todesser an. Später diente er im zweiten Krieg als verdoppelter Agent. Er war der Zaubertränkemeister in Hogwarts, und sein Patronus hatte die Form eines Damhirschkuhs, genau wie Lily Potters, der einzige, den er je geliebt hatte. Snape überreichte das Schwert von Godric Gryffindor mit seinem Patronus an Harry im Wald von Dean. Getötet von Voldemorts Schlange Nagini während der Schlacht von Hogwarts.
Emmeline Vance
Teil der Advance Guard, die Harry im fünften Buch bei seiner Flucht vor den Dursleys half. Todesser töteten sie im Sommer 1996 aufgrund von Informationen, die Snape angeblich gegeben hat, wie in Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz beschrieben. Als sich jedoch herausstellte, dass Snape in Deathly Hallows die ganze Zeit an Dumbledores Seite gearbeitet hatte, gibt es Zweifel, ob er wirklich Informationen lieferte, mit denen er sie hätte töten können. Sie wird von Brigette Millar in Order of the Phoenix dargestellt.

Mitglieder des wiederhergestellten Ordens [ edit ]

Diese Charaktere schlossen sich dem Orden an, als Dumbledore ihn nach der Rückkehr von Lord Voldemort am Ende von [Harry Potter] und dem Feuerkelch wieder aktivierte .

Leistungen und Operationen
Fleur Delacour
Hat geholfen, Harry von den Dursleys in den Fuchsbau zu bringen, und pflegt Harry und seine Freunde in Shell Cottage nach Dobbys Tod in Deathly Hallows . In der Schlacht von Hogwarts gekämpft. Tritt dem Triwizard-Turnier bei. Verheirateter Bill Weasley.
Hestia Jones
Teil der Advance Guard, die Harry im fünften Buch bei seiner Flucht vor den Dursleys half. Dann begleitet sie die Dursleys zusammen mit Dedalus Diggle zu Beginn des letzten Buches. Hestia ist überrascht zu wissen, dass die Dursleys Harrys Bedeutung in der Anti-Voldemort-Bewegung nicht kennen und konfrontiert sie später mit der Behandlung, die sie dem Jungen geben.
Minerva McGonagall
Stellvertretende Schulleiterin, Verwandlungslehrer und Leiter des Gryffindor House in Hogwarts. Sie diente nur im wiederbelebten Orden, da sie im ersten Krieg eine Spionage für das Zaubereiministerium war, mit großer Wirkung aufgrund ihrer Animagus-Fähigkeit. Sie verlor das Vertrauen in das Ministerium aufgrund des Verhaltens von Fudge und anderen, wie Umbridge, und trat dem Orden bei. Äußerst unterstützend für Dumbledore und seine Ideale. Während der Schlacht von Hogwarts führte er die Verteidigung des Schlosses an. Am Ende duellierte sich Voldemort zusammen mit Kingsley Shacklebolt und Horace Slughorn.
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Ein Auror, Mitglied der Advance Guard, Sekretär / Bodyguard des Muggel-Premierministers, Anführer der Suche nach Sirius Black während des Order of the Phoenix und Teil der Gruppe, die gegen die Todesser kämpfte im Ministerium Ende Order of the Phoenix . Hat geholfen, die Mitglieder des Ordens zu organisieren und kämpfte während der Schlacht von Hogwarts gegen Ende der Schlacht gegen Voldemort. Nach Voldemorts Tod wurde er Zaubereiminister.
Nymphadora Tonks
War Mitglied der Advance Guard und Teil der Gruppe, die Ende des Ordens des Phönix im Ministerium gegen die Todesser gekämpft hatte. Sie war eine Metamorphmagus, eine Person, die ihr Aussehen beliebig ändern konnte, und eine Aurorin. Sie heiratete Remus Lupin und hatte ein Kind, Teddy Lupin, das später die Metamorphmagus-Fähigkeiten seiner Mutter geerbt hatte. Später bekämpften sie beim ersten Angriff auf Hogwarts Todesser. Geholfen, Harry von den Dursleys zu The Burrow in Deathly Hallows zu bewegen. Während der Schlacht von Hogwarts von ihrer Tante Bellatrix Lestrange getötet.
Arthur Weasley
Unterstützung des Ordens durch Unterstützung der Kontaktaufnahme mit Personen, die Dumbledore und Harrys Geschichte im Order of the Phoenix glauben würden. Geboren von Nagini, während er die Tür zur Mysteriumsabteilung in Order of the Phoenix bewachte. Geholfen, Harry von den Dursleys zu The Burrow in Deathly Hallows zu bewegen. Kämpfte gegen Pius Thicknesse zusammen mit seinem dritten Sohn Percy Weasley in der Zweiten Schlacht von Hogwarts.
Bill Weasley
Der Fluchbrecher für Gringotts Wizarding Bank wird so zu einem Vermittler für den Orden und die Goblin-Gemeinschaft. Beim ersten Angriff auf Hogwarts von Fenrir Greyback angegriffen und gezeichnet. Geholfen, Harry von den Dursleys zu The Burrow in Deathly Hallows zu bewegen. In der Schlacht von Hogwarts gekämpft. Fleur Delacour ist verheiratet.
Charlie Weasley
Im Sommer 1995 zur Anwerbung ausländischer Ordensmitglieder beauftragt. Zusammen mit Horace Slughorn führte er Verstärkungen in der Schlacht von Hogwarts.
Molly Weasley
Geholfen, die Mysteriumsabteilung im Orden des Phönix zu bewachen, erlaubte dem Orden, sein Haus als Heiligtümer des Todes zu verwenden, und tötete Bellatrix Lestrange während der Schlacht von Hogwarts.

Mitglieder des Ordens [ edit ]

Dies ist eine Liste der bemerkenswerten Mitglieder des Ordens des Phönix. Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape und Rubeus Hagrid haben eigene Seiten. Minerva McGonagall ist unter den Mitarbeitern von Hogwarts aufgeführt, Fred und George unter Dumbledores Armee und Peter Pettigrew unter Todesser.

Sirius Black [ edit ]

Sirius Black Spitzname Padfoot (weil seine Animagus-Form die Gestalt eines Hundes annimmt), ist der letzte Erbe des House of Black, einer ehemals bemerkenswerten reinblütigen Zauberfamilie. Er ist der ältere Bruder von Regulus Arcturus Black (R.A.B) und ein Cousin von Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks und Bellatrix Lestrange. Er lehnte die reinblütige Tradition seiner Familie und die Toleranz gegenüber den Dunklen Künsten ab. Im Gegensatz zu seinem häuslichen Leben hat Sirius sein Leben in Hogwarts sehr genossen. Da er der einzige Schwarze war, der in Gryffindor eingeteilt wurde, war er weiter von seiner Slytherin-Familie entfernt und war einer seiner Gründe für seinen Stolz. Er war unzertrennlich von seinem besten Freund James 'Prongs' Potter, seinem Freund Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew und seinem Freund Remus 'Moony' Lupin. Er wurde von Rubeus Hagrid im ersten Roman [3] erwähnt; er erschien jedoch erst im dritten Buch der Serie, The Prisoner of Askaban .

Sirius schikanierte Severus Snape zusammen mit James in der Schule und nannte ihn "Snivellus". Sirius verließ mit sechzehn Jahren sein Zuhause und flüchtete mit James und seinen Eltern. Seine empörte Mutter verbrannte seinen Namen vom Stammbaum, wurde jedoch durch das großzügige Vermächtnis seines Onkels Alphard finanziell unabhängig (daher wurde auch Alphards Name verbrannt). Nachdem er die Schule verlassen hatte, war er mit James und Lily eng befreundet und bei ihrer Hochzeit der beste Mann. Als Harry geboren wurde, nannten die Potters Sirius als seinen Paten.

Als die Potters sich vor Voldemort versteckten, wurde Sirius als ihr Geheimhalter eingesetzt. Sirius überzeugte James und Lily, im letzten Moment die Secret-Keepers zu Peter Pettigrew zu wechseln. Er glaubte, dass Voldemort niemals auf die Jagd gehen würde und stattdessen Sirius angreifen würde. Pettigrew verriet James und Lily und wurde von Lord Voldemort ermordet.

Harry überlebte und wurde von Hagrid gerettet. Sirius bat Hagrid, Harry zu geben, da er Harrys Pate war, aber Hagrid lehnte dies ab und lehnte stattdessen Harry mit den Dursleys ab. Sirius gab Hagrid sein fliegendes Motorrad und sagte, er würde es nicht brauchen. In seiner Wut verfolgte Sirius Pettigrew und forderte ihn heraus. Während der Konfrontation fälschte Pettigrew seinen eigenen Tod und tötete zwölf Muggel, die Sirius einrahmten, weil er die Potters und den Mord an Pettigrew und den Muggeln verraten hatte. Sirius wurde verhaftet und ohne Gerichtsverfahren von Barty Crouch Sr. nach Askaban geschickt. Anders als die meisten anderen Askaban-Gefangenen konnte Sirius seinen Verstand behalten, weil er wusste, dass er unschuldig war; und weil er als Animagus in seiner Hundeform weniger anfällig für die Auswirkungen der Dementoren war.

Zwölf Jahre später, Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban sieht Sirius ein Bild der Weasley-Familie auf dem Titelbild des Tagespropheten des damaligen Ministers Magie, Cornelius Fudge, in der eine Ratte auf Rons Schulter sitzt. Die Ratte ist Rons Haustier, Scabbers, und Sirius erkennt Pettigrew in seiner Animagus-Form, als er einen Zeh vermisst. Dieses Wissen macht ihn klar und ermöglicht es ihm, Askaban zu entkommen. Er vollbringt dies, indem er sich in seine Animagus-Hundeform verwandelt. Sein schwerer Gewichtsverlust durch Unterernährung und die Unfähigkeit der Dementoren, zwischen unkomplizierten Hunde-Gefühlen und Wahnsinn zu unterscheiden, lassen ihn durch seine Zellbarren gleiten. Nach seiner Flucht flüchtet Sirius in und um Hogsmeade. Sirius weiß, dass die Dementoren in der Nähe von Hogsmeade und in Hogwarts stationiert sind. Sirius bleibt in dieser Zeit in seiner Animagus-Form und kann das Gelände von Hogwarts betreten, ohne von den Dementoren entdeckt zu werden. Er unternimmt mehrere erfolglose Versuche, Pettigrew zu töten, bis seine Anwesenheit von den Schülern und Lehrern von Hogwarts entdeckt wird, als er versucht, den Gryffindorturm zu betreten, und die Sicherheit der Schule wird erhöht. Gegen Ende des Gefangenen von Askaban konfrontieren Harry, Ron und Hermine Sirius und Harry versucht, ihn zu töten. Lupin jedoch, der herausgefunden hat, dass Sirius unschuldig ist, nachdem er Pettigrews Namen auf der Karte des Marodeurs gesehen hat, hindert Harry daran. Scabbers wird als Pettigrew demaskiert, und Harry beginnt Sirius als Ersatzvater zu betrachten, wobei Sirius sogar angeboten hat, Harry mit ihm leben zu lassen. Die Ereignisse wenden sich rasch wieder gegen ihn - Pettigrew entkommt und Sirius wird von den Dementoren in Hogwarts gefangen genommen und zum "Dementor's Kiss" verurteilt. Harry und Hermine helfen ihm mit Buckbeak zu fliehen, einem Hippogreif, der ebenfalls zu Unrecht verurteilt worden war.

In Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch berät Sirius Harry, wie er die Aufgaben des Triwizard-Turniers abschließen soll, und liefert Hintergrundinformationen zu Todessern.

In Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix flüchtet er in sein altes Familienheim am Grimmauld Place 12 und erlaubt dem Orden des Phönix, es als ihr Hauptquartier zu nutzen. Seine Gefangenschaft (auf Dumbledores Befehl) verursacht Depressionen, und er ist häufig zurückgezogen und antagonistisch. Er hasst den Hauselfen Kreacher, der für ihn das Haus darstellt, das er hasste. Kreacher lehnt Sirius inzwischen für seine Ablehnung der schwarzen Familie ab. Als Sirius kurz das Haus verlässt, um Harry nach Hogwarts zu bringen, wird seine Animagus-Form von Draco und Lucius Malfoy erkannt, was zu mehr Drohungen und Warnungen führt. Sirius fungiert im gesamten Buch als eine ältere Bruderfigur für Harry, aber laut Rowling, "was Harry sich sehnt, ist ein Vater". [4] Sirius ermutigt Harry, sich gegen Dolores Umbridge und ihre Reformen zu stellen, und stimmt Harry nachdrücklich zu, die heimliche Defensive zu beginnen Lerngruppe für Studenten, Dumbledores Armee. Er zeigt ein hohes Maß an Vertrauen und Respekt für Harry und beantwortet gerne seine Fragen zum Orden und Voldemort. Mit seiner wachsenden Kraft implantiert Voldemort Harrys Verstand, dass Sirius gefangen ist und in der Mysteriumsabteilung gefoltert wird. Entschlossen, Sirius zu retten, erhalten Harry und seine Freunde Zugang zur Mysteriumsabteilung, werden jedoch von Todessern überfallen. Snape informiert den Orden jedoch darüber, dass die Schüler zum Ministerium gegangen sind, nachdem er bestätigt hat, dass Sirius am Grimmauld Place in Sicherheit ist. Mehrere Ordensmitglieder kommen im Ministerium an, darunter auch Sirius, und kämpfen gegen die Todesser. Während eines wahnsinnigen Duells mit seiner verhassten Cousine Bellatrix Lestrange verspottet Sirius sie, weil sie ihn nicht verletzt hat. Bellatrix schlägt Sirius mit einem Fluch an, schickt ihn rückwärts in einen verzauberten Torbogen in der Todeskammer und tötet ihn. Harry kann sich nur schwer von diesem Ereignis erholen. Sirius 'Will erklärte, dass sein Besitz, sein Zuhause und sein Hauself Kreacher von Harry geerbt werden sollten.

Sirius tritt gegen Ende Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes endgültig in Erscheinung, als er vom Auferstehungsstein in semi-lebender Form beschworen wird, um Harry zu helfen, durch den verbotenen Wald zu gehen und sein Leben zu opfern zu Voldemort. Später wird bekannt, dass Harry sein erstes Kind James Sirius Potter nach seinem Vater James und seinem Paten Sirius benannt hat.

Sirius wurde von Gary Oldman in den Verfilmungen von Gefangener von Askaban Feuerkelch Orden des Phönix und Deathly dargestellt Heilige - Teil 2 . Sirius trat als Teenager kurz in Order of the Phoenix (gespielt von James Walters) auf. Der junge Sirius erschien auch in Deathly Hallows dargestellt von Rohan Gotobed. [5] In den Filmversionen hat Sirius lockiges, braunes Haar mit blauen Augen. In dem Buch wird beschrieben, dass er gerade Haare hat (lang und mattiert nach 12 Jahren in Azkaban, aber kurz geschnitten) schwarze Haare und graue Augen.

Fleur Delacour [ edit ]

Fleur Isabelle Delacour ist ein Schüler der Beauxbatons Academy in Frankreich und wird als Meister im prestigeträchtigen Triwizard-Turnier ausgewählt. Ihre Großmutter mütterlicherseits ist eine Veela, von der Fleur ihr silberblondes Haar, ihre blassen Augen, ihr gutes Aussehen und ihre Fähigkeit, Männer zu verzaubern, geerbt hat. Bei der Turnierzauberinspektion wird deutlich, dass das Herzstück von Fleurs Zauberstab ein Veela-Haar aus dem Kopf ihrer Großmutter ist.

Während des Triwizard-Turniers ist Fleur anfangs zurückhaltend und unfreundlich, obwohl sie von den Jungen, besonders Ron, viel Bewunderung erfahren hat. Während der zweiten Aufgabe des Turniers versucht sie, ihre Schwester Gabrielle Delacour aus dem See zu retten, scheitert jedoch, behindert durch die Grindylows. Als Harry Gabrielle stattdessen rettet, ist Fleur sehr dankbar, obwohl ihre Schwester in keiner wirklichen Gefahr ist, und wird gegenüber Harry und Hogwarts viel wärmer. Fleur wird im Triwizard-Turnier auf Platz 4 beendet, da er während der letzten Aufgabe betäubt wurde.

Im darauffolgenden Jahr arbeitet Fleur bei Gringotts mit Bill Weasley, den sie bereits während des Turniers getroffen hat, und die beiden engagieren sich. Bill wird von Werwolf Fenrir Greyback angegriffen und gegen Ende Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz in der Schlacht um den Astronomieturm schwer misshandelt. Da Greyback sich jedoch zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs in seiner menschlichen Form befindet, erleidet Bill nur eine teilweise lykanthropische Verseuchung. Molly Weasley, die Fleurs größtenteils ablehnt, geht davon aus, dass sie Bill nicht mehr heiraten möchte, aber Fleur ist unnachgiebig, dass ihre Hochzeitspläne unverändert bleiben, und erklärt stolz, dass Bills Wunden ein Zeichen der Tapferkeit sind, und fügte hinzu: "Ich bin gut genug für uns beide sowieso ". Ihre leidenschaftliche, liebevolle Treue zu ihrem Verlobten verdient ihren Respekt vor allem bei Bills früher missbilligender Familie, besonders bei Molly, die schließlich gezwungen ist zuzugeben, dass ihre Liebe echt ist.

In Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes beteiligen sich Fleur und Bill an der Operation, um Harry sicher in den Fuchsbau zu bringen, und sie sehen, wie Mad-Eye Moody von Voldemort getötet wird. Das Paar hat seine Hochzeit und seinen Empfang im Fuchsbau, aber das Ereignis wird unterbrochen, als Todesser nach dem Sturz des Zaubereiministeriums angreifen. Fleur und Bill erlauben Ron, bei ihnen zu bleiben, nachdem er Harry und Hermine während ihrer Jagd nach Horkruxen verlassen hat. Das Brautpaar bietet später einen sicheren Hafen für das Trio und andere, die aus Malfoy Manor in Shell Cottage, ihrem Zuhause, gerettet wurden. Sowohl Bill als auch Fleur sind Kämpfer des Ordens während der Schlacht von Hogwarts und schaffen es, ihn zu überleben. Das Ehepaar bekommt drei Kinder: Victoire, Dominique und Louis [6]

Die französische Schauspielerin und das Model Clémence Poésy porträtieren Fleur in der Verfilmung von Harry Potter und dem Goblet of Fire (19459005) und beide Teile der Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes Verfilmung.
Aberforth Dumbledore [ edit ]

Aberforth Dumbledore ist Albus Dumbledores Bruder. Er ist mit drei Jahren der jüngere Bruder und der schlechtere der beiden; Als solcher wird er normalerweise im Hintergrund gelassen, während sich sein Bruder am Ruhm seines vergleichbaren Erfolgs erfreut. Nach dem Tod seiner Eltern und Albus 'Rückkehr nach Hause, um sich um ihre instabile Schwester Ariana zu kümmern, stritt Aberforth mit seinem Bruder und dem Freund seines Bruders Gellert Grindelwald über ihre Pläne, eine neue Ordnung zu beginnen, und vernachlässigte Ariana. Grindelwald fing an, ihn zu foltern und führte zu den drei Duellen. Dieses Argument führt dazu, dass Ariana durch einen von ihnen versehentlich starb. Bei der Beerdigung von Ariana konfrontiert Aberforth Albus öffentlich und schlägt ihn und bricht sich die Nase. Schließlich wird Aberforth der Besitzer und Barmann des Hog's Head Inn. Er ist bekannt für seine starke Affinität zu Ziegen. Sein Patronus nimmt die Form einer Ziege an und erzählt dem Trio, dass er als Junge die Ziegen in Begleitung seiner Schwester Ariana fütterte. Aberforth wurde auch vor dem Wizengamot (dem Wizard High Court) vor Gericht gestellt, weil er unangemessene Zauber an einer Ziege durchführte. Laut Harrys Beschreibung in Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix hat seine Taverne auch einen schwachen Geruch nach Ziegen. In der Verfilmung sieht man eine schlampige Ziege hinten im Pub.

Erst Deathly Hallows spielt Aberforth in der Serie eine wichtige Rolle, indem er Harry, Ron und Hermine in seine Bar nimmt, bevor die Todesser sie gefangen nehmen können. Aberforth offenbart später dem Trio einige Fakten, die sie über die Geschichte der Familie Dumbledore nicht kannten. Während er in Malfoy Manor gefangen gehalten wird, sieht Harry kurz Aberforths Auge in der verbliebenen Scherbe des Zweiwegespiegels, den er von Sirius erhalten hatte, und ruft Aberforths Hilfe an. Aberforth kaufte sein Gegenstück bei Mundungus Fletcher. Aberforth schickt Dobby, um sie und die anderen Gefangenen aus dem Manor zu retten. Er mochte Dobby und war verärgert, als Bellatrix Lestrange ihn tötete.

Aberforth erlaubt es den Widerstandskämpfern, einen sicheren Durchgang vom Kopf des Hogs zum Raum der Wünsche durch Arianas Porträt zu benutzen, da es der einzige unbewachte Eingang in Hogwarts ist. Diese Passage wird verwendet, um minderjährige Schüler aus Hogwarts zu evakuieren, und laut Neville wurde sie auch von Mitgliedern der Dumbledore-Armee benutzt, um Nahrung zu erhalten, wenn sie im Raum der Wünsche lebten, weil dies der Raum der Anforderungen nicht tun würde. Aberforth verlässt den Orden und glaubt, der Krieg gegen Voldemort sei verloren. Er schließt sich jedoch schnell der Schlacht von Hogwarts an und ist zuletzt gesehen, wie er Augustus Rookwood beeindruckt. According to Rowling, Aberforth survives the battle, and is still "at the Hog's Head, playing with his goats".[7]

Jim McManus appeared briefly as Aberforth in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.[8]Ciarán Hinds plays Aberforth in a larger role in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2.

Arabella Figg[edit]

Arabella Doreen Figgbetter known simply as Mrs. Figgis a Squib living undercover as a Muggle and on Dumbledore's orders surreptitiously watches over Harry while he is at home with the Dursleys. She is a Chekhov's gun, first mentioned as a seemingly insignificant neighbour in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and not revealed as a member of the magical community until Order of the Phoenix. She has a lifelong love of cats and does "a roaring trade" in crossbred cats and Kneazles, their magical variant.[9] Within the Order of the Phoenix, she functions as one of Dumbledore's liaisons between the magical and Muggle worlds. In Order of the Phoenixshe aids Harry after he and his cousin Dudley Dursley are attacked by two Dementors, and chooses to reveal herself to him. She explains to Harry that she deliberately made Harry's stays with her unpleasant so that the Dursleys would continue to send him to her, though she would have preferred to do otherwise. When the Ministry of Magic tries to have Harry expelled from Hogwarts for underage use of magic (after he cast a Patronus charm to protect himself and his cousin), her testimony before the Wizengamot is crucial in allowing Harry to stay at Hogwarts. However, according to Rowling, Squibs are incapable of seeing Dementors,[9] and it is suggested by her manner during the trial that she has been prompted what to say with regard to the Dementors.[10] In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princeshe attends Dumbledore's funeral at Hogwarts.

Mrs. Figg was portrayed by Kathryn Hunter in the film adaptation of Order of the Phoenix.

Mundungus Fletcher[edit]

Mundungus "Dung" Fletcher is mentioned in passing in some of the earlier books in the series, but it is not until the second chapter of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that he makes his first appearance. Mundungus is described as a "squat, unshaven man" with "short, bandy legs", "long, straggly ginger hair", and "bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound". He is involved in many illegal activities, yet he seems confined to relatively minor crimes, such as theft and trading stolen goods on the black market. Many members of the Order have mixed feelings about him, but he is very loyal to Dumbledore, who once got him out of serious trouble. His connections enable him to hear rumours and information rolling around the shadier segments of the wizarding population, which could potentially prove instrumental in the fight against Voldemort.

He is briefly mentioned in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where following the Death Eaters attack at the Quidditch World Cup, Mundungus put in an insurance claim to the Ministry of Magic for a twelve-bedroomed tent with an en-suite jacuzzi, while in reality, he had been sleeping under a cloak propped on sticks. As a member of both the original and the newly reformed Order of the Phoenix, he is assigned guard duty to protect Harry, but abandons his position to conduct a shady cauldron-trading deal, leaving a critical opening through which Dementors manage to attack Harry. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry catches Mundungus outside the Three Broomsticks trying to sell what had been Sirius' property (which now belongs to Harry after Sirius' death) to Aberforth, and the boy confronts him. Mundungus goes into hiding but is later jailed in Azkaban for impersonating an Inferius during a botched robbery.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsMundungus has managed to get out of prison, but the circumstances are unclear. He is Confunded by Snape, and gives the idea of using the Polyjuice Potion and six Potter decoys to the Order and helps with the escort of Harry from Privet Drive. He travels with Mad-Eye Moody on a broomstick as one of the Potter decoys. During the flight from Privet Drive, he flees when Voldemort himself shows up. It is later revealed by Kreacher that, included in the property he stole from 12 Grimmauld Place in the previous book was a heavy locket from the drawing room. That locket was the Slytherin's locket Horcrux. Then Kreacher is sent by Harry to capture Mundungus, who reveals that Umbridge took the locket from him under threat of arrest.

Andy Linden plays Mundungus Fletcher in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1.

Remus Lupin[edit]

Remus John Lupinnicknamed Moonyfirst appears in Prisoner of Azkaban as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Most of the students hold him in extremely high regard and love his hands-on teaching style. During his tenure, he gives Harry private lessons in casting the Patronus Charm, to aid him in fighting off the Dementors patrolling the Hogwarts grounds. It is revealed in the climax of Prisoner of Azkaban that Professor Lupin is a werewolf. He turns into a werewolf at every full moon and only retains his human mind while transformed by drinking the Wolfsbane Potion prepared for him by Snape. Hermione discovers before Harry and Ron that Professor Lupin is a werewolf after Professor Snape gives Lupin's class an assignment on werewolves. She also notices that Professor Lupin's boggart is a moon.

Dumbledore, one of the few wizards who are sympathetic towards his condition, made arrangements for Lupin to attend Hogwarts as a child, where he became close friends with James (Prongs) Potter, Sirius (Padfoot) Black, and Peter (Wormtail) Pettigrew. Until the climax of Prisoner of AzkabanProfessor Lupin believes Sirius to be guilty of betraying James and Lily and killing Pettigrew.

Upon discovering that Sirius is innocent and that the very much alive Pettigrew is the traitor, Professor Lupin helps Sirius explain the truth to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Shrieking Shack. However, Professor Lupin had forgotten to take the Wolfsbane Potion that night and so, when touched by moonlight, transforms into a werewolf with no control over his actions. Sirius, in dog form, drives Lupin safely away from the others into the Forbidden Forest, where he wakes the next morning restored to his human body and mind. Snape, however, furious over Sirius' eventual escape and his resultant loss of the Order of Merlin promised to him by Cornelius Fudge, publicly reveals the nature of Professor Lupin's lycanthropy. Anticipating a public outcry in response to the threat he himself agrees he poses to the students, Professor Lupin resigns from his post.

Long after resigning as a teacher, Lupin remains a friend to Harry. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Lupin joins the newly reformed Order of the Phoenix and is part of the advance guard which escorts Harry from the Dursley family home in the book's opening chapters. Lupin is rarely seen in Grimmauld Place as he is often away performing secret tasks for the Order.

Later in the book, Harry sees his father and Sirius bully a school-aged Snape through Snape's memory. Lupin doesn't participate in the bullying and gives several small indications that he disapproves of his friends' behaviour, but does nothing to stop them despite being a prefect. When Harry confronts Lupin about the scene he witnessed in the Pensieve, Lupin expresses regret at never having had the courage to tell his friends when they were "out of order". He adds, however, that his friends outgrew it and became better people, and that Snape also never passed up a chance to curse them when the opportunity presented itself. Later, Lupin participates in the battle at the Department of Mysteries where he duels and overpowers Lucius Malfoy.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceLupin reveals that it was Fenrir Greyback who bit him when he was a child. Towards the climax of the book, Lupin is one of the defenders of Hogwarts when Death Eaters penetrate the school, and after Dumbledore's death, it is revealed that Nymphadora Tonks has fallen in love with him despite a thirteen-year age gap. He resists becoming involved with her because of the many risks posed by his lycanthropy, and insists that she deserves someone "young and whole".

By the opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsit is revealed that Lupin and Tonks have married. Later in the book, Lupin informs Harry, Ron, and Hermione that Tonks is pregnant. However, feeling ashamed that he has turned Tonks into an outcast and guilty that his unborn child has a high chance of inheriting lycanthropy, Lupin plans to leave Tonks and their baby. This results in an intense argument between him and Harry, who insists that Lupin's actions are cowardly. Eventually, Lupin recognises the truth in Harry's words and returns to his wife in time for the birth of their son, Teddy Lupin, and subsequently asks Harry to be the boy's godfather, a duty and honour which he accepts.

Lupin remains active in the Order throughout the year. He provides the casualty reports section on the pirate radio station Potterwatch under the pseudonym of Romulus. Lupin commands a group of defenders on the school grounds during the Battle of Hogwarts. Both Lupin and Tonks die in combat, killed by Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix Lestrange respectively. At the time of his death, Lupin was the last surviving member of his group of friends.[2] Rowling has since stated that she originally intended for both Lupin and Tonks to survive,[11] but finally killed them off to compensate for the last-minute reprieve she gave to Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.[12][13] Lupin, along with Sirius, James, and Lily, makes one last appearance in the series when Harry uses the Resurrection Stone to bring them forth to comfort him. He expresses his regret that Teddy will never know his father, but says that he will know why he died: trying to make a world in which his son could live a better life.

In the film series, Lupin is portrayed by David Thewlis as an adult, and by James Utechin as a teenager.

Harry Potter director David Yates and J. K. Rowling have stated that Remus Lupin is their favourite series character.[14] Both Lupin's first name, Remus, and the pseudonym he uses on PotterwatchRomulus, are a reference to the Roman mythological twin brothers Romulus and Remus, who are said to have had a wolf foster-mother. Furthermore, Remus' last name, Lupin, refers to the Latin word lupuswhich means wolf.

Mad-Eye Moody[edit]

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror in the modern times of the Wizarding World, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry, even when permitted to do so, unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred; he has lost several body parts while fighting Dark wizards, including his left eye, lower left leg, and part of his nose; and he is cautious – some characters might say paranoid – in that he refuses to eat or drink anything which he himself did not prepare. He has replaced his missing eye with a magical one that can rotate 360 degrees and see through almost everything (including walls, doors, Invisibility Cloaks, and the back of his own head). He walks with a pronounced limp due to his prosthetic leg and uses a walking staff. He frequently exclaims "Constant vigilance!" to encourage wizards to be on their guard against the dark arts, and keeps a number of devices in his office to alert him to the presence of potential enemies. Before his retirement from the Aurors' Office, he was Nymphadora Tonks' mentor, and still regards her as his protégée.

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireMoody is appointed as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, coming out of retirement as a favour to Dumbledore. Shortly before the school year begins, however, Moody is attacked by Barty Crouch, Jr., who subdues him with the Imperius Curse and takes Polyjuice Potion to assume his appearance. He keeps the real Moody alive as a source both of Polyjuice potion ingredients and of personal information helpful in putting the impersonation over and takes Moody's place at Hogwarts. Moody's well-known habit of carrying around his own drinks in a private hip flask allows Crouch to take the Polyjuice Potion as needed to sustain the masquerade without raising suspicion.

Crouch/Moody becomes noted for teaching and demonstrating normally higher-level topics to Harry's fourth-year class (such as the Unforgivable Curses). He is a demanding teacher who expects students to work. He puts up with very little, for example punishing Draco Malfoy by transforming him into a ferret to stick up for Harry when Malfoy was tormenting him.

After Harry unexpectedly returns alive from the graveyard battle with Voldemort, Crouch/Moody takes Harry back to his office, questions him about Voldemort and what happened in the graveyard, and reveals that he is working for Voldemort. He then prepares to kill Harry, but Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape stop him. Having neglected to take his hourly dose of Polyjuice potion, Crouch transforms back to his own appearance and, under the influence of Veritaserum, confesses everything. Dumbledore then rescues the real Moody from his magic trunk.[15]

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixthe real Moody has joined the newly re-formed Order and leads the party transferring Harry from 4 Privet Drive to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. He appears at the climax of that book, arriving at the battle at the Department of Mysteries after being tipped off by Snape. He also appears with Lupin and Tonks at the very end, when they give the Dursleys a warning concerning their treatment of Harry.[16] Moody only features briefly in Half-Blood Prince. In Deathly Hallows he is killed by Voldemort after being abandoned by Mundungus Fletcher, who was acting as a Potter decoy. The Order is unable to recover his body, but later his magical eye is found by Harry mounted on Dolores Umbridge's office door to spy on Ministry of Magic employees. Harry retrieves the eye, disgusted that it would be used in such a way, and buries it at the base of an old tree in Mad-Eye's memory.

Moody is portrayed by Brendan Gleeson in the film series.

James Potter[edit]

James Potternicknamed Prongsis the father of Harry Potter. James met Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew when they entered Hogwarts. When James, Sirius, and Peter discovered that Remus is, in fact, a werewolf, the three of them illegally learned to become Animagi to accompany Remus safely during his transformations and keep him under control. It is during this time that they discovered almost all the secret passageways of Hogwarts and designed the Marauder's Map. At school, James is said to have been a talented player on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. In the film version of Philosopher's StoneHarry and his friends find James' name listed on a plaque as a Seeker on his Quidditch team; however, Rowling stated in an interview that she intended him to be a Chaser.[17]

Rowling describes James and Harry as having similar attributes: the same thin face, same hands, and the same untidy black hair sticking up at the back, and nearly the same height as his son during their school days. However, Rowling also describes James as having hazel eyes and a slightly longer nose than Harry does. Like Harry, James is generally described to be a good, loyal friend who "regarded it as the height of dishonour to mistrust his friends".[18] Characters in the books often comment on James' personality, about which Rowling comments that "there was a lot of good in James".[19] The Hogwarts student population seems to have admired James back in his day, and teachers respected his talent, though not his behaviour.

His popularity, however, was not universal, as a mutual hatred sprang up between him and Snape.[20] Snape constantly tells Harry that James was "exceedingly arrogant",[21] and on one occasion, Sirius admits that he and James could sometimes be "arrogant little berks" but that "James grew out of it" (which Lily is said to have noted by their seventh year). He became Head Boy in his seventh year along with Lily as Head Girl.[22]

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixafter seeing a scene from Snape's memories within a Pensieve of a fifteen-year-old James and Sirius bullying Snape, Harry agrees with Snape's assessment of his father's arrogance. According to Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stonehowever, James and Snape shared a rivalry, not unlike that of Draco and Harry. In addition, Lupin tells Harry that Snape "never lost an opportunity to curse James".[22] According to an interview with Rowling, "James always suspected Snape harboured deeper feelings for Lily, which was a factor in James' behaviour to Snape."[2] However, when Sirius attempts to lure Snape into the Shrieking Shack where Lupin stays during his werewolf transformations, James prevents him from entering the tunnel under the Whomping Willow, thus saving Snape's life; although – as Snape points out – this also saved James from expulsion.

After graduating from Hogwarts, James – along with Lily and his friends – become "full-time fighters" for the Order, and do not hold regular jobs, supporting his family and Lupin, whose status as a werewolf made him unemployable, on family gold.[23] In an interview, Rowling revealed that James and Lily were asked by Voldemort to join the Death Eaters, but refused, making it "one strike against them before they were even out of their teens".[24] When his son Harry becomes Voldemort's target, the Potters go into hiding and name Pettigrew as their secret keeper. However, on 31 October 1981, the Potters' whereabouts are betrayed by Pettigrew, and they are attacked by Voldemort without warning at their home in Godric's Hollow. James urges his wife to take Harry and run while he holds Voldemort off. Wandless, he is killed.

He briefly appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as a result of Priori Incantatem, when Harry's wand and Voldemort's meet, showing the most recent spells cast by each – in the case of Voldemort's wand, the most recent lives taken. He makes a final appearance at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows through the use of the Resurrection Stone.

James and Sirius are the heroes of the Harry Potter prequel, an 800-word story set three years before Harry's birth.[25] The two friends are riding Sirius' motorbike and are chased by two Muggle policemen for breaking the speed limit. The policemen attempt to arrest them when three Death Eaters on broomsticks fly down towards them. James and Sirius use the police car as a barrier and the Death Eaters crash into it. In the end, they escape from the policemen by flying away on the motorbike.

In the film series, James is portrayed by Adrian Rawlins as an adult, Robbie Jarvis as a teenager and Alfie McIlwain as a child.[26]

Lily Potter [edit]

Lily J. Potter (née Evans) is the mother of Harry Potter. She is described as being very pretty,[27] with startlingly green almond-shaped eyes and thick, long, dark auburn hair. She is one of the "all-time favourite students" of star collector Horace Slughorn, who describes her as "vivacious", "charming", "cheeky", and "very funny" and recalls that he "often told her she should have been in Slytherin". In addition, Slughorn says Lily is one of the brightest students he ever taught, with a natural and intuitive ability at Potions.[28][29] Rowling describes Lily as being "a bit of a catch"; she was a popular girl for whom many boys had romantic feelings.[30] Although Lily is Muggle-born, she is an extremely gifted witch at the top of her class. She became Head Girl in her seventh year. Lily's sister Petunia Dursley despised her for being a witch and viewed her as a "freak", although Petunia is later revealed to have been envious of her abilities. Rowling stated that Lily did receive warning letters for testing the limits of the Statute of Secrecy.[31] Lily's Patronus is a doe, presumably to pair with James' Animagus shape of a stag (also the form of Harry's Patronus).[2][note 1]

After witnessing a memory from Snape about Lily's and James' time as Hogwarts students, Harry gathers the impression that Lily hated James, but Sirius and Lupin assure him that she did not; they "simply got off on the wrong foot", because Snape and James hated each other, and Snape was Lily's best friend at the time, despite him sorting into Slytherin.[22] Rowling confirmed this view when asked how Lily and James had fallen in love if Lily hated him.[30] Lupin tells Harry that after James matured, Lily started seeing him in their seventh year.[22] Rowling later echoed Lupin's words, describing it as James having to "[tone] down some of his more 'bombastic' behaviour".[19] They married soon after leaving Hogwarts, with Sirius as best man at their wedding.

The old, pre-Hogwarts friendship between Lily and Snape is fully revealed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsalong with the fact that Snape harboured unrequited romantic feelings for Lily from childhood. Rowling states that while Lily loved Snape as a friend, she might have returned those romantic feelings if Snape had not become so seriously involved in the Dark Arts.[32] Their relationship ends in their fifth year at Hogwarts, when Snape, in his anger and humiliation at being jinxed by James and Sirius, unthinkingly calls Lily a "Mudblood" after she defended him.

After leaving Hogwarts, Snape became a Death Eater and informed Voldemort of half of an overheard prophecy, which Voldemort takes to refer to Lily and her son, Harry. Fearing for Lily's life, Snape joins the Order as a spy for Dumbledore, in exchange for what he hopes will be Dumbledore's protection of Lily. Voldemort offered Lily the chance to step aside before he killed Harry because of Snape's request to spare Lily's life, but Lily refused and Voldemort killed her.[33] The result of her selfless act of love manifested itself two ways: when Voldemort attempted to kill Harry with the Killing Curse the spell backfired, rendering Voldemort non-corporeal. The lingering protection afforded to Harry by Lily's sacrifice rendered Voldemort unable to touch him physically. The second way in which Harry is protected by Lily's sacrifice occurs when Petunia takes Harry in. Dumbledore told Harry that he had extended Lily's protection to Privet Drive because Lily and Petunia are related by blood. This protection ends when Harry comes of age at 17.

Though Harry bears a great resemblance to his father, it is often noted that he has Lily's eyes. Dumbledore has said that Harry's deepest nature is much more similar to his mother's. In a 1999 interview, Rowling stated; "Harry has his father's and mother's good looks. But he has his mother's eyes, and that's very important in a future book".[34] That future book was Deathly Hallows. In Snape's death scene in that novel, after having passed on his memories to Harry, he whispers to Harry: "Look... at... me..." In one of Snape's memories, it is revealed that Dumbledore persuades Snape to protect Harry after Lily's death by mentioning the fact that he has "precisely" the same eyes as his mother. His last words to Harry were simply a desire to see Lily's eyes before he died.

Harry's dead parents are seen five times in the books (not counting their appearances in numerous magical photographs). Firstly in Philosopher's Stone, Harry sees James and Lily in the Mirror of Erised. Secondly during Harry's struggle with Voldemort in Goblet of Fire, they appear momentarily, along with other victims killed by Voldemort's wand. They appear in Snape's memories in both Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallowsand finally in Deathly Hallows when Harry makes his self-sacrificing walk into the Forbidden Forest, determined to let Voldemort kill him without offering resistance, Harry's parents walk at his side and Lily tells him how proud they are of him.

In an interview[35] conducted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rowling revealed that Lily Potter's maiden name, Evans, was based on the real name of the author George Eliot, Mary Anne Evans.

Lily is portrayed by Geraldine Somerville as an adult in the film series, and by Susie Shinner as a teenager and Ellie Darcey-Alden as a child.

Kingsley Shacklebolt[edit]

Kingsley Shacklebolt is a senior Auror who acts as informer for the Order within the Ministry of Magic. He is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwhen he volunteers to be one of the members of the Advance Guard that escorted Harry from the Dursleys' home to Number 12, Grimmauld Place. Kingsley is in charge of the search for Sirius in the Ministry; however, knowing Sirius is innocent, he is supplying the Ministry false information that Sirius is in Tibet. He is present in the scene of the fifth book when Harry is confronted about Dumbledore's Army, after Marietta Edgecombe betrays it to Dolores Umbridge. Kingsley swiftly modifies Marietta's memory, but to avoid suspicion from the Ministry, Dumbledore is forced to hex him too as he flees.

Kingsley takes part in the battle at the Department of Mysteries and appears to be very skilled at dueling as he is seen fighting two Death Eaters at once. However, after Sirius is killed, he continues the duel with Bellatrix Lestrange, during which Kingsley is hit by a spell that causes a "loud bang" and he hits the ground "yelling in pain". In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princethe new Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, appoints Kingsley to the Muggle Prime Minister's office, posing as a secretary, but being the Prime Minister's guard.

It is revealed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that Kingsley is one of the few wizards that the Dursleys seem to like, due to his skill at blending in well with Muggles and his calm, collected demeanour. In that book, Kingsley first appears with other Order members to move Harry from the Dursleys' home to safety in the Burrow. Later in the book, he manages to send a timely warning to Bill and Fleur's wedding using his Patronus, a lynx, when Voldemort overthrows the Ministry of Magic, giving the guests a chance to escape. He continues to guard the Prime Minister but is eventually forced to flee. He later is heard preaching equal rights for Muggles and Wizards on the pirate radio programme "Potterwatch" under the pseudonym "Royal". In the Battle of Hogwarts, he is first seen organizing those who remained to fight. He is later seen dueling an unnamed Death Eater, and ends up dueling Voldemort himself, alongside Minerva McGonagall and Horace Slughorn, but after Bellatrix's death, Voldemort's anger erupts; Kingsley and the two others are defeated (although not killed). Kingsley is appointed temporary Minister for Magic following the death of Voldemort and the deposition of Voldemort's puppet ruler, Pius Thicknesse. However, it was later revealed by Rowling in an interview that Kingsley did become the new Minister permanently, revolutionizing the Ministry itself.[2]

George Harris appeared as Kingsley in the movies Order of the Phoenix and both parts of Deathly Hallows.

Nymphadora Tonks[edit]

Nymphadora Tonks is a Metamorphmagus and an Auror. Her name means "Gift of the Nymphs". She despises her given name and prefers to be called by her surname alone. She is still referred to as "Tonks" by her peers even after her marriage.

She is described as having "a pale heart-shaped face, dark twinkling eyes", and is usually depicted with different hair colours, which she can change at will. Tonks is seen to be notoriously clumsy and unskilled at household spells. Nymphadora is the only daughter of Ted and Andromeda Tonks, the latter being sister to Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy; Nymphadora is therefore Draco Malfoy's first cousin yet she never addresses him as family, alluding to him simply as "the Malfoy boy". Tonks is sorted into Hufflepuff,[36] and graduates from Hogwarts one year before Harry enters, after which she begins three years of Auror training; under Moody's tutelage, she qualifies as an Auror one year before her first appearance in Order of the Phoenix.

Tonks and Kingsley act as spies for the Order in the Ministry. She helps to escort Harry first from the Dursleys' house to Order headquarters, and later to the Hogwarts Express. Tonks later fights the Death Eaters at the Department of Mysteries, in which she is injured by Bellatrix, and has to be taken to St Mungo's. During Half-Blood PrinceTonks is stationed at Hogsmeade and assigned to guard Hogwarts. Harry observes she is constantly depressed and rarely smiles also he sees her hair is a mousy brown instead of its usual bright bubble-gum pink. After Dumbledore's death, it is revealed that Tonks has fallen in love with Lupin, and her Patronus has, as a result, changed to the form of a wolf. Lupin is reluctant to return her affections arguing that he is "too old, too poor, and too dangerous" for her. Because of this, she falls into a depression that disturbs her magical abilities including her ability to change her appearance at will.

However, early in Deathly HallowsTonks announces that she has recently married Remus Lupin. Tonks accompanies twelve Order members to take Harry from the Dursleys' home to The Burrow. She flies with Ron, who impersonates Harry using Polyjuice Potion to throw the Death Eaters off the real Harry's trail. During the aerial battle, Tonks fights Bellatrix again and injures Bellatrix's husband, Rodolphus. Later in the book, Remus reveals Tonks is pregnant. He leaves her for a brief period, believing that he, through their marriage, has caused her to become an outcast and their unborn child would be better off without him, but changes his mind and returns to her side after a heated argument with Harry. In April of the seventh book, Tonks gives birth to Teddy Remus Lupin, named after her father and husband. Towards the end of the book, Tonks and Lupin join the Battle of Hogwarts. During the battle, Tonks is killed by Bellatrix, and Lupin is killed by Antonin Dolohov, leaving Teddy an orphan to be raised by his maternal grandmother, Andromeda.[2] In an interview shortly after the release of Deathly HallowsRowling confessed that she had originally intended for Tonks and Lupin to survive the series ending, but felt that she had to kill them after she spared Arthur Weasley in Order of the Phoenix.[12][13] Tonks' killer, Bellatrix, is in turn killed by Molly.

Natalia Tena played Tonks in the film versions of Order of the PhoenixHalf-Blood Prince and both parts of Deathly Hallows.

Arthur Weasley[edit]

Arthur Weasley is the patriarch of the Weasleys, a family of wizards who is considered "blood traitors" by Death Eaters for their interest in the Muggle world. He is married to Molly Weasley, with whom he has seven children, including Ron, Harry's best friend. During his time at Hogwarts, Arthur belonged to the house of Gryffindor. Arthur is described as being tall and thin, and as having a receding hairline and horn-rimmed glasses. An affable, light-hearted man, he tends not to be the authority figure in the family; his wife Molly handles that area. Arthur works for the Ministry of Magic, initially in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. He is obsessed with learning about Muggle customs and inventions and owns a large collection of mostly Muggle used items. His department lacks funding, and his salary is only just able to provide for a vast family, leaving his family finances precarious.

Mr. Weasley first appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretswhen Harry stays with the Weasley family at The Burrow during the summer before the first term of Hogwarts begins. In this book, Lucius Malfoy tries to discredit Arthur when Harry and Ron are seen flying his enchanted car and by placing Tom Riddle's diary in Ginny's cauldron so that she can open the Chamber of Secrets and take the blame for the attacks on Muggle-borns. However, Lucius fails to fulfill his objective and the diary is destroyed.

At the start of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanArthur wins a large cash prize in a sweepstake and uses it to take the whole family on a holiday to Egypt. After they return, Arthur thinks that Harry should know (what he [Arthur] then believes to be) the truth about Sirius Black. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fireit seems that Arthur does not fully believe the stories of Harry's abuse at the hands of the Dursleys until he witnesses what they think about Harry and the Wizarding world and is stunned to see them so eager to say goodbye to him, before taking him to the Quidditch World Cup. At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixMr. Weasley is a member of the Order and accompanies Harry to his visit to the Ministry. During one of his shifts in the Ministry guarding Sybill Trelawney's prophecy, Voldemort's pet snake Nagini attacks him. Harry, who is mentally connected with Voldemort, manages to see this in a vision and is able to warn the Hogwarts authorities. Arthur is subsequently saved just in time and sent to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, where he fully recovers.[37] Rowling has revealed that in the original draft for Order of the Phoenix she planned to kill Arthur.[38] She changed her mind, however, saying that she could not kill Arthur as he is one of the few good fathers in the series. However, as she "wanted to kill parents", she spared Arthur's life in exchange for Lupin's and Tonks'.[13] In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceArthur has been promoted to Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsArthur is part of the group that moves Harry from Privet Drive for the last time, accompanied by his son Fred who acted as one of the seven Potters. Arthur continues to work in the Ministry but all his movements are tracked. When it is discovered that Ron is travelling with Harry and not sick at home, the Weasleys are forced to hide. Arthur reappears in the Battle of Hogwarts, in which he loses his son Fred, and is joined by Percy Weasley in defeating Pius Thicknesse.

Arthur Weasley appears in every film except the first and is portrayed by Mark Williams.

Bill Weasley[edit]

William Arthur "Bill" Weasley is the eldest born son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. He is described to be "hard-working" and "down-to-earth", but possesses a fondness for "a bit of adventure, a bit of glamour".[39] During his time at Hogwarts, Bill becomes both a prefect and Head Boy, with 12 O.W.L.s to his credit. Later, he works for Gringotts Bank in Egypt as a Curse-Breaker.

He makes his first full appearance in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firewhere he is described as being a good-looking young man, sporting long red hair tied back in a ponytail and a single fang earring. When Fleur spies Bill at Hogwarts as he and Mrs Weasley paid a visit to Harry during the Triwizard Tournament, she eyes him with "great interest". Bill returns to Britain to work with the Order in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He meets Fleur at Gringotts head office in London where she is employed at the time, giving her lessons to improve her English. After a year-long relationship, the couple gets engaged, and Bill brings his fiancée home to get to know his family, who disapprove of her.

Bill fights against the Death Eaters' attack at Hogwarts near the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princewhere he is attacked by werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who disfigures him. As Greyback was in human form at the time of the attack, Bill suffers only partial lycanthropy contamination—permanent scarring of his face, and an acquired liking for very rare beef. Fleur, who regards his wounds as a proud sign of his bravery, is adamant that their wedding proceed as scheduled, impressing Bill's family about the match's strength. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Fleur and Bill take part in getting Harry escorted safely from the Dursleys' house, and they witness Mad-Eye Moody being killed by Voldemort himself, which they announce upon their return to the Burrow. The couple have their wedding there and later provide a safe haven for the trio and several others in their home, Shell Cottage. Both Bill and Fleur were combatants during the Battle of Hogwarts, and both survived the battle. Bill and Fleur later have three children: Victoire, Dominique and Louis.[6]

Richard Fish appeared as Bill briefly in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Domhnall Gleeson, the son of actor Brendan Gleeson (Alastor Moody in the series), plays Bill Weasley in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the roller coaster ride Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley in Universal Studios Florida.

Charlie Weasley[edit]

Charlie Weasley is the second son of Arthur and Molly Weasley and is described as having a build like that of his brothers Fred and George: shorter and stockier than Bill, Percy and Ron. He has a broad, good-natured face, which is slightly weather-beaten and very freckly. His arms are muscly, and one of them has a long shiny burn.

While at Hogwarts, he was a prefect,[40] a Quidditch Captain, and a legendary Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. His skills as a Seeker were so good that it was said, "He could have been capped for England if he hadn't gone off chasing dragons."

After school, Charlie chooses to go to Romania to work with dragons as a Dragon Keeper. At Harry, Ron and Hermione's request, he takes Hagrid's baby dragon, Norbert, an illegally hatched Norwegian Ridgeback, into his care in Harry's first year, and he is part of a team of Dragon Keepers that brings four dragons of different breeds to Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

During the second rise of Voldemort, Charlie's task in the Order is to try to rally support abroad. Charlie returns to the Burrow in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to participate in his brother Bill's wedding as best man. He enters the later part of the Battle of Hogwarts, alongside Horace Slughorn, at the head of reinforcements for the defenders, and survives the battle without serious injury.

He does not marry or have children, since he "preferred dragons to women", according to Rowling.[6]

Alex Crockford appeared briefly as Charlie in the film adaptation of Prisoner of Azkaban.

Molly Weasley[edit]

Molly Weasley (née Prewett)[41] is the wife of Arthur Weasley and the matriarch of the Weasley family. She is the mother of seven children, including Ron Weasley, who becomes Harry Potter's best friend. Molly is born into the pure-blood Prewett family, being the sister of Gideon and Fabian Prewett. The character is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stonewhen she kindly tells Harry how to cross the barrier through to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsshe is furious with Fred, George, and Ron after she discovers that they flew their parents' enchanted car to rescue Harry from his aunt and uncle who had imprisoned him in his room. At the beginning of the school year, Molly sends Ron a Howler, screaming at him in anger that he and Harry flew the family car again, this time to Hogwarts. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanthe Weasleys win the Daily Prophet draw and use the gold on a trip to Egypt to visit Bill. They return to Britain and stay at the Leaky Cauldron with Harry and Hermione. Harry overhears Mr and Mrs Weasley arguing one night about telling Harry the truth about the supposed connection between Sirius Black and Harry; Arthur feels Harry should know the truth but Molly, feeling the truth would terrify him, assures him Harry will be perfectly safe at Hogwarts with Dumbledore's protection, and orders Percy Weasley to keep an eye on Harry at the school.

When Harry arrives at the Burrow in Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireMolly finds out about Fred and George's experimentation with dangerous sweets they were manufacturing and tells them off before leaving for the Quidditch World Cup; however, after the Dark Mark appears over the sky at the World Cup campsite, Molly is upset for yelling at Fred and George, worried that something might have happened to them after she treated them so horribly. Towards the climax of that book, Molly and Bill arrive at Hogwarts to see the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament, acting as family guests to Harry. After the return of Voldemort, Dumbledore asks Molly and Bill to join the Order and fight in the impending Second War. Molly comforts Harry and, for the first time in his life, he has someone to be there for him, like a mother.

Molly and the Weasleys are staying at the Order headquarters, Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwhere she and Sirius fight over how much to tell Harry about the Order's operations. Days later, Molly is found in the drawing room, with a boggart that transforms into her dead family members and Harry, and confesses her nightmares of losing more family members to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceMolly clashes with Bill's fiancée, Fleur Delacour; however, at the end of the novel, when Molly rushes to Hogwarts with her husband and Fleur to tend to her son Bill, who had been ferociously attacked by Fenrir Greyback, Fleur is greatly offended when Molly jumps to the conclusion she will break up with Bill due to his scarring, letting her know in no uncertain terms that his scars are a reminder of the courage that Bill displayed.[42] Fleur and Molly unexpectedly hug and begin to see each other in a much more positive light.

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsMolly and Arthur offer the Burrow as Order headquarters when Grimmauld Place is no longer safe. She feels immensely uncomfortable with the trio's decision to drop out of Hogwarts and initially attempts to dissuade them from doing so. As the novel progresses, the family is forced to head for safety at Auntie Muriel's home. At the end of the book, Molly and her entire family fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. She is devastated by the death of her son Fred and is pushed to the edge when Bellatrix Lestrange almost strikes Ginny with the Killing Curse. Enraged, she engages Bellatrix in an intense duel, killing her with a curse that hits her in the chest.[43] Rowling has stated that the reason she had Molly kill Bellatrix was to show Molly's great powers as a witch and to provide a contrast between Molly's consumption with "maternal love" and Bellatrix's with "obsessive love".[44]

The Chicago Tribune's Courtney Crowder lists Molly Weasley as her favourite literary mother, describing her as the "original Mama Grizzly", citing her many touching moments with Harry as well as the final book in the series, where "her feelings jumped off the page" as testament to her strong personality. Crowder summarises Molly's character as "levelheaded, yet willing to fight, intelligent, welcoming, and above all, extremely loving".[45] In a Mother's Day article Molly was also voted the third greatest celebrity mum by The Flowers and Plants association who see the character as "formidable, practical, creative and resourceful".[46] Bob Smietana of Christianity Today links Molly's defence of Ginny in the final book into a wider theme in the series about the strength of parental love, which he feels to carry considerable emotional weight.[47]Empire listed Molly Weasley 21st on their Top 25 Harry Potter characters.[48] Novelist Stephen King notes that, when Molly calls Bellatrix a "bitch" after she sees the Death Eater trying to kill Ginny was "the most shocking bitch in recent fiction", and that it shows how adult the books had become.[49]

Julie Walters portrays Molly Weasley in every film except Goblet of Firein which her role in the novel is cut out. In 2003, BBC voted her portrayal of Molly as the second-"best screen mother", behind Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich.[50]

  1. ^ The question ("James' Patronus is a stag, and Lily's is a doe, is that a coincidence?") mistakenly refers to James' Patronus as a stag, a fact never mentioned in any of the books or by Rowling. However, Rowling did not correct the mistake. She responded 'No' and merely elaborated that Patronuses can mutate to reflect "the love of one's life...because they so often become the 'happy thought' that generates a Patronus".


  1. ^

  2. ^ a b c d e f "J.K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript". The Leaky Cauldron. 30 July 2007. Retrieved 30 July 2007.

  3. ^ Rowling, J.K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Bloomsbury, London.

  4. ^ The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Two

  5. ^ Milam, Whitney (25 June 2010). "Young Sirius Black cast in Deathly Hallows". Hollywood News. Retrieved 4 October 2010.

  6. ^ a b c J.K.Rowling – A Year in the Life; James Runcie; Independent6 Television (ITV); 2007

  7. ^ Harry Potter Archived 26 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine

  8. ^ Casting confirmation at The Leaky Cauldron

  9. ^ a b J.K.Rowling Official Site, Section: Extra Stuff Archived 21 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine

  10. ^ Order of the Phoenix - Chapter 8 The Hearing

  11. ^ "Spoiler alert! Rowling discusses Harry's fate here". USA Today. 25 July 2007. Retrieved 19 September 2007.

  12. ^ a b Meredith Vieira (29 July 2007). "Harry Potter: The final chapter". MSNBC. Retrieved 30 July 2007.

  13. ^ a b c Brown, Jen (July 29, 2007). "Rowling: I wanted to kill parents – Wild about Harry".

  14. ^ "Exclusive Interview with David Yates". MuggleCast. 29 July 2011. Retrieved 30 July 2011.[permanent dead link]

  15. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2000). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-4624-X/U.S. ISBN 0-439-13959-7., chapter 36

  16. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2003). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-5100-6/U.S. ISBN 0-439-35806-X., chapter 38

  17. ^ ""About the Books: transcript of J.K. Rowling's live interview on",, 16 October 2000". Retrieved 15 September 2007.

  18. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 1-55192-976-7/U.S. ISBN 0-545-01022-5., chapter 5

  19. ^ a b "James Potter". J.K. Rowling and the Final Chapter. MSNBC. Retrieved 7 June 2008.

  20. ^ JK Rowling's World Book Day Chat, 4 March 2004

  21. ^ Rowling, J. K. (1999). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-4215-5/U.S. ISBN 0-439-13635-0., chapter 14

  22. ^ a b c d Rowling, J. K. (2003). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-5100-6/U.S. ISBN 0-439-35806-X., chapter 29

  23. ^ "J. K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall Reveals Dumbledore is Gay; Neville Marries Hannah Abbott, and Much More". The Leaky Cauldron. 19 October 2007. Retrieved 7 February 2008.

  24. ^ Anelli, Melissa; Noe, John; Upton, Sue (17 December 2007). "PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part one". PotterCast No. 130. Accio-Quote. Retrieved 7 February 2008.

  25. ^ "JK's story card: a prequel to Potter". Waterstone's. 12 June 2008. Archived from the original on 14 January 2011.

  26. ^[dead link]

  27. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2005). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-8108-8/U.S. ISBN 0-439-78454-9., chapter 34

  28. ^ Rowling, J. K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-3269-9/U.S. ISBN 0-590-35340-3., chapter 4

  29. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2005). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-8108-8/U.S. ISBN 0-439-78454-9., chapter 4

  30. ^ a b Anelli, Mellisa; Spartz, Emerson (16 July 2005). "The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Three". The Leaky Cauldron. Accio-Quote. Retrieved 7 February 2008.

  31. ^ J.K.Rowling Official Site Archived 16 December 2008 at the Wayback Machine

  32. ^ "J.K. Rowling and the Live Chat,". Accio-Quote. 30 July 2007. Retrieved 7 February 2008.

  33. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 1-55192-976-7/U.S. ISBN 0-545-01022-5., chapter 33

  34. ^ 1999: Accio Quote!, the largest archive of J.K. Rowling interviews on the web Archived 23 June 2009 at the Wayback Machine

  35. ^ Aug 28, 2012: "Daniel Radcliffe talks to J.K. Rowling: EXCLUSIVE VIDEO" Entertainment Weekly

  36. ^ What House was Tonks In?

  37. ^ Jen Brown (25 July 2007). "Stop your sobbing! More Potter to come". MSNBC. Retrieved 25 July 2007.

  38. ^ Deathly Hallows Draft

  39. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2005). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-8108-8/U.S. ISBN 0-439-78454-9., chapter 5

  40. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2003). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-5100-6/U.S. ISBN 0-439-35806-X., chapter 9

  41. ^ "Section: Extra Stuff Some Random Facts About The Weasley Family". Archived from the original on 6 June 2007.

  42. ^ Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (New York: Scholastic, Inc.), 2005, page 623.

  43. ^ "New Interview with J.K. Rowling for Release of Dutch Edition of 'Deathly Hallows'." (18 November 2007). The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 19 November 2007.

  44. ^ Parsons, Ryan (22 October 2007). "Dumbledore Out of the Closet". CanMag. Retrieved 7 June 2011.

  45. ^ Crowder, Courtney (5 June 2011). "Who's your favorite literary mama?". The Chicago Tribune.

  46. ^ "Show your mum how much you love her with a gift of flowers that suits her personality". 24 March 2011. Retrieved 7 May 2011.

  47. ^ Smietana, Bob (23 July 2007). "The Gospel According to J.K. Rowling". Christianity Today. Retrieved 7 May 2011.

  48. ^ "The 25 Greatest Harry Potter Characters". Empire. Retrieved November 2012.

  49. ^ King, Stephen (10 August 2007). "J.K. Rowling's Ministry of Magic". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 2014.

  50. ^ "Brockovich is 'best screen mother'". BBC News. 20 August 2003. Retrieved 7 May 2011.

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